高中英语阅读理解技巧必备常识介绍_在初中英语和高中英语的学习中,我们一定要重视英语阅读理解技巧,因为这样会不断帮助我们的学生提高英语成绩。学习信息网的英语老师称,学生一定要掌握英语的阅读技巧,这样了解英语阅读理解技巧才能够将阅读理解题目的分数提高,进一步提高英语成绩。本文中学习信息网的英语老师就来帮助我们详细介绍一下关于英语阅读理解技巧方面的常识,希望对您有所帮助。阅读理解中排查、核对信息不全面。阅读理解中除了有9-11个细节题占20分左右以外,还有一些推断题也涉及到事实细节,这一块是学生失分的重灾区。四模考试中各个班级都有学生细节题错了8个。其实细节题分单线诘问和多线诘问。单线诘问的具体信息题是就文章中某个具体的事实进行设问的,不管其选项的配置是同一方向还是不同方向,我们都需要通读文章,并结合问题在文章中迅速查找承载该问题的具体信息点,然后对该信息点进行精读,将其与四个题肢进行对照,从而找出与原文相同或表意相似的选项即答案。多线诘问不是针对某一个具体的事实进行设问的,而是让我们判断呈散点分布在文中(或某一个或多个段落中)的多个具体的事实是否正确。不管其设问是肯定形式还是否定形式,我们都需要通读文章,并结合四个选项在文章中迅速查找承载该选项事实的具体信息点,然后对该信息点进行精读、比对、排查出答案。推断题有要求学生寻找、比对多个信息点。如四模有这样的题目:In 1991, Kentucky Fried Chicken announced that it was officially changing its name to KFC as well as updating its packaging and logo (标识) with a more modern look. In 1990, the Commonwealth of Kentucky, trapped in debt, took the unusual step of trade marking its name. Therefore, anyone using the word Kentucky for business reasons would have to obtain permission and pay licensing fees to the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The Kentucky Fried Chicken chain refused as a matter of principle to pay royalties on a name they had been using for four decades. (C选项信息点,排除答案C。) After a year of fruitless talks, (B选项信息点,排除答案B。)Kentucky Fried Chicken changed their name instead, introducing new packaging and products to hide the real reasons behind the change of the name.Kentucky Fried Chicken was not the only ones who bravely refused to give in. The name of the most famous horse race in North America, held every year at Churchill Downs, was changed to The Run for the Roses for similar reasons. (D选项信息点。)In November 2006, KFC and the State of Kentucky finally reached a settlement over the use of the trademarked word Kentucky , and the restaurant chain announced it would be reusing its former name of Kentucky Fried Chicken .(A选项信息点,排除答案A。)63. It can be inferred from the passage that _.A. KFC is still not allowed to use the name of Kentucky Fried Chicken B. Kentucky Fried Chicken changed its name after several years of talksC. the name Kentucky Fried Chicken had only been used for a short timeD. the original name of the horse race The Run for the Roses contained the word Kentucky简析:D。该文主要讲 肯德基 更名的原因。从上面划线处的信息点可以排除ABC三个答案,D选项即使不十分明确,也应推断出是正确答案,但有许多学生没有认真排查信息,失分了。对于英语程度中等及偏下的学生来说,这类题目驾驭不了,究其原因是:单词不熟,读后忘前,没时间多读文章,只能读一遍,然后凭记忆去做题,而题目恰好涉及到具体细节,需要看各选项的范围覆盖是否与原文一致、条件是否缺失等,才能得出正确的答案。上文中的内容就是学习信息网的英语老师帮助我们介绍的关于英语阅读理解技巧方面的内容,希望你能够了解并运用。学生一定要掌握英语的阅读技巧,这样了解英语阅读理解技巧才能够将阅读理解题目的分数提高,进一步提高英语成绩。学习信息网的英语老师还将不断更新这方面的知识,希望能够为学生提供帮助。第 4 页 共 4 页