雅思口语考试时当考官发现你在背模板如何应对雅思口语考试时当考官发现你在背模板,怎么办?小编今天给大家带来了雅思口语考试时当考官发现你在背模板,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语考试时当考官发现你在背模板其实在严肃的考试中你的下意识小动作就会暴露你的那些 小心机 ,也恰好反应了你在平时准备口语过程中存在的问题,那么考官到底是如何发现你在背模板呢?先来看几个情景,如果你能对号入座的话,那么恭喜你,相信你已经找到答案了!情景一:part 2说的巨溜,part 3画风突变。考官内心OS:小样儿,我临时编个part3的题你总没法背了吧情景二:不敢直视考官清澈的双眸,眼神不定,自顾自说考官内心OS:一个大活人坐在你对面,没有眼神交汇怎么能叫交流呢?其实你看着我说我就给你加0.5分了.真的?情景三:答案不切题,没听懂问题还自己说自己的考官内心OS:这孩子,没听懂可以再问我一遍啊!情景四:语调语速过于机械化,缺少抑扬顿挫考官内心OS:这娃让我想起我高中背文言文,不对,是背莎翁的时候.嗯?情景五:词汇不错,但总是出现基本语法错误考官内心OS:嗯,水平不搭调,不搭调)情景六: 表述不连贯,突然补充一个背过的词或表达考官内心OS:这.自己给自己加戏啊看到没?我们的小伎俩在一个经过专业培训考官的面前是无处盾形的,所以呀,千万不要耍小聪明,不然可能会适得其反。但即便如此也不意味着我们就不需要准备,雅思口语考试单纯依靠临场发挥,当然这个也是非常不可取的!那么,考生在雅思口语考场上应该如何表现?归根结底就是要做一个充分准备的即兴演讲。在考雅思口语的时候,你脑海中要浮现的就是自己准备好的雅思口语素材和记下的词语搭配,而不是一个个句子。不知道大家有没有发现,就算你是有所准备的,在考场上因为自己的发挥及各种原因,临场说出的句子也会跟准备的略有出入。因为口语考试其实就是一个即兴演讲,意识到这一点,你就可以明白备考的重心其实就是如何在有准备的前提下提升即兴演讲的能力。这个也回答了,即便准备的素材大同小异,但是每位考生的呈现方式语言魅力不同,出来的效果也是大相径庭。那么,该如何提升这样的一个技能:一.主动,自然,流利的口语作为考生,主动,自信,地道的交流才是王道!在part1 ,考生切忌不要只给考官“yes”或“no”的回答。考生只有在连续用英文回答的前提才能使雅思考官对其英语的驾驭能力进行评估打分。 但凡是有个界限,一旦被问到自己准备过的话题时,也不要像背台词一样说个没完。要把准备过的内容自然,不露痕迹,浑然一体表达出来。这个就要求考生对自己的素材要很熟悉。考生可以用自己手机录音去记录练习到。二.正确的眼神交流在交流中,除了自然熟练地表达,眼神交流也非常重要。人们常说“眼睛会说话”的确如此,眼睛会,而且说得非常好。所以无论考生的内心中有什么状况,眼睛第一个反映出来。通过和考官正确的眼神交流,考官会更清楚考生想要表达什么。三.无形的心理交流考生最好是能够从考官眼神中读出她/他对这个话题感兴趣的程度,然后自然的把考官引向自己熟练或者提前准备好的话题上。毋庸置疑,掌握考官的心理,考官自然会有兴致和你聊天,否则,口语考试就会变成一问一答“纯官方考试”,里面自然少了一个感情分。不依赖模板,灵活应用,注重平时的素材积累,另外在平时要勤加练习考试的时候,就是你即兴演讲的一个舞台!最后,祝大家早日打破雅思口语5.5分的魔咒,顺利上岸哦最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:helpful person in work or studyWho the person isWhat kind of personHow this person help youWhy do you think this person is helpful参考范文:The person Id like to talk about is Davy. He helped me a lot when I was studying in the university. Both of us majored in Math, and he was also my classmate.He was tall, hmm, around 1.79metres. He did know he had some advantages. He joined the school team to play basketball as a forward. I watched several matches he was in, and all of our classmates would root for him. He always got good scores.Though hes awesome, in other aspects too, he s really humble, for he never showed off his skills no matter how good he was at it. I quite appreciated that. He had a good command of computer stuff, and to me, it saved my life at some moments. Once I was staying up late for my graduation paper, but I dont know why somehow my laptop just broke down. I mean, it suddenly turned off, and it must go wrong for I couldnt start it. I was driven to mad. What if I lost all my files, especially my paper? I have to finish it in a day. Tomorrow is the deadline to hand it in. I felt like it was a doomsday for me. Then, it dawned on me, Davy! Davy is a computer geek. Maybe he can solve it! I couldnt wait one more second and rang him. Thanks god, he answered the phone. After listening to my “heartbroken” story, he said he would like to help. Then we decided to meet in the library at 6.00, the opening time of the library. With his efforts for almost two hours, my laptop could work again. The luckiest thing was all my files were good. Saying thank you, I grabbed my laptop and rushed back to my dorm to go on. Everything went well, and I handed in my paper in time.We would always support each other whenever help is needed. I think we are really good friends.若干高分词汇:good samaritan spiritlend a (helping)handoffer to helpdon t seem to helphelp sb out最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:famous person you are interested inYou should sayWho is this personWhat is their specialtyWhy do you admire him参考范文:In my to-meet list, there are so many well respected celebrities whom I am desired to meet and spend time with. However, I would like to share about Pele, who is nicknamed as the greatest soccer player around the Globe.Initially, I really need to kick off with the point that Pele was just seventeen when he first played in World Cup in Sweden of 1958 for Brazil. Despite his very young age, he was selected for the national team participating one of the biggest sport competition on the planet. Back then, he was not the star player but when his teammate was hurt, Pele went into the game. He immediately scored goal and Brazil won the World Cup. By his amazing aptitudes and skills, Pele was feared by other teams. The Brazilian government even named him as a national treasure. It is not doubtful to say that Pele is one of the biggest factors making Brazils soccer so well known. His last World Cup was in Mexico in 1970. Brazil scored 4 goals against Italy to win the World Cup for the third time. Another point that I would like to share is that Pele owns an admirable career that every soccer players crave for. Pele holds many soccer records such as having over 1000 goals in his career. He was nominated athlete of the Century in 1980 and became a member of a soccer Hall of Fame in 1993.Although hes now retired from professional competition, Pele is still considered as a great inspiration for soccer players and lovers.