2021 诗句英文翻译.doc
2021 诗句英文翻译中国古代诗句英文翻译篇一五言律诗戴叔伦江乡故人偶集客舍天秋月又满, 城阙夜千重。还作江南会, 翻疑梦里逢。风枝惊暗鹊, 露草覆寒虫。羁旅长堪醉, 相留畏晓钟。Five-character-regular-verseDai ShulunCHANGING ON OLD FRIENDS IN A VILLAGE INNWhile the autumn moon is pouring fullOn a thousand night-levels among towns and villages,There meet by chance, south of the river,Dreaming doubters of a dream.In the trees a wind has startled the birds,And insects cower from cold in the grass;But wayfarers at least have wineAnd nothing to fear - till the morning bell.中国古代诗句英文翻译篇二五言律诗卢纶李端公故关衰草遍, 离别正堪悲。路出寒云外, 人归暮雪时。少孤为客早, 多难识君迟。掩泪空相向, 风尘何处期。Five-character-regular-verseLu LunA FAREWELL TO LI DUANBy my old gate, among yellow grasses,Still we linger, sick at heart.The way you must follow through cold cloudsWill lead you this evening into snow.Your father died; you left home young;Nobody knew of your misfortunes.We cry, we say nothing. What can I wish you,In this blowing wintry world?中国古代诗句英文翻译篇三五言律诗李益喜见外弟又言别十年离乱后, 长大一相逢。问姓惊初见, 称名忆旧容。别来沧海事, 语罢暮天钟。明日巴陵道, 秋山又几重。Five-character-regular-verseLi YiA BRIEF BUT HAPPY MEETING WITH MY BROTHER-IN LAW"MEETING BY ACCIDENT, ONLY TO PART"After these ten torn wearisome yearsWe have met again. We were both so changedThat hearing first your surname, I thought you a stranger -Then hearing your given name, I remembered your young face.All that has happened with the tidesWe have told and told till the evening bell.Tomorrow you journey to Youzhou,Leaving autumn between us, peak after peak.中国古代诗句英文翻译篇四五言律诗司空曙云阳馆与韩绅宿别故人江海别, 几度隔山川。乍见翻疑梦, 相悲各问年。孤灯寒照雨, 深竹暗浮烟。更有明朝恨, 离杯惜共传。Five-character-regular-verseSikong ShuA FAREWELL TO HAN SHEN AT THE YUNYANG INNLong divided by river and sea,For years we two have failed to meet -And suddenly to find you seems like a dream.With a catch in the throat, we ask how old we are.Our single lamp shines, through cold and wet,On a bamboo- thicket sheathed in rain;But forgetting the sadness that will come with tomorrow,Let us share the comfort of this farewell wine.中国古代诗句英文翻译篇五五言律诗司空曙喜外弟卢纶见宿静夜四无邻, 荒居旧业贫。雨中黄叶树, 灯下白头人。以我独沉久, 愧君相访频。平生自有分, 况是蔡家亲。Five-character-regular-verseSikong ShuWHEN LU LUN MY COUSIN COMES FOR THE NIGHTWith no other neighbour but the quiet night,Here I live in the same old cottage;And as raindrops brighten yellow leaves,The lamp illumines my white head.Out of the world these many years,I am ashamed to receive you here.But you cannot come too often,More than brother, lifelong friend.看了;中国古代诗句英文翻译;的人还看了:1.中国古诗词英文翻译大全2.古诗词英文版3.中国古诗词英文翻译集4.中国古诗句名言及翻译5.古诗文英文翻译第 4 页 共 4 页