【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流建筑专业英语.精品文档. 专业英语 词汇英汉互译 2*10=20名次解释 4*2=8选词填空 1*10=10句子英汉互译 4*10=40短文翻译 10*1=10 12*1=12一、 词汇 钢筋 荷载 reinforcedment 静荷载 static loadSteel rod 动荷载 dynamic loadreba 重力荷载 gravity loadSteel bar 横向荷载 lateral loadReinforcing steel 活荷载 live load (reinforcing bar 配筋) 恒荷载 dead load 轴向荷载 axial for load 混凝土水泥混凝土coment concrete 沥青混凝土asphalt/bituminous concrete钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete预制混凝土 precast concrete预应力混凝土 prestressed concrete多孔渗水混凝土porous concrete加气混凝土air-entrained concrete现浇混凝土cast-in-place concrete超高性能混凝土 ultra-high performance concrete(UHPC)水下混凝土 tremied concrete轻质混凝土lightweight concrete新拌混凝土fresh mixed concrete硬化混凝土 hardened concrete 荷载 静荷载 static load动荷载 dynamic load重力荷载 gravity load横向荷载 lateral load活荷载 live load恒荷载 dead load轴向荷载 axial for load 上部结构、上层建筑下部建筑、下部结构力矩建筑师地下连续墙浅基础和深基础横截面面积钻孔墩挖掘、挖方工程土方工程含水量箍筋高层建筑中高层建筑多层建筑超高层建筑弹性模量简支梁悬臂梁碳素钢低碳钢合金钢铸铁抗拉强度抗压强度屈服应力结构设计师屈服破坏和易性坍落度集料粗集料细集料水化热离析混凝土工程蒸汽养护展延性柔软性韧性材料性能钢结构(结构钢)收缩缝,伸缩接合应力-应变曲线壁板桩地下水(地表水)钻孔灌注桩变形钢筋(螺纹钢筋)混凝土桩基础空心桩实心桩木桩钢板桩混凝土拌合物蜂窝麻面水化反应早龄期胶凝材料水灰比螺栓连接安全通道表面防护层高建筑高度翼缘板腹板沥青混合料挡墙后张法水泥砂浆灌浆野外测量交通工程标前会议业主分包商建筑工程师开标基础工程质量保证建筑规范进度计划横道图二、名次解释1、 由比其横截面尺寸场的构件组成的结构体系称为框架结构。Structural systems composed of elements that are long compared with their cross-sectional dimensions are referred to as framed structures.2、 桁架结构是结构构件在受到扰动作用时主要承受轴向荷载的结构体系。A trussed structure is a structural system designed so that the elements of the structure are subjected primarily to axial forces when a disturbance is applied.3、 钢架结构是结构体系在相交构件处的节点与构件刚性连接。A rigid frame structure is a structural system whose joints have been designed to develop full continuity on intersecting elements.4、 浅基础是指基础底部深度小于或等于其截面最小尺寸。A shallow foundation is taken as one in which the depth to the bottom of the foundation is less than or equal to its least dimension.5、 混凝土的耐久性可以定义为混凝土抵抗由外部或内部原因而造成损坏的能力。The durability of concrete can be defined as its resistance to deterioration resulting from external and internal causes.6、 渗透性是指水透过混凝土的容易程度。Permeability refers to the ease with which water can pass through the concrete.7、 吸水性可以定义为混凝土把水吸入其空隙中的能力。Absorption may be defined as the ability of concrete to draw water into its voids.三、 选词填空 It is also often argued that lightweight aggregate concrete is more variable than normal concrete. It is, however, well known that the properties of normal weight concrete vary greatly, depending upon the type of aggregate and other factors. On the other hand concretes made with good quality lightweight aggregates, being a manufactured material, are likely to be more uniform and dependable in their physical characteristics than concretes made with natural aggregates, which are often produced by largely non-selective extraction processes. Also, when discussing lightweight concrete, it is inevitable that comparisons with concrete made from natural aggregates should be made, often to the detriment of the former. All these point to the need that like all new materials, prestressed lightweight concrete can be widely utilized only if it is treated as a construction material in its own right, and its special properties and limitations are fully recognized and taken into account in design and construction The terms quality control and quality assurance are often specified as methods to attain quality in the construction project. The formal construction quality programs were adapted from the manufacturing industry and implemented in most segments of construction projects by government agencies such as the