雅思写作7分攻略雅思写作7分攻略,这3点是关键?你都有了解了吗?小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思写作7分攻略 这3点是关键词汇的转变:词汇量与灵活性的双重升级词汇升级包括升级词汇的广度和深度。其中前者较好理解,简单地说就是词汇量越大越好,特别是在写作中需要表达同样或者相似意思的时候,如果能够做到多变不重复,那肯定会给阅卷者留下深刻的印象。比如“重要的/主要的/必要的”这个意思,几乎每篇雅思作文中都需要用到,一个important用到底和crucial,paramount,indispensable换着用的差异性是显而易见的。而所说的深度,雅思官方评分标准中对该水平的描述为 “use less common lexical items”。记住,“大白菜”词汇只能拿到“大白菜”分数。试着用sub-standard替换poor-quality,source替换reason,typically替换usually。分数一定会较一般词汇作文高一些。另外,词汇的灵活运用也是深度的一种体现。比如表达“科技给我们带来好处”,既可以说Technology brings us benefits. 也可以说Technology benefits us.还可以说We benefit from technology. 又可以说Technology is beneficial to us. 而We are the beneficiaries of technology.也是一种表达。 benefit这个词的灵活运用充分体现了对词汇的理解和运用能力。句型的转变:华丽的长句不一定就那么复杂在雅思写作的句型方面,一直存在一个误区,就是很多考生认为句型越复杂越长越好。其实不然,姑且撇开写又长又复杂的句子很容易出错不说,单是从语言的流畅性和阅卷者思路的延续性角度来看,这样的表达很可能不但不能给文章加分,反而会弄巧成拙,由于冗长不地道而被扣分。句型的转变思路是指句型的变化以及对地道句型表达的模仿和借鉴。比如在探讨现代家庭关系疏远话题的文章中,一种表达是So it is not surprising that they do not feel close to their families.另一种表达是Little wonder, then, that they feel alienated from their families. 毋庸置疑,后一种表达更能吸引考官的眼球。这种句型上的变化从何而来,并非主观臆想,而是通过大量阅读和模仿原版英文材料的写作手法而来。对于雅思考生来说,如果时间有限,资源有限,那么剑桥系列中写作部分的考官范文和阅读部分的文章就是最好的材料了。切记,句子不要死记硬背,要透彻地分析句子的结构与词汇运用,找到其中的规律,就可以利用到不同的话题中去。内容的转变:好作文都是个完美的故事雅思是标准化考试,7分以上的作文,只要言之有理、言之有物,即可轻松达到。而并非要求考生所写的内容标新立异,独树一帜。但并不是说,雅思作文内容就不重要了,而是考官会更关注内容的相关性和内容展开的逻辑性。有些考生很有想法,一写文章就洋洋洒洒一大片,这是好事,但是雅思这种考场作文在时间和字数上的限制决定了考生必须写和话题以及个人观点有最直接关系的内容,不然就会出现偏题或者论证重点不够突出等现象。另一方面,在论证过程中,前因后果必须明确点明,同时运用举例、对比、反证等多种论证方法充分证实观点和主题。在广泛阅读英文材料和优秀范文,积累写作素材的同时,最好也能阅读国外关于大学论文写作的原版书籍资料,了解英语母语国家的文章内容构架习惯和常用的论证手段,毕竟雅思作文实际上就是国外大学论文的缩小版,高屋建瓴定会游刃有余。以上就是雅思写作7分攻略 这3点是关键的全部内容,7分雅思写作对比与6分雅思写作,会更多地注重行文的丰富性,包括用词,句型,以及叙述上的。所以,写作目标为7分的同学,可以先攻克写作6分的基础目标,将文章写得有条理,结构清晰,然后在此基础上增加丰富性。2019年1月5曰雅思A类大作文高分范文 心理因素和身体因素哪一个对于体育的成功更重要2019年1月5日的雅思大作文话题有关社会文化,题目是心理因素和身体因素,哪一个对于体育的成功更重要?In many countries women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first months after the birth of their baby. Do advantages outweigh its disadvantages?本期范文来自雅思哥。雅思大作文范文:The relative importance of physique level and mental status is a frequent topic of discussion when people try to determine the possibility of achieving success in sports. personally, I that believe both of these two factors are of great importance for any athletes.当人们试图确定在体育运动中取得成功的可能性时,体格水平和心理状态的相对重要性是一个经常讨论的话题。就我个人而言,我认为这两个因素对任何运动员都是非常重要的。Obviously, modern sports system is based on the foundation that all the participants should have basic capability, that people without related skills can never face the challenges. So from our own sports experience, we can find plenty of evidence to support the view that a good physical condition is necessary for succeeding in sports. After all, no one would expect an overweighed individual to win a Marathon, unless he or she is against his fallows.显然,现代体育制度的基础是所有的参与者都应该有基本的能力,没有相关技能的人永远不能面对挑战。因此,从我们自己的体育经验中,我们可以找到大量的证据来支持这一观点,即良好的身体条件是成功的体育所必需的。毕竟,没有人会指望一个体重超标的人能赢得马拉松比赛,除非他或她是在和自己的身体对抗。However, to admit the importance of having a good body does not naturally mean a good mental status is not as important. Actually, we can see many not-so-successful athletes are with impeccable fitness and strengthit is the ability of communication, cooperation, and facing difficulties that separates those extraordinaries from the public. In other words, the greatest athletes are supported by the entire team, which never only comes from a perfect body.