2020托福听力如何增强辨音能力托福听力备考中提高辨音能力至关重要,因为托福听力考试不仅考察大家能否把握听力材料主旨,还会考察到一些细节内容。今天小编给大家带来了托福听力如何增强辨音能力,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来。托福听力如何增强辨音能力一.托福听力中的连读托福听力部分语速非常快,听起来很模糊。而实际上,这不单单是语速快慢问题,更重要的是诸如连读、失爆、重音、弱化、缩读等美音中常见的音变问题。若是解决了这些问题,想必托福听力读得再快、再模糊,我们也能“庖丁解牛”、反应机敏。 所谓连读,指的词与词之间交界的两个音会经常连在一起,发音时好象连成了一个较长的单词。连读有助于完整意义的表达,并使整句话具有强烈的粘着感,体现句子的整体性,充分体现美语语言的自然流畅。二.托福听力中的重读深入剖析托福听力考试的发音,不难发现给我们造成听觉障碍的原因还在于:托福听力不是把个别词句发得字正腔圆,而是把所有单词和词组结合起来,使它们的语音连贯而形成语流,Just like a river flow.如此一来,要想真正拨开迷雾,领会托福听力的含义,必须正确把握美语的节奏和旋律,而说惯了汉语的我们显然对此难以适应。三.托福听力中的弱读托福听力中的美语总给我们一种高低起伏、抑扬顿挫、轻重缓急的感觉。这是因为重读和弱化的存在。托福听说交流中,不可能所有的词都同等重要,也不可能将时间平均分配给每一个词,否则就会令听者觉得说话人轻重不分、主次不明。因而在一句话中,必然有些词较为关键,发音响亮清晰,时间拖长,这就需要重读;有些词则相应对次要一些,发音时间缩短,同时加以弱化,这样整个句子就显得分配得当。实际上,在朗读句子的时候,只要我们注意到了弱读,重读也就自然而然地体现出来了。四.托福听力中的缩读在托福听力中,还有一个造成应试者听觉障碍的大敌是美语的缩读现象,掌握了这种现象的规律就等于掌握了攻克托福听力的另一大诀窍。由于托福听力中含有大量的口语素材,使得讲话人使用大量非正式的口语体,所以在发音中,不仅会把弱读的词弱读,有时会省略某些音,使说话和朗读更自然流畅,达到更加smoothly and softly的效果,这种现象称作缩读。综上所述,我们可以看到托福听力中常见的发音习惯有四类,分别是连读、重读、弱读和缩读,如果大家在平时练习托福听力的时候能注意一下这几类特殊发音习惯,托福听力辨音能力肯定会有不错的提升。托福听力练习对照文So, why did what is now called modern dance begin in the United States?那么,现在被称作“现代舞”的为什么始于美国?To begin to answer this question, I ll need to backtrack a little bit and talk about classical ballet.要开始回答这个问题,我将需要回溯一点点,并且谈谈古典芭蕾。By the late 1800 s, ballet had lost a lot of its popularity.在十九世纪晚期,芭蕾舞失去了许多它的普及度。Most of the ballet dancers who performed in the United States were brought over from Europe.大多数在美国表演的芭蕾舞蹈家是从欧洲转入的。They performed using the rigid techniques that had been passed down through the centuries.他们用传承了几个世纪的死板的技巧表演。Audiences and dancers in the United States were eager for their own, contemporary dance form.美国的观众和舞蹈家渴望他们自己的 “现代的”舞蹈形式。And so, around 1900, dancers created one.因此,大约到1900,舞蹈家创造了一种(现代舞)。So, how was this modern dance so different from classical ballet?那么,这种“现代”舞蹈同古典芭蕾是多么的不一样?Well, most notably, it wasn t carefully choreographed.好,最显著的是,它不是刻意精心设计的。Instead, the dance depended on the improvisation and free, personal expression of the dancers.相反,这种舞蹈依靠即兴创作和舞蹈家自由的,个人表现力。Music and scenery were of little importance to the modern dance, and lightness of movement wasn t important either.音乐和舞台布景对“现代”舞不那么重要,而且轻盈的动作也不那么重要。In fact, modern dancers made no attempt at all to conceal the effort involved in a dance step.事实上,当代的舞者根本没有尝试去隐蔽包含在舞步中的力(量感)。But even if improvisation appealed to audiences, many dance critics were less than enthusiastic about the performances.但即使即兴表演对观众有吸引力,许多舞蹈评论家对表演的热情没有那么高。They questioned the artistic integrity of dancers who were not professionally trained and the artistic value of works that had no formal structure.