托福口语高分从细节开始托福口语高分从细节开始, 合理替换常用词提升文章语言质量,今天小编给大家带来了托福口语高分从细节开始 ,希望能够帮助到大家在托福口语中拿高分,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语高分从细节开始 合理替换常用词提升文章语言质量托福口语替换用词细节:转折不用But用Though我们在练习托福口语的时候,遇到转折,我们习惯性的选择but,难免有些千篇一律,给大家点建议,当你想表达转折语气的时候不妨忍一下,在句子后面加个though,你要表达的立马瞬间就不一样了!举个例子:Our team lost. It was a good game, though.Middle-aged people like to cook at home, young adults are a bitdifferent, though.这种用法是我们考试时候用的比较少,却非常地道的一种用法。是不是比通篇的but!but!but!要好很多呢?假如能运用在托福口语考试中,这绝对是一个加分项!托福口语替换用词细节:用Tend to代替Most of当你想说most of的时候,不妨改口成tend to,这样一来,是不是会显示你的词汇量比较多呢?举个例子:Most Chinese people cook at home instead of dining out. 就可以说成Chinese people tend to cook at home instead of dining out.Tend to能代替被大家overuse的most of/themajority of效果绝对是杠杠的!托福口语替换用词细节:减少Very使用次数在托福口语答案里面,要有意识的尽可能抛弃very,一种方法是用pretty替代,另一种就直接用个更高级的形容词。举个例子:That performance was pretty impressive.Im pretty sure about that.还有instead of saying “very angry”, you can use the word “furious”。同理,如果我们想表达a little + adj.,也可以找到相应的更传神的形容词,例如:tipsy = a little drunk,考生们在用词上尽量准确,减少对very和little的使用次数!新托福口语TASK6解析:无纸办公室讲座要点总结这是一篇商业学讲座,它围绕无纸办公室(paperless office)的两个优劣展开话题。第一,无纸办公室可以帮助缩减租用的办公室空间(cut back on the amount of office space they rent),以此来省钱。之前,纸质文献需要放在成排的档案柜里,占据了大量空间。但是现在,成千上万的电子文件可以储存在硬盘里,只占用了一点儿空间,避免了花大钱租用办公室。例如,教授的妹妹在一家律师事务所上班,需要保存所有客户的档案。现在,无纸办公室帮助他们规避了在写字楼租用多余的空间,省了一大笔钱。第二,无纸办公室帮助员工更容易更快速地找到所需信息(access all information they need more easily and quickly)。之前,如果找一份纸质档案,员工需要走到档案柜,打开多个抽屉,挨个查看直到找到所需的文件,再走回办公桌。但是现在,员工会更容易更快速地找到所需的资料。例如,教授妹妹的办公室以电子形式储存文件,当客户打电话询问问题时,员工可以在电脑上查找文件,并快速在电话上回答问题。讲座词汇总结paperless office 无纸办公室;cut 缩减;space 空间;law firm 律师事务所;file 文件;client 客户;paper document 纸质文献;employee 员工;filing cabinet 档案柜;drawer 抽屉;rent 租用;store 储存;extra 额外的;save money 省钱;office building 办公楼新托福口语题目及范文:发信息和打电话你更喜欢哪个新托福口语题目Task2Sending text messages or making phone calls, which one do you prefer? And why?新托福口语范文:Well I will prefer to make phones calls. Coz first, it helps to avoid misunderstanding. As we all know, sometimes, using different tones can convey different intonation even if the words are the same, which is always missing in text messages, so by making phone calls, we can perceive more accurately about each others feelings and intentions; second, making phone calls is more efficient, text messages could be fun, but it takes time to make a good one like to choose and add some emoji. Plus, typing in, sending out and waiting for the reply could be time wasting.新托福口语题目及范文:国际学生适合的活动项目新托福口语题目Task1吀栀攀 international student office is planning to hold a social event, which of the following do you think is the best? Why?International food festivalInternational film festivalInternational music festival新托福口语范文: I will definitely choose to hold an international music festival coz first we are under a substantial amount of academic pressure everyday, like, each one of us has to deal with endless presentations, group discussions, experiments or paper writings, so we really need to unwind and blow off steam; a music festival can provide the needed relaxation for us; second, music is magical, which can not only help us to replenish energy, but spark imagination and creativity; plus, an international music festival can help us to broaden our knowledge scope on different music genres, and we will have the opportunity to appreciate different music styles in a better way.托福口语素材:爬梯Party Planning选择美国中部大学的同学会很快会明白什么叫荒凉。虽然置身于大农村,在美国留学的时候,还是要学会找乐子。其实和美国同学社交确实是真正融入美国文化的第一步。然而空旷的中西部大学城里少有丰富的餐馆,影院或者其他娱乐场所,大多数美国学生的夜生活基本就是Party这一种。不过 Party并不一定等于烂醉,很多不喜欢喝酒的朋友也能很好的参与进来,其实就是一个场合大家聚在一起。我大部分美国朋友都是做Orientation Program Assistant的期间结交的。Orientation是新生必须参加的了解学校的项目,大部分活动都在白天,晚上就跟一起工作的小伙伴约着出去玩。那段时间认识了好多party goer,也去了一场我在北美的时间里印象最深的趴。好的party 往往在之前要有很多的planning才能保证营造一个安全有趣的环境。好像那天是一个周五而且我们第二天不用上班,从早上开始同事们就开始躁动。当时一个喜欢组织活动的女生Lucille把大家拉到一边问:“You guys have plans for tonight? I am definitely throwing a party at my place. Everybody in?” 结果大家纷纷响应了号召。只有另一个女生本来打算晚上跟男朋友去酒吧(go out),我们开始一起怂恿她,最后她还是被说服了 “Fine, I guess Ill just get wasted with Yall then”。大概20多号人晚上下班打算去Lucille的House Party。下班前,大家碰了个头。Lucille 问“Whos driving tonight, cuz Im not”。大家都大笑,显然大家都不愿意开车,美国大学村里交通落后,没公交,来Party的人(尤其是醉的)全靠开车的同学接送。最后两个不打算沾酒的同学成为了“志愿者”。“Anyone want to pre-game at my condo later?” 一个叫Charlie的白人小哥在下班回去的路上问大家。Pre game指的是在正式的聚会之前先和几个人小范围聚一聚的这种场合。他说: “Lets try to get in the mood before the show starts”.另一个哥们说“nahI feel like I would go beyond just getting in the mood, I dont want to show up being stoned already. Hahaha”. Charlie回“Okay, haha, good point, see ya at Lucilles then”.后来Party很成功,大家玩得很尽兴。后面一周上班大家基本上都在聊那天晚上一起开趴的事情,其实也是一种和彼此建立感情的媒介。托福独立口语快速提炼观点技巧实例讲解 今天小编给大家带来了托福独立口语快速提炼观点技巧实例讲解,希望能够帮助到大家在托 第 8 页 共 8 页