【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流汽机房行车试吊作业指导书.精品文档.CSPC NANHAI PETROCHEMICALS PROJECTCSPC 南 海 石 化 项 目汽机房行车试吊TURBINE HALL CRANE TRIAL HOISTING WORK INSTRUCTION: WI-8710-8100-0101作业指导书:WI-8710-8100-0101SEPCO Electric Power Construction Corporation山东电力基本建设总公司 REV版次DATE日期REASON FOR ISSUE修订原因BY编制CHKD审核REVIEW审查APPR批准A03.May.2004Issued for ReviewLi AiPingGuan YiXiao T PTian G HB06.May.2004Issued for ApprovalLi AiPingGuan YiXiao T PTian G H0021.May.2004Issued for UseLi AiPingGuan YiXiao T PTian G HRevision informationRevDate Section No.Description of main changesA3.May.2004 All初版First issueB6.May.2004All翻译为中英文对照Translation to english0021.May.20043.3 试吊期间DEMAG TFA在现场。DEMAG TFA to be present during testing. 目 录Contents1.0 范围 Scope 2.0 目的 Purposes 3.0 职责 Responsibilities 4.0 概述 Summaries 5.0 编制依据 References 6.0 施工准备 Construction preparation7.0 主要施工机械、测量仪器 Main construction machinery 、measuring instruments8.0 劳动力组织 Labor force9.0 施工方法 Construction plans 10. 有关计算 Calculation involved 11 工作安全分析(JSA)1.0 范围:Scope本程序适用于南海石化项目汽电联产部分汽机房行车试吊工作。主要包括:this instruction applies to trial hoisting of ST hall crane in CSPC S&P plant, including : 行车试吊前的检查 check before trial hoisting行车静负荷试验 crane static load test 行车动负荷试验 crane move load test2.0 目的:Purposes 编制本程序旨在为了保证汽机房行车试吊工作安全顺利进行。Its to ensure trial hoisting of ST hall crane to be done safely and smoothly.3.0 职责:Responsibilities 3.1 sepco1负责行车的试吊工作。 Sepco1 is responsible for the turbine hall crane trial hoisting. 3.2 SEPCO负责协调和质量验收工作。 SEPCO is responsible for coordination and the quality acceptance. 3.3在试验期间DEMAG TFA在现场。 During testing DEMAG TFA to be present.4.0 概述:Summaries 汽机房设计安装一台40/10t的行车,由DEMAG CRANE & COMPONENTS Ltd.(SHANG HAI)制造供货。 To design and install a turbine hall crane (40/10t), manufactured and provided by DEMAG CRANE & COMPONENTS Ltd. (SHANG HAI), for turbine building.4.1具体技术数据如下 Detail technical data as follows : 行车型号 Type of turbine hall crane : FEM 1AM 起吊能力 Hoisting capability :主钩 Primary hook :40 t 附钩 Accessorial hook: 10 t 跨度Span :19.1m 行车总重 Gross weight of turbine hall crane :23.5t 5.0 编制依据 References:5.1 设备厂家提供的有关图纸资料 Relative drawing and document provided by equipment plant5.2 DL5011-92 电力建设施工及验收规范(汽轮机组篇); DL5011-92 Construction and acceptance specification for electrical power construction (Chapter for turbine generator group )5.3火电施工质量检验给评定标准(汽机篇) 1998版 Quality inspection and assessment standard for heat power construction (Chapter for Steam turbine ) Edition of 1998 5.4 有关的DEP和SP related DEP and SP6.0 施工准备 Construction preparation :6.1机械、电气及安全设施安装齐全,接好安全可靠的正式或临时电源,电气设备绝缘电阻合格,经试运动作正常,各操作装置标明动作方向,操作方向和运行方向经核对无误,继电保护装置灵敏可靠;Mechanical, electrical and safety facilities are available with reliable power supply. The electrical equipment has been trial operated and in nice condition with acceptable insulation resistance and the sensitive and reliable relay protection.6.2起落大钩的各档调节控制装置应能灵敏准确的控制;The lifting hook can be sensitively and correct controlled in different speed.6.3行车的过卷限制器、过负荷限制器、行程限制器以及轨道阻进器的联锁开关等安全保护装置齐全,并经试验,确认灵敏正确,对于限制位置应作出标记;The interlocked switch of the lift limit, load limit, travel limit and rail stop is available and sensitive and tested, and the limit position shall be marked.6.4屋顶、屋架上悬挂的索具、行车梁上的杂物和插筋等应全部清理干净,轨道上无油脂等增滑物质;All slings on roof and truss and residuals and rebar on crane beams shall be cleared off, and rails shall be free from grease etc.6.5行车操作工必须持证上岗;The crane operator shall be on duty with certificate. 