他们怀疑没有受过专业训练的舞者的艺术完整性以及没有正式结构的作品的艺术价值。Loie Fuller, after performing Fire Dance, was described as doing little more than turning round and round like an eggbeater. Loie Fuller, 在表演完火焰舞之后,被描述为比“转来转去的像个打蛋器”强不了多少。Yet, the free, personal expression of the pioneer dancers is the basis of the controlled freedom of modern dance today.然而,这种舞者先驱们自由的,个人的表达,是今天“受限制的自由”的现代舞的基础。托福听力练习对照文本As you probably know, log structures are gaining in popularity.你们可能知道,原木结构正在获得普及(越来越受欢迎)。They are no longer just the simple country homes that we think of as the traditional log cabin.它们不再仅仅是我们当作传统的小木屋来想象的简单的乡间住宅。Some upscale homes now incorporate natural round logs in ceiling beams and walls.现在一些高档住宅在平顶梁和墙壁中包含了自然的圆木。People seem to think the rounded logs give their homes a cozy, warm atmosphere.人们似乎认为圆形的原木给予他们的家一个舒适的,温暖的气氛。And even people who want to build a traditional log cabin on their own can buy a kit with precut logs that fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.以至于想凭他们自己建造一个传统小木屋的人,能买一套组装在一起像拼图游戏的部件,按规格裁切好的原木配件。Before showing you some slides of modern log houses, I d like to give a little historical background on the subject: Log cabins were first built in the late 1600 s along the Delaware River valley.在给你们展示一些现代原木房屋的幻灯片之前,我想给(你们)一点关于这个话题的历史性背景。原木小屋首先建立在十七世纪晚期,沿着Delaware河谷。The European immigrants who settled there brought centuries-old traditions of working with logs.定居在那里的欧洲移民者带来了悠久的使用原木的传统。And in this heavily wooded area, logs were the material at hand.并且在这个浓密地树木茂盛的地区,原木是唾手可得的原料。Log cabins were most popular in the early 1800 s with the settlers who were moving west.随着定居者向西部迁移,原木小屋在十九世纪早期是最流行的。They provided the answer to the pioneers need for a safe and sturdy home that an ordinary family could build quickly: they had dirt floors and sliding boards for windows.他们提供了符合拓荒者的对一个安全的和坚固的住宅的需要,一个普通的家庭能够迅速地构建起来:它们有泥土地面和滑板窗户。But the log buildings that have probably had most influence on modern architects are those of the mountain retreats of wealthy New Yorkers.但是或许对现代建筑师影响最大的原木建筑是那些富有的纽约人的山间修养寓所These country houses, which were popular in the early 1900 s, typify what s known as the Adirondack style.这些郊区住宅,在二十世纪早期流行的,代表了所谓的Adirondack风格。Now let s look at those slides.现在让我们看看这些幻灯片。听力相关文章: 高考英语听力高分小技巧 分享高二英语听力提升技巧归纳总结三篇 高三考试英语听力成绩提升技巧 四六级考试听力将调整:取消短对话和短文听写 名师谈考研英语听力特点及备考 上海高级口译之听力笔记符号:货币 高三英语听力考试成绩提升技巧 高中英语听力提高技巧汇总 如何系统的快速提高英语听力水平 高考听力满分六大技巧托福听力评分标准解析 托福听力考试是托福考试的四大板块之一,它所占分值也与其他版块一致。托福听力考题一 托福听力ETS官方评分标准解读 托福考试的题目大多都是一题一分,然而听力部分虽然满分为30分却有34道题,因此常有考 托福听力经典加试还会出现吗 托福考试中,出现加试的概率非常大,只有一部分考生考试中不会遇到加试。那么,托福听 2020托福听力5大出题规律 得听力者得托福!那不得听力者得什么?那就只能不断给ETS官网充钱了!托福考试是一门学术 第 9 页 共 9 页