最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:a new friend youve made recentlyYou should say:Who the person isHow you met this personWhat kind of person he/she isAnd explain why you made friend with this person参考范文:As an extroverted person, I enjoy making friends and getting to know new people. Just recently, Ive made a new friend who is a very interesting guy.The person is Richard, an exchange student from the US. We are at the same age, and both crazy about doing sports. He has a very foreign face to me, with a tall noise and a pair of deep blue eyes. Whats interesting is that he likes to change his hairstyle frequently. He even had a Mohawk haircut, which was so cool.I met him on the first day when he came to the class. I heard that there was an exchange student coming to the class, and I was sitting right behind him in that class. His Chinese was pretty poor at that time, so I communicated with him in English. Of course, my English wasnt fluent at all, but he was very patient and polite, and could understand what I meant.Since then, weve spent some together. I would say Richard is a guy of nice personality. Hes very positive. I dont know how he is able to do that, but whenever I feel low, he can encourage me to look on the bright side. He can always see some positive perspective in everything. Also he is very curious. He keeps asking me what this is and what that is. He never feels tired.I think he is a very good friend because first of all, we share some common hobbies, like sports. We play football together, and our friendship becomes better in the game. Also, hes helped me a lot with my English. Im very grateful to his help.最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:an interesting neighbourWho this person isHow you know this personWhat this person likes to doAnd explain why you think this neighbor is interesting.参考范文:I live in Stuttgart in Germany and accompany my parents in a medium-size apartment. I have a neighbour named Mr. Adalric who lives in the next door of us.Mr. Adalric is a highly extrovert man with the look of an adventurer. He is around six feet in height and loves to be casual always in his attires. I have never seen him wearing any formal clothes even when he attends his office. But he is cautious about his hair and regularly combs them with a small hair comb which he keeps always in his pocket. Moreover, Mr. Adalric is fond of kids as he does not have any kid. However, he is a jolly person with a deep voice and helpful too in many aspects.I like Mr. Adalric much for his benevolence behaviour and his extrovert nature. He likes meeting newer people and most of the time I see him talking with people whom he has never met before and once he told me that it is a hobby for him to get familiar with the unfamiliar people in his surroundings. Besides, he is the person who understands the almost every situation and comes to offer help without any conditions. He has helped me too in some of the situations and particularly in my study. Whenever he comes to visit us, he asks about my study and if I am in trouble with any of my subjects, especially English, he provides me the directives to study and in some cases makes the texts and issues clear to me.I do not have any specific time to meet with Mr. Adalric. Since he lives on the same floor with us, I meet him whenever I am in need, particularly to understand my studies. He is available in his home after the evening and full days in the holidays. So, I do not need to make any appointment or to follow a calendar to meet him. Further, he frequently visits our apartment whenever he needs to take a cup of coffee or any other soft beverages since his health conscious wife does not like him to take the beverages. As a result, I meet him almost every day of the week and enjoy great moments with him.Mr. Adalric is truly an adorably interesting neighbour. Being an extrovert, he inquires about the problems of the people and supports them after his ability. But sometimes he feels shy when he fails to help the vulnerable and I have seen him apologising carefully to the people whom he could not help for his inability. He also takes as much care as possible to his neighbors and after that scheme he teaches me sometimes with my tough subjects like general math, biological science and English. I am grateful to him for his unconditional support. Moreover, he sends birthday wishes to all of his neighbors and he also has wished me in my last birth day and presented me a nice binocular. He is a perfect neighbor I have ever seen.雅思口语考试时当考官发现你在背模板如何应对相关文章: 雅思口语考官为什么打断考试 雅思8分获得者的口语考官经验雅思八月复考:那些关于雅思口语考试不得不 除了出国留学,雅思居然还有这么多用处?今天小编给大家带来雅思的作用,希望能够帮助 8月雅思考试再新增考次_部分城市因疫情变化 8月雅思考试再新增考次!部分城市因疫情变化被迫取消!今天小编给大家带来8月雅思考试再 取消北京语言大学2020年8月雅思考试的通知 雅思真人考官对话又回来了!今天小编给大家带来最新消息:雅思真人考官对话又回来了, 最新消息:雅思真人考官对话又回来了 雅思真人考官对话又回来了!今天小编给大家带来最新消息:雅思真人考官对话又回来了, 第 14 页 共 14 页