精品名师归纳总结promotion of empl oyment, form a reasonabl e and orderly pattern of income distribution, build a m ore fair and sustainable social se curity systems, me dical and health system reform. The ple nary, i nnovation of social gover nance, must focus on the maintena nce of fundamental interest s of the over whelming majority of the pe opl e, maximize factors, e nha nce social devel opme nt, improvi ng social gover nance, the interests of national security, ensure that the pe ople live a nd w ork, social sta bility and order. o improve soci al governa nce, stimulati ng social orga nization, innovative a nd effective system of preventi ng and resolvi ng social confli cts, improvi ng the public security system, set up the Nati ona l Security Council, nati onal security systems and nati onal security strategy to ensure nati onal security. Plenary sessi on, t he constr ucti on of ecologi cal civ ilization, you must esta blish systems of ecol ogical sy stem, usi ng the system to protect the ecologi cal envir onment. o improve natural resour ces asset property right system and use control, re d line of delimitation of ecol ogical prote ction, resource s paid use sy stem and e col ogical compensati on sy stem in ecologi cal envir onment protecti on ma nagement system reform. Ple nary se ssion, centering on buil ding a liste ning party comma nd, can wi n and having a fine style of the people's army, a str ong army under the new situation of the party Goals, restricti ng the dev elopment of nati onal defense a nd army buildi ng is solved outsta ndi ng contradicti ons and problems, i nnovation a nd development of military the ory, e nha nce milita ry strategic guida nce, im prove the military str ategy in t he ne w peri od, buil ding a moder n military force system with Chi nese characteri stics. o deepen the adjustment of per sonnel system reform in the army, military policy and system reform, prom ote the development of military and civili an integration de pth. Pl enary sessi on stressed t hat com prehe nsive reform must be to strengt hen a nd impr ove theparty's leader ship, give full play to the core r ole of the party commands t he overall sit uation and coordi nating all parties, impr oving the party's leadi ng water . Margin. Challe nged t he leadershi p of the Communi st Party of Chi na, Marxi sm -Leni nism and Mao Ze dong thought by Deng Xiao-pi ng's fla g, replace d by thre e representatives and the harmonic societ y. The former Communist Party spirit and social cohesi on poi nt of almost all politica l makeover. Chara cteristics of socialism publi c ow nership is shifting to private ow nership, planned reg ulation and market regulati on, t he pr oletari an regime controlle d by the elite. Of univ ersal equality, fairness a nd basi c principl es of distri buti on sy stem is socialist societ y, however after economic monopolize d by powerful, ve sted interest s grow employers do not have t he same status, har dly se ems fair socia l distri buti on. State key protection of capital i nterests rather tha n the i nterests of citizens, had bee n hits the bott om of the prol etariat高一生物必修一 学问点整理第一章走近细胞第一节从生物圈到细胞一、相关概念、细胞: 是生物体结构和功能的基本单位。除了病毒以外, 全部生物都是由细胞构成的。细胞是的球上最基本的生命系统生命系统的结构层次:细胞组织器官系统(植物没有系统)个体种群群落生态系统生物圈二、病毒的相关学问:1、病毒( Virus )是一类没有细胞结构的生物体。主要特点:、个体微小,一般在1030nm之间,大多数必需用电子显微镜才能观察。、仅具有一种类型的核酸,DNA 或 RNA ,没有含两种核酸的病毒。、专营细胞内寄生生活。、结构简洁,一般由核酸(DNA 或 RNA )和蛋白质外壳所构成。2、依据寄生的宿主不同,病毒可分为动物病毒、植物病毒和细菌病毒(即噬菌体)三大类。依据病毒所含核酸种类的不同分为DNA 病毒和 RNA 病毒。3、常见的病毒有:人类流感病毒(引起流行性感冒)、SARS 病毒、人类免疫缺陷病毒( HIV ) 引起艾滋病( AIDS ) 、禽流感病毒、 乙肝病毒、 人类天花病毒、狂犬病毒、烟草花叶病毒等。其次节细胞的多样性和统一性一、 细胞种类:依据细胞内有无以核膜为界限的细胞核,把细胞分为原核细胞和真核细胞二、原核细胞和真核细胞的比较:1、原核细胞:细胞较小,无核膜、无核仁,没有成形的细胞核。遗传物质(一个环状DNA 分子) 集中的区域称为拟核。 没有染色体, DNA不与蛋白质结合, 。 细胞器只有核糖体。有细胞壁,成分与真核细胞不同。2、真核细胞: 细胞较大, 有核膜、 有核仁、 有真正的细胞核。 有肯定数目的染色体 ( DNA与蛋白质结合而成) 。一般有多种细胞器。3、原核生物:由原核细胞构成的生物。如:蓝藻、细菌(如硝化细菌、乳酸菌、大肠杆菌、肺炎双球菌) 、放线菌、支原体等都属于原核生物。4、真核生物:由真核细胞构成的生物。如动物草履虫、变形虫 、植物、真菌(酵母菌、霉菌、粘菌)等。三、细胞学说的建立:Obviousl y, face China's Socialist system, the Communist Party is not the party. In that ca se, political chaos has been very tight. Is remodeling or reconstr uction, is a corre ction or a stove. Whether to t urn right or left, is back to the source or put forward new political i deas. This is to determine the road probl ems in China , is also the key out of the deep water of the reform of the economic system.After 18, the new Ce ntral coll ective lea dership attaches great importa nce t o political or ientation. First, the "Central eight articles" as a starting poi nt, starting from the Central Gov ernment's self -restraint, w hich prea ches a nd pro-image, br ought fresh feeling to the community. Secondl y, before reform and openi ng up and reform and ope ning tw o peri ods after non -negative, untyi ng the tangle of the society a long time on this issue. Third, a new generation of party lea ders on various occasions to Ma o Ze-Dong a nd M ao Ze -Dong's thoug ht