然而,承认身体健康的重要性并不意味着良好的精神状态就不那么重要了。事实上,我们可以看到许多不太成功的运动员有着无可挑剔的健康和力量正是这种沟通、合作和面对困难的能力将这些杰出的运动员与公众区分开来。换句话说,最伟大的运动员得到了整个团队的支持,而这种支持并不仅仅来自于一个完美的身体。I personally think that physical conditions do value considerably in pursuing success in the sport fields. Such factors can give people advantages in play: to run faster, to jump higher, sometimes even to go against physical laws. But, as many other things, physical conditions and mental status are not mutually exclusive. The value of the greatest athletes who can bring victory in critical situations shines when he or she is able to inspire, to stimulate, and to encourage the whole team, as history has shown repetitively.我个人认为,在运动场上追求成功,身体条件确实很重要。这些因素可以给人们带来优势:跑得更快,跳得更高,有时甚至违反物理定律。但是,和许多其他事情一样,身体状况和精神状态并不是相互排斥的。历史一再证明,在危急时刻能够取得胜利的最伟大运动员,当他或她能够激励、激励和鼓励整个团队时,他们的价值就会闪耀出来。In conclusion, I agree that good shape of body is the foundation of succeeding in sports, but to secure that victory, mental strength is required.总之,我同意良好的体型是在运动中取得成功的基础,但要想取得胜利,就需要精神力量。2019年1月5曰雅思写作大作文 社会文化类2019年1月5日的雅思大作文题目为:Some people argue that the fittest and strongest individuals and teams can achieve the greatest success in sports. But other people think the success is much related to the mental attitude. Discuss both views and give your opinion.本期范文来自网络,本题讨论你对体育成功的看法,是心理素质更重要还是身体素质更重要。大作文范文Some people argue that the fittest and strongest individuals and teams can achieve the greatest success in sports. But other people think the success is much related to the mental attitude. Discuss both views and give your opinion.一些人认为,最健康和最强大的个人和团队可以在体育运动中取得最大的成功。但其他人认为成功与心态有很大关系。讨论两种观点并给出你的观点。While some might argue that physical fitness is essential in achieving the greatest success in sports, I believe that a positive mental attitude is the key.虽然有些人可能会说身体健康是在体育运动中取得最大成功的关键,但我相信积极的心态是关键。Professional athletes devote hours to conditioning, honing skills and per fecting techniques for their particular sports. It is true that physical training can take an athlete far, but developing a positive mental attitude can give athletes an edge that helps them excel职业运动员花数小时为他们的特殊运动进行调理、磨练技能和选择技术。诚然,体育锻炼可以让运动员走得更远,但培养积极的心态可以给运动员带来优势,帮助他们脱颖而出Almost all serious athletes acknowledge that mental skill training plays a more important role in their overall preparation and delivery of a great per formance. Top athletes and sports people refer to positive mental visualisa tion to help them achieve success. They picture themselves lifting a trophy or finishing a race in front of everyone else and use that mental imagery to spur them on when times get tough. They believe that they can control the way of their performance when they control their thinking/When negative thoughts are allwed to creep in, then self-confidence is eroded and mis takes occur. Tennis players are a terrific example of the power of positive thinking/For them positive body language can intimidate an opponent into feeling negative and making unforced errors. Even when a player is match point down if they are mentally strong and still believe they can win the match, it often happens. Positive thoughts can be empowering while nega tive thoughts can be limiting and debilitating to performance.几乎所有严肃的运动员都承认,心理技能训练在他们的全面准备和出色表现中发挥着更重要的作用。优秀的运动员和运动员是指帮助他们取得成功的积极的心理想象。