Army Corps of Engineers. Under these provisions, the contractor is required to control the quality of the installation and provide written documentation related to testing and inspection of the installation. The owner will often use a check mechanism, quality assurance, to monitor the contractors quality control. In some contracts, the contractor is required to provide a quality control program and an independent quality assurance program from a testing agency. In other cases, quality assurance is contracted directly to a testing agency by the owner, or implemented by the owners own forces.Within the next decade,a number of FRP applications that are not cost-effective will disappear.Reinforcement and pre-stressing of concrete are likely to face strong competition from new types of corrosion-resistant steel bars and tendons.On the other hand,the drive for developing cost-effective systems will move away from duplicating traditional structural forms and shapes.Optimization in design and fabrication of FRP laminates will be the key to the future of FRP in civil infrastructure.Repair will continue to be the primary application of FRP.However, hybrid systems are likely to gain significant interest.The research community will need to address a number of issues for FRP structures.Issues of fire, durability,ductility,and stiffness will remain on top of the list.In short,however,FRP is here to stay. What is going to disappear is the misuse of materials in ways and means that are not efficient. 四、句子英汉互译A structure essentially consists of two parts, namely the superstructure which is above the plinth level and the substructure which is below the plinth level.一个结构主要由两部分组成,即上层建筑柱基水平面以上的和底层结构柱基水平面以下的结构。Environmental loads are a special type of loading that may occur on structures. Typical if such loads are snow, ice, sand, accumulation, rain, and other regional environmental hazards.环境荷载是作用在结构上的荷载中特殊的一种荷载。这类荷载包括雪荷载,冰荷载,沙集聚荷载,雨荷载,和其他区域的危害产生的荷载。Reasonable care must therefore be exercised in distinguishing between the two loads throughout the structural analysis in order that wasteful overdesign or dangerous underdesign does not occur.因此,为了不出现浪费的超安全标准设计或危险的欠安全设计的情况,必须合理、谨慎地区分整个结构分析中的两类荷载。It is true that if a concrete rigid frame is designed in the conventional manner, without special care to produce higher ductility, it will not be able to withstand a catastrophic earthquake that can produce forces several times larger than the code design forces.显而易见,如果混凝土刚架以传统的方式进行设计,没有特别考虑产生更高延展性,该框架将不能抵抗大地震产生的荷载,因为这种荷载比规范设计荷载大很多倍。Steel in one form or another is now probably the most widely used material in the world for building construction.现在,钢以一种或者其他形式大概成为世界上应用最为广泛的建筑材料。The enormous advantage of steel is its tensile strength; that is, it does not lose its strength when it is under a calculated degree of tension, a force which, as we have seen, tends to pull apart many materials.钢最显著的优点是它的抗拉强度,也就是说,当作用在钢上的荷载小于其抗拉极限荷载时,钢不会失去它的强度,正如我们所看到的,而该荷载足以将其他材料都拉断。It is for this reason that steel rods are used in reinforced concrete-the concrete resisting all compressive stresses while the steel rods take up all the tensile (stretching) forces.因此,钢筋被用于制造钢筋混凝土混凝土抵抗压力,钢筋抵抗拉力。If the piers to carry such cranes were built of brick or masonry, they would have to be very large and obstructive in order to be strong enough, but with steel-framed buildings the steel stanchions can have upper legs carried up above the level of the crane gantry to carry the roof steelwork.如果支撑吊车的柱用砖或者石材来建造,为提高强度,它们的体积可能会比较大也比较碍事,但是如果用钢框架,钢柱在吊车门架水平面上方建造上部牛腿来支撑屋顶刚架。