of evaluation ha s room for manoeuvre,throug h to the r uling ideol ogy of Mao Ze dong thought, is t he call of the soul to the S ocial ist Revoluti on and constr ucti on. Em pty talks jeopardize national interest s and try agai n, is an affirmation of Deng Xiao -ping's reform idea s. These strong politi cal sig nal showi ng a new ge neration of polit ical leader s is still kee ping to t he Socialist roa d. Four is revisiting the "talki ng to Mao Ze -Dong's histori cal cy cle of" high profile anti -corruption a nd t he importance of the Constit ution, reorgani zation is ba d style of official dom, was t o civilize pe ople obey t he law while im proving t he color cha nge of the regime of vigilance.Five is to reform into deeper water s and stresse d that top -level desig n, this i s a review on the reform and openi ng up in the past, is al so looking for a way out. Six foreign and Russia cl ose r, the flexibl e attitude on the issue of the Korea n peninsula, Si no-Japane se fishi ng har dline Chi na on the isla nd out of the "pati ent" and l ow pr ofile sha dow bega n to gradual ly plan development. Signs show that t he new l eadership began t o make a left turn in politics.However, as of right now, not only ide ologi cal confusi on i n the community, the new lea dership's t hinki ng is messy. Ne w leader s bot h stresse d the need t o implement t he Constituti on, stresse d the need t o turn off the power i n a cage. Al so stre sses that Mao Zedong t hought ca nnot be lost, 30 years after the reform and openi ng up 30 years ago can not deny each ot her. Bot h advocate dem ocracy a nd rele ase "seve n does not speak of" files of politi cal constraint s. Neit her de ny the history of the CPC Central Committee o n several issues .Comrades: today brings t ogether member s, mainly in order to provi de a platform to Exchange a nd lear n from each other i n order t o facilitate our work. Just now, we focus on taxation, pla nni ng and stabilit y, safety, proje ct constr uction, typi cal topics such as private facts prese ntation and interacti on, and towns currently exist in the in -de pth a nalysis of the problems to be solved, to ex plore new methods t o solve t he pr oblem. It can be sai d that summing up t he achievement, no grandstanding ; analy sis可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结promotion of empl oyment, form a reasonabl e and orderly pattern of income distribution, build a m ore fair and sustainable social se curity systems, me dical and health system reform. The ple nary, i nnovation of social gover nance, must focus on the maintena nce of fundamental interest s of the over whelming majority of the pe opl e, maximize factors, e nha nce social devel opme nt, improvi ng social gover nance, the interests of national security, ensure that the pe ople live a nd w ork, social sta bility and order. o improve soci al governa nce, stimulati ng social orga nization, innovative a nd effective system of preventi ng and resolvi ng social confli cts, improvi ng the public security system, set up the Nati ona l Security Council, nati onal security systems and nati onal security strategy to ensure nati onal security. Plenary sessi on, t he constr ucti on of ecologi cal civ ilization, you must esta blish systems of ecol ogical sy stem, usi ng the system to protect the ecologi cal envir onment. o improve natural resour ces asset property right system and use control, re d line of delimitation of ecol ogical prote ction, resource s paid use sy stem and e col ogical compensati on sy stem in ecologi cal envir onment protecti on ma nagement system reform. Ple nary se ssion, c entering on buil ding a liste ning party comma nd, can wi n and having a fine style of the people's army, a str ong army under the new situation of the party Goals, restricti ng the dev elopment of nati onal defense a nd army buildi ng is solved outsta ndi ng contradicti ons and problems, i nnovation a nd development of military the ory, e nha nce milita ry strategic guida nce, im prove the military strategy in t he ne w peri od, buil ding a moder n military force system with Chi nese characteri stics. o deepen the adjustment of per sonnel system reform in the army, military policy and system reform, prom ote the development of military and civili an integration de pth. Pl enary sessi on stressed t hat com prehe nsive reform must be to strengt hen a nd impr ove theparty's leader ship, give full play to the core r ole of the party commands t he overall sit uation and coordi nating all parties, impr oving the party's leadi ng water . Margin. Challe nged t he leadershi p of the Communi st Party of Chi na, Marxi sm -Leni nism and Mao Ze dong thought by Deng Xiao-pi ng's fla g, replace d by thre e representatives and the harmonic societ y. The former Communist Party spirit and social cohesi on poi nt of almost all politica l makeover. Chara cteristics of socialism publi