他们想象自己在众人面前举起奖杯或完成比赛,并利用这种心理意象在艰难时刻激励自己。他们相信,当他们控制自己的想法/当消极的想法全部潜入时,他们可以控制自己的表现方式,然后自信就会被侵蚀,错误就会发生。网球运动员就是一个极好的例子,说明了积极思考的力量。即使当一名球员在比赛点上落后时,如果他们的精神状态很好,并且仍然相信自己能够赢得比赛,这种情况经常发生。积极的想法可以增强力量,而消极的想法会限制和削弱表现。Great results in sports come from a combination of real physical training and sound mental training, but a wining mindset usually distinguish those greatest athletes and teams from others. That is because a positive mental attitude can certainly get athletes through the pain barrier as well as moti vate them to stay on course for success.体育运动的伟大成就来自于真正的体育锻炼和良好的心理训练的结合,但是获胜的心态通常会使那些最伟大的运动员和球队与众不同。这是因为积极的心态肯定能让运动员克服痛苦的障碍,也能帮助他们坚持成功的道路。雅思调查问卷式图表作文模版和写作思路雅思A类小作文里有一类特殊的图表,笔者把它们称作“调查问卷式”图表。这类图表的形式可以是柱图、线图、饼图或表格,但它们的共同特点是数据来源于针对一部分人群所做的调查问卷,数据的体现是对调查问卷问题回答的统计。此类题型从图表特征分析的角度来说与一般的传统题型没有什么太大的区别,我们同样必须关注数据的趋势、总数、极值、数据比较等。但是从语言上说,此类图表具有其独特的词汇和句式。一些基础不是很扎实的学生,如果不对这些词汇句式做专门的关注与练习,考试时很可能会答非所问甚至跑题。本文中,将对这些调查问卷式图表作文常用的词汇句式做一些总结。一、调查问卷式图表的特征(1)以抽样调查的形式反映社会全体人群的想法调查问卷式图表一般都是针对一个抽样群体(a sample)做问卷调查(questionnaire)或访问(interview),涉及的调查问题一般是关于对某种事物的喜好程度、重要性认识或对某类事件发生原因的个人意见。被进行问卷调查或访问的群体的回答被认为代表了社会全体人群对这些问题的看法和意见。(2)图表内的数据是以抽样群体的人数作为计数基础调查问卷式图表的数据一般是以“人数”或者“人数百分比”作为形式体现。如果是前者,那么必须注意,这些人数的计数基础是被调查人群,不能理解为全体社会人群中有同样数量的人。如果是后者,那么因为抽样人群被认为具有代表性,数据也可以适用于社会全体人群。下面以一个表格题的局部作为例子:The chart below shows the results of a survey, which sampled a cross-section of 100,000 people, asking if they traveled abroadVisits abroad by UK residents by purpose of visit (199498)该图表中的数据形式是“人数”,但必须注意这个人数的计数基础是抽样的100,000人,而不是全体人群。举15246这个数据为例,严格说来, “15246 people traveled for holiday in 1994.”这样的句子是错误的,因为15246不能代表全体人群的数据。二、调查问卷式图表的典型词汇和句式和“调查”有关的词汇:survey / interview / questionnaire调查问卷显示的结果一般可以表达为:result of / response to a survey / questionnaire被抽样调查的人群可以称为“样本”sample被问卷调查或访问的个体可以被称为:the people interviewed, 或respondent引出数据的动词:此类词汇是调查问卷式图表作文的重点,因为此类图表的数据反映的是在一个抽样人群种有多少人或多少百分比的人对调查问卷的问题有着某种回答,所以关键的一个动词就是“回答”。所以和“回答”有关的词汇要在此类图表作文中反复出现,现总结如下:answer 15246 people out of the sample answered that holiday was their main purpose of traveling.在这样的句子里answer还可以被如下动词所替代:say, feel, mention, think, consider另外,还有一些动词可以以被动语态的形式出现:rate: Drinks and meals are rated number one (the most important consideration) by 26% of the younger women.choose: Entertainment is chosen by 14% of the younger people as the most important consideration when taking the flight.cite: Two other factors, driving when tired and driving too close to the vehicle in front, were cited by 44% and 36% of respondents respectively.最后,还有一些名词词组也经常被使用,比如:approval / disapproval rating:The disapproval rating for mobile phones is higher among females than among males.The “. replyThe “no” reply makes up just under 30% in answer to this question.三、总结和相关练习调查问卷式的图表作文在真实考试中也屡次出现,这类题目本身并不难,关键是要熟悉常用的词汇和句式,这样数据的引用才能准确无误。在最后附上一些调查问卷式考题作为补充学习资料。以上就是雅思调查问卷式图表作文模版和写作思路的内容。雅思小作文是非常讲究逻辑和行文易懂通畅性的。运用模板的好处就在于它可以用固定句型帮考官理清你作文中段与段,句子与句子间的关系,让作文的逻辑性更强。但是要注意的是,模板只能起到画龙点睛或锦上添花的作用,真正的作文基础还要我们自己去打牢。雅思写作7分攻略 相关文章: 实用雅思阅读提升方法 雅思阅读机经无用论 雅思口语7分有多难 雅思A类阅读常见误区 雅思阅读新变化之段落标记题 雅思A类阅读备考做到这5点才是基础 雅思A类阅读常见备考和做题误区总结 雅思阅读备考经验分享 雅思A类阅读备考攻略 雅思口语5,6,7分有什么差异和雅思相比,多领国简单还是难 考多邻国有用吗?和雅思相比,多邻国简单还是难?今天小编给大家带来和雅思相比,多邻国 盘点英美口音的两大差异 雅思考试虽然是英国剑桥出的题目,但是雅思听力中常常会有美音出现,今天小编就来为大 2020年8月雅思已确认复考的考点有哪些 雅思8月已确认复考的考点有哪些?今天小编给大家带来雅思8月已确认复考的考点有哪些, 雅思听力流程图题解题4步骤及实例分析 雅思听力流程图题解题4步骤及实例分析,今天小编就给大家带来了雅思听力流程图题解题4 第 16 页 共 16 页