6.6各制动器内按环境温度加好厂家所要求的油脂;Each brake has been filled with grease required by manufacturer as per ambient temperature.6.7盘动各机构的制动轮,旋转应无卡涩,调整制动器,经试验确认灵敏正确;To turn the brake wheel of each mechanism, and it shall be rotated smoothly. To adjust the brake till its tested to be sensitive and correct.6.8大车、小车和吊钩都经空车试转,动作良好,大小车轮与轨道无卡涩现象;Cart, trolley and hook to be trial hoisted without load, and have a good operation and no block between cart/trolley and rail.6.9准备好试负荷用的荷重,Weights for trial hoisting to be prepared. 6.10做好试验时所需的测量准备工作,所用的计量器具在校验合格使用期内;Measuring instrument required shall be available and in valid calibration period.6.11 人力到位,试吊时,应由专人负责,全面指挥,专人记录,所有参加试吊人员都必须听从指挥,服从安排。All persons involved shall be on duty.6.12所有施工人员已经进行安全和技术交底并参加STARRT会。All persons involved shall take safety and technical clarification and STTARRT.7.0主要施工机械及测量仪器 main construction machines and measuring instrument 7.1 主要施工机械 main construction machines50t汽车吊 crane 10t运输车 truck7.2测量仪器:measuring instrument卷尺、秒表、钢板尺、经纬仪等tape, stopwatch, steel ruler, transit, etc.8.0劳动力组织 Labor force 技术负责人 Technical principal :一名 One 质量负责人 Quality principal :一名 One 施工负责人 Construction principal :一名 One安装工 Erectors : 四名 Four 起重工 Craneman : 四名 Four电 工 Electrician: 一名 One 9.0施工工序及施工方法 Construction procedure and plans9.1 施工工序 Construction procedure 试吊前条件的检查 行车空负荷试验 行车静负荷试验 行车动负荷试验 check before trial hoisting empty load test crane static load test crane move load test 9.2试吊前条件的检查check before trial hoistingl 清除一切安装时残留在机内的杂物。Clear off all erection residual.l 将试验范围内的障碍物清除,并设警戒标志,严禁一切无关人员进入。Remove all barrier within test scope and set up alarm sign to prevent all unauthorized persons from entering.l 检查大车行走的轨道,保证大车车轮全部与轨道接触。Check the rail for cart to ensure its wheel full contact with the rail.l 对所有的润滑点及铰接点、减速器、钢丝绳等按规定给予充分润滑,在试验前凡是能用手转动的部分,均要用手转动。To lubricate all lube points and joints, speed reducer and wire ropes, and to turn all rotated parts which could be turned by hands.l 准备好测量工具,如:卷尺、秒表、钢板尺、经纬仪、贴在行车上标示下挠度的标签等。Measuring tools such as tape, stopwatch, steel ruler and transit and label indicating the lower swag are available. l 检查各重要部件的规格和状态是否符合要求。Check specification and condition of each major part compliance to requirements.9.3空负荷试验:分别开动各机构的电机,全程范围内进行12次试验,各机构应运转正常,不得有异常现象,检查各控制设备的正确性。Empty load test: to run motors of all mechanisms and make 12 times of tests within full range. All shall run properly without abnormity.9.4静负荷试验: static load testl 主钩经过23次的加载起吊40吨额定负荷,分别做上升、下降大小车运行动作,各方向动作分别进行12次。各项指标应符合下表的要求。After 23 times of load application to primary hook, to lift 40 t rated load and carry out up and down operations of cart/trolley. All data shall meet the requirements in the following table. l 副钩经过23次的加载起吊10吨额定负荷,分别做上升、下降大小车运行动作,各方向动作分别进行12次。各项指标应符合下表的要求。After 23 times of load application to accessorial hook, to lift 10t rated load and carry out up and down operations of cart/trolley. All data shall meet the requirements in the following table.