英语高中生杰出作文例文5篇2020高中生一提到英语写作,就有不少同学感到困恼,要么无从下笔,要么乱写一番,什么结构思路都很不清晰,内容选择也脱离主题。所以导致最终结果就是写作的总体得分。下文是小编为你精心编辑整理的英语高中生杰出作文例文5篇,希望对你有所帮助,更多内容,请点击相关栏目查看,谢谢!英语高中生杰出作文例文1Today, as I had nothing to do, so I opened my computer and found a movie to watch. I thought about the movie that my friend asked me to watch, it was called 13 Is Going on 30. The story told about a 13 years old girl wanted to be a woman, so that she could have the beautiful face and perfect body shape. She wanted to date any handsome guy she liked. Then the magical thing happened, she became 30 and she got everything. But she felt lost, because her life was totally messed. I had the same feeling with the girl when I was at her age, I wanted to grow up quickly. But now, when I look at that age, I think it is better to cherish what I had at that time. Every stage of life has its happiness, so there is no need to skip the stage.英语高中生杰出作文例文2If you are a fan of tennis match, then the name Serena Williams will not be forgotten. Serena William is the best female tennis player now, though she is more than 30, she is still competitive. Everybody knows Mariah Sharapova who has the beautiful face and the perfect body shape, while Serena is unlike her, she is not pretty and has muscle. Serena has a successful tennis career, she started her tennis career at the early age with her sister. Both of them won many championships, but as the time went by, they suffered from illness, which made them stopped to play tennis once. But Serena went back to play and became the top player again. Serena inspires so many people who want to give up, she improves that if we have the strong faith, we can achieve our goals.英语高中生杰出作文例文3In China, there is an old saying that ones hair and skin is given by his parents, so there no right for him to change his skin. But as the development of the high technology, more and more people choose to take the plastic surgery to make them look more perfect. Many years ago, plastic surgery was very popular in Korea, as the influence of the Korean TV series, Chinese people start to accept the plastic surgery. Though people can make themselves look more beautiful, I dont support for the plastic surgery. People will hurt themselves, they dont know the risk that they may face. Whats more, after the surgery, there is always side effect, which hunts people all the time. For the normal people, there is no need to change their faces, the real beauty is from the soul, while the surgery cant change the peoples soul.英语高中生杰出作文例文4Early in the morning, I opened my computer and read the news. There was the news about a driver had the heart disease attack when he was driving the bus, there were more than 40 people in the bus. The driver stopped the bus off the road and then stopped his breath. I was so touched by the driver, in the emergency situation, he considered the passengers lives in the first place. It is his sense of responsibility that makes him to do it. The driver sets the good example to the public, he shows the importance of responsibility. No matter what we do, we should not forget about taking our responsibility. If people dont take their own responsibility, then things will be out of order, the world will be in the mess. Responsibility always comes first.英语高中生杰出作文例文5Today was Saturday, early in the morning, I woke up and stayed at home the whole morning to watch TV. After finishing my lunch, I had nothing to do, so I decided to call my friends out. I headed to the coffee shop which was near a square. There were a lot of people in the square, some women were dancing and singing, while some men were taking the chess. I walked into the coffee shop, chose a table which was near the window, so that I could see the outside scenery. When my friends came, we talked happily, we shared the things that happened during these days. Then all my pressure was relieved, I forgot about the annoyance on my study. At that moment, I was enjoying the time talking with my friends. I had the great time this afternoon.英语高中生杰出作文例文5篇相关文章: 高一英语杰出作文范文5篇2020 高二英语杰出作文范文5篇2020 高中生优秀作文例文大全5篇 历年高考英语优秀作文五篇精选 高考英语优秀作文5篇集锦 高考英语满分作文范文五篇精选 高考英语满分作文精选五篇范文 高考杰出满分作文范文5篇2020 高二学生英语满分作文5篇 杰出高考满分作文范文5篇20202021年天津高考卷英语作文 英语试卷中,英语作文就是一道压轴题,也是最难的一道题目。想要写好英语作文还要下点 有关运动的高考英语作文带翻译 运动是一种良好的消遣活动。当我们无聊时候,我们可以用运动来消遣,使心情愉快消除压 天津市高考英语满分作文 英语作文素材是高考备考写作中必备的,想要提高英语成绩的关键是提高英语作文写作水平 2021山东高考英语试题作文 高考有些地方的试卷可能会不一样,你想知道今年山东卷有哪些高考英语作文吗?下面小编 第 7 页 共 7 页