雅思写作中常见的7个语法错误雅思写作中常见的7个语法错误一文总结了在雅思作文当中我们常犯的7个语法错误。下面小编就和大家分享雅思写作中常见的7个语法错误,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。雅思写作中常见的7个语法错误词汇和语法是构成一个句子的两个基本要素。但是大多数考生都会存在一个误区:就是过分注重词汇,追求所谓高分词汇。但如果文章中存在大量的语法错误,就会让考官感到是在读一个语法错误百出用词却极为高深的畸形文章。这种语法的基本功和用词的难度之间不搭配的情况存在与很多学生的文章里。本文就学生作文或者汉译英句子中出现的典型错误,给大家七点提示。第一易错点:Government claims that teacher should teach student some self-protection skills.错误分析:可数名词不可“裸用”。在正式英文写作里,凡是常规的可数名词,必须在前面有限定词,比如冠词a/an/the,物主代词my/their/your等等,指示代词this/that等等。否则,这个可数名词就必须用复数。而在这个句子中government要么用the government,要么用government,后面的teacher和student都一样要加上复数。因此,这个句子要改成:The government claims that teachers should teach students some self-protection skills.第二易错点:Work at home using modern technology can greatly enhance our efficiency.错误分析:英语中动词原形是不能作主语的,而且在这个句子中如果work做了动词,后面can enhance也是动词,就出现双谓语的情况,因此把work改成working.因此,这个句子要改成:Working at home using modern technology can greatly enhance our efficiency.第三易错点:Intelligent students should not be treated different by their teachers.错误分析:词性使用错误。different的词性为形容词,而修饰形容词或者动词的时候应该用副词。因此,这个句子要改成:Intelligent students should not be treated differently by their teachers.第四易错点:A lot of houses were collapsed in the earthquake.错误分析:句中出现双谓语。句中collapse已经为动词,再加be动词之后就变成了被动结构,此处be纯属多余。因此,这个句子要改成:A lot of houses collapsed in the earthquake.第五易错点:Some parents do not obey traffic rules himself.错误分析:当我们用到代词的时候,就一定要看所指代的名词的单复数,根据名词的单复数来使用相应的代词。因此,这个句子要改成:Some parents do not obey traffic rules themselves.第六易错点:Letters were the most important way of communication in the past , e-mail becomes its biggest rival now.错误分析:这个句子的句型并不属于简单句、并列句、或者复合句中的任何一种的定义。因为出现了两套动词,因此我们可以将这个句子变成并列句,而前后两句之间是对比关系,所以我们可以在中间加对比连词或副词,比如while。因此,这个句子要改成:Letters were the most important way of communication in the past while now e-mail becomes its biggest rival now.第七易错点:There are a great deal of people go abroad every year.错误分析:当我们用到there be句型的时候,后面不能再出现动词原形。因此要将go变换形式,改为going,或者将句子转换为定语从句,在people后面加上who。因此,这个句子要改成:There are a great deal of people going abroad every year. 或There are a great deal of people who go abroad every year.以上就是雅思写作中常见的7个语法错误的全部内容,我们可以看出上文举出的很多语法错误的例子是为了故意凑出从句等复杂句型而按照自己的思维习惯造出来的句子。这种故意为了拿高分去追求句子的复杂性的做法是不可取的。我们首先应该保证的是作文的结构正确和逻辑清晰。在这个基础上再进行句式的丰富。雅思写作Task2社会类考官范文The government has announced that it plans to build a new university. Some people think that your community would be a good place to locate the university.Compare the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a new university in your community.Model Answer:I think it is a great idea to build a new university in my community. However, I think it is a controversial question whether the building of a new university will bring only benefits to our community. In this essay I will analyze advantages and disadvantages of this issue and present my view in favor of establishing a new university in my community.From the one side, establishing a new university in my community brings many benefits. First of all, a new construction means more job opportunities. I think it would be good for my community because many people have to spend much time driving to their work day in and day out because they could not find a job in our neighborhood. Second of all, a new university is a good chance to meet new people and I like this opportunity. Many students will live in our community. Finally, if a new university is built in my community there is a big chance that I will be willing to enroll in it. I think it is great because it is not far from my place and I do not have to move to another part of the city. Another important aspect of this is that people from my community will have a chance to use new libraries and facilities of a new university. For example some people can take courses and classes there.From the other side, building a new university can bring some disadvantages. A new construction means noise, traffic jams and different kinds of pollution. In addition to these disadvantages, many young people in our community can cause more noise especially in the evenings.To sum up, I think that I would support the decision of the government of establishing a new university in my community despite a few disadvantages that could follow this construction. I believe that a new university will increase a chance of many young people to get a higher education, gain more knowledge and experience, which will help them to succeed in todays world.雅思写作Task2社会类考官范文Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings?Model Answer:Some people think that old, historic buildings are no need for the city and they should be destroyed and replaced with modern ones. However, other people believe that historic buildings must be preserved in order to know and remember our past. For several reasons that I will mention bellow I agree with those people who want to preserve old, historical buildings.First of all, by preserving historical buildings we pass our history to our future generations. I think that out children should know their history, learn from it and respect it. People need to know their traditions and customs, which are priceless and irreplaceable. Our history is our knowledge and power. From my opinion we need to preserve and restore historical buildings. By destroying them we show our disrespect to our forefathers and their traditions.Second of all, by preserving historical buildings a city can attract many travelers. Welcoming tourists a city can get many benefits including money, which can be spent on preserving historical buildings as well as on improving roads and facilities.Also, many tourists mean a lot of new business opportunities. Another important aspect of this is that businessmen will be willing to build new recreational centers, hotels, movie theaters, shopping centers to make a city more attractive for travelers. In addition to those practical benefits, many people will have the opportunity to get a job. All this is good for the economy of the city.To sum up, I believe that preserving old, historical buildings can bring only benefits to a city and all humankind.雅思写作中常见的语法错误相关文章: 英语高三语法知识点归纳 高一英语语法梳理五篇精选 四级英语语法名词用法详解24: 名词cattle用法注意 高一英语语法知识点归纳五篇 小学英语语法名词大全 高一英语语法整理总结5篇 高一英语语法总结归纳五篇 高三英语语法知识点精选 高一英语语法知识点2020最新 2020最新高三英语语法知识点总结五篇精选雅思写作Task1常出现的两大问题 对于雅思写作重要性已经是不争的事实。众多考生在写作训练的时候,往往忽视Task1里出 第 9 页 共 9 页