Overloads can arise from changing the use for which a particular structure was designed, from underestimation of the effects of loads by oversimplifications in structural analysis, and from variations in construction procedures.改变某一个结构原来的设计用途,或者由于在结构分析中采用了过度简化的方法而低估了荷载作用,以及施工程序的变更都会造成结构的超载。Many buildings are designed to include a combination of concrete or wood structural members and steel members.许多建筑物设计成由混凝土和钢构件组合的结构或是木结构构件和钢构件组合的结构。The inevitable primary function of the structural elements is to resist the gravity loading from the weight or the building and its contents. 结构构件的主要功能是抵抗由建筑物自重和它所承受的重量所形成的重力荷载。The highly probable second function of the vertical structural elements is to resist also the parasitic load caused by wind and possibly earthquakes.竖向结构构件最可能具有的第二项功能是抵抗由风和可能发生的地震所引起的附加荷载。A mid-rise building generally less than 10 stories (28m). Thus a high-rise building is one that has at least 10 stories or more.中高层建筑一般不超过10层(28米)。因此,一个高层建筑至少10层以上。For example, under wind load ,the overturning moment at the base of a building varies approximately as the square of the height of the building, and the lateral deflection at the top of a building may vary as the fourth power of building height, other things being equal.例如,在风荷载作用下,其他条件相同时,建筑物基础的倾覆力矩大概随着建筑高度的平方而变化,而建筑顶部的横向偏转会随建筑高度的四次方而变化。Unfortunately, this is not so for high-rise buildings because the problem is primarily resistance to moment and deflection rather than shear alone.不幸的是,这种方法并不适用于高层建筑,因为问题主要在于高层建筑需要抵抗弯矩和偏转而不是仅仅抵抗剪力。Owing to its relatively high compression strength and the ability to cast concrete in varying shapes, designers utilize concrete members to carry the live and dead load of a building.由于混凝土有相对较高的抗压强度并且可以浇筑成不同形状,设计师利用混凝土构件传递建筑的活荷载和恒荷载。The estimating of concrete work is made more difficult by the fact that concrete work for a project usually requires the performance of 3 distinct operations: the forming of the concrete, the placement of reinforcement, and the actual placement of the concrete.对于一个项目的混凝土工程通常需要三个完全不同的操作方式:混凝土的支模,钢筋的布置和混凝土的浇筑,这使得混凝土工程的预算工作更加困难。It is therefore necessary to produce minimum satisfactory workability in order to keep the deleterious effects of too much fines, cement or water to a minimum.因此,为了避免由于使用过多的细砂,水泥和水而不能达到最小化要求而产生的有害影响,具备最小满意度的和易性是必要的。Principal factors responsible for volume changes are the chemical combination of water and cement and the subsequent drying of concrete, variations in temperature and alternate wetting and drying.造成体积变化的主要原因是水和水泥的化学作用,以及随后混凝土的干燥,温度变化和干湿交替。Steels used in construction are generally carbon steels, alloys of iron and carbon. The carbon content is ordinarily less than 1% by weight.通常在建筑中使用的钢材是碳素钢,即铁和碳的合金。按重量计算碳含量一般小于1%。The useful strength of or ordinary reinforcing steels in tension as well as compression, i.e. the yield strength, is about 15 times the compressive strength of common structural concrete, and well over 100times its tensile strength.普通钢筋在受拉和受压时可以利用的强度,即屈服强度,约为普通的结构混凝土抗压强度的15倍,而且超过其抗拉强度的100多倍。Steel is used in two different ways in concrete structures: as reinforcing steel and as prestressing steel.钢材以两种不同的方式应用于混凝土结构中:普通钢筋和预应力钢筋。Barrettes are deep concrete piers built in excavations of rectangular or any other shape with the perimeter consisting mostly of straight lines and right angles.壁板桩是一种埋深较大的混凝土支墩,其横截面既可以开挖成矩形的,也可以开挖成其他周边为直线,领边之间夹角为直角的形状。A retaining wall about 3.5 ft (1m) deep below the ground level conforming to the perimeter of the barrette is built before commencing the excavation.在开挖前,应在地平线下3.5ft范围内,按照壁板桩形状,筑一个挡土墙。A simple solution can be found by constructing rectangular barrettes along the alignment of the basement wall at a spacing dependent upon the soils characteristics and building L-shaped barrettes at the corners.其中一种最简单的方法,就是根据土层特性和建筑特性,沿地下室墙布置矩形截面壁板桩,而在角部则布置L形截面壁板桩。Concrete is the material of choice for driveways, sidewalks, patios, steps, and for garages, basements, and industrial floors.混凝土这种建筑材料,通常用于车道,人行道,天井,踏步,车库,地下室及工业地面。Isolation joints are used to relieve flexural stresses due to vertical movement of slab-on-grade applications that adjoin fixed foundation elements such as columns, building or machinery foundations, bridge abutments, light standards, drop inlets, an so on.对于那些靠近固定基础构件的情况,比如柱子,建筑或设备基础,桥墩,轻型旗杆,落水入水口等,独立缝用来降低等级面板由于竖向位移引起的弯曲应力。Used in many applications, air-entrained concrete is concrete that uses air-entraining cement or an air-entraining admixture to produce a system of small voids within the hardened cement paste.引气混凝土有很多用途,它的基本原理是使用引气水泥,或者引气拌合料,使混凝土在硬化过程中产生一些小气孔,这些小孔在拌合过程中会继续产生,并通过引气机理得以稳定存在。Bug holes, are small, regular or irregular cavities (usually not exceeding 15 mm)resulting from entrapment of air bubbles on the surface of vertically formed concrete structures during placement and consolidation,蜂窝麻面一般都比较小,既可能是规则的,也可能是不规则的(大小通常超过15mm),一般是在竖向浇注混凝土过程中,或者在混凝土硬化过程中,在混凝土表面驻留的气泡而形成的。For expensive components that are difficult to replace at short notice and may be relatively easily damaged, it is more necessary than normal to ensure that site activities will take place exactly as planned.对于那些价格比较昂贵,而且很难再比较短的时间内替换,且又相对比较容易损坏的构件,应该注意比普通构件的安装要更准确些。Surface protection may be specified to protect the surface from superficial damage and prevent contamination during fabrication, transportation, on-site storage and erection.为防止在制作,运输,现场储存及安装过程中可能造成的表面损伤和污染,一般规定对表面进行防护。The formation of the idealized model-that is, the representation of the supporting conditions, the connection of the elements, the geometry of the individual elements and the whole structure, the properties of the material of construction, and the action of any applied loading or disturbance requires the exercise of engineering judgment.理想化模型的构建也就是说,支撑条件,构件的连接,单个构件和整个结构的几何形状,建筑材料的性能以及所有作用荷载或干扰作用的表示方法都需要工程判断的训练。Deterioration of concrete by weathering is usually brought about by the disruptive action of alternate freezing and thawing of free water within the concrete and expansion and contraction of the concrete, under restraint, resulting from variations in temperature and alternate wetting and drying.由风化引起的混凝土的损蚀通常是由混凝土内自由水交替冻融的破坏作用和混凝土在约束条件下的膨胀和收缩引起的。这些都是由温度的变化和干湿交替造成的。Certain natural aggregates react chemically with the alkalis present in Portland cement, When this happens these aggregates expand or swell resulting in cracking and disintegration of concrete.某种天然集料会和硅酸盐水泥的碱发生化学反应。当出现这种现象时,集料便会膨胀或鼓起,造成混凝土的开裂或破碎。When a steel contains a significant amount of any of such alloying elements, it is referred to as an alloy steel. Steel is not a renewable resource, but it can be recycled, and its primary component, iron, is plentiful.当钢中大量含有某种合金元素时,称它为合金钢。钢材不是可再生资源,但可回收利用,并且铁作为钢材的主要成分是充足的。五、 短文翻译All engineered construction resting on the earth must be carried by some kind of interfacing element called a foundation. Generally about 30 per cent of the total construction cost is spent on the foundation .The soil on which the foundation rests is called the “foundation soil”. The foundation is the part of an engineered system that transmits to, and into, the underlying soil or rock the loads supported by the foundation and its self-weigh