序号no项目名称Description 计量单位unit要求值required value极限偏差limit deviation1试验载荷test load吨t40±1%2主钩起升高度 primary hook lift height米m25±1.5%3副钩起升高度accessorial hook lift height米m26±1.5%4载荷起升速度load lift speed主钩primary hook米/分钟m/min0.22.4+10%-5%副钩accessorial hook米/分钟m/min04+10%-5%5载荷下降速度load descent speed主钩primary hook米/分钟m/min0.22.4+25%-5%副钩accessorial hook米/分钟m/min04+25%-5%6大车运行速度 cart travel speed米/分钟m/min2-20+10%-5%7小车运行速度trolly travel speed米/分钟m/min220+10%-5%8桥架下挠度 lower swag of bridge毫米mm27.3mm (L/700,L=起重机跨距span of crane);9限位器的可靠性 reliability of restriction能准确停车stop correctlyl 额定负荷试吊无异常后,副钩起升1.25倍重物(12.5吨)做静负荷试验。将小车停放在跨度中间的位置,吊起12.5吨载荷,起升离地面100-200mm 的高度,悬空时间不少于10分钟。After rated load trial hoisting, to carry out static load test by lifting 1.25 times of load (12.5t) with accessorial hook. To place the trolley in the center of bridge and lift 12.5t load off the ground (100200mm) and hold at least 10min.l 额定负荷试吊无异常后,主钩起升1.25倍重物(50吨)做静负荷试验。主钩吊起50吨载荷,起升离地面100-200mm 的高度,悬空时间不少于10分钟,卸去载荷后检查行车主梁基点处有无永久变形,不得有永久变形,检查油漆剥落或对起重机的性能与安全有影响的损坏,连接处没有出现松动或损坏;主钩张口应无残余变形,焊缝无异常现象,钢件无裂纹。After rated load trial hoisting, to carry out static load test by lifting 1.25 times of load (50t) with primary hook. To lift 50t load off the ground (100200mm) and hold at least 10min. after load removal, to check for no permanent deformation in crane beam base, for no damage of painting coat which could affect its performance and safety, for no loose or damage in the joint, for no residual distortion in the hook, and no abnormity in weld and no crack in the steel parts.负荷试验过程中如听到异常声响或看到异常现象,应立即停止,找出原因,研究处理。During trial hoisting, if found any abnormal sound or phenomenon, it shall be stopped and the reason be found and corrective action be taken.9.5动负荷试验:应在静负荷试验后证明机械和结构均属良好的情况下进行。Move load test : to be done after static load test being carried out and good condition of mechanism being verified.l 副钩试验:小钩吊起1.1倍(11吨)的负荷,反复上升和下降,然后分别启动运行机构走行大车和小车,并做终端开关试验和制动试验,累计试验时间不少于10min,试验行车的各机构和制动器的功能。各机构的动负荷试验应先分别进行,然后作联动试验,同时开动两个机构。各方向动作分别试验12次,目测检查各构件有无损害,联接处有无松动或损坏,电动机及其控制设备运行情况正常,限位开关和连锁保护装置动作准确可靠。检查起重机应该行走平稳,无特殊振动、卡涩和冲击;车轮无卡轨现象和声响;各轴承温度正常;制动器、制动带温度不应过高,一般不应超过5060;Accessorial hook test: to lift 1.1 times of rated load (11t) and ascend and descend repeatedly, and start travel mechanism to move cart/ trolley, and test end switch and brake system, with accumulative test time no less than 10min to test the performance of all mechanism and brakes.Move load test for all mechanisms shall be done respectively at first, and then to do interlocked test to operate two mechanisms at the same time. Each direction of movement shall be done 1-2 times, and to check for no damages of all components and no loose or damages in the joints, for sound operation of motor and its control unit, and for correct and reliable action of limit switch and interlocked safety unit. To check for crane steadily travel without abnormal vibration, block and impact, for wheel no block and noise, for normal temperature of all shafts. The temperature of brakes shall not be too high, no exceeding 5060.l 主钩试验:大钩吊起1.1倍(44吨)的负荷,反复上升和下降,然后分别启动运行机构走行大车和小车,并做终端开关试验和制动试验,累计试验时间不少于10min,试验行车的各机构和制动器的功能。各机构的动负荷试验应先分别进行,然后作联动试验,同时开动两个机构。各方向动作分别试验12次,目测检查各构件有无损害,联接处有无松动或损坏,电动机及其控制设备运行情况正常,限位开关和连锁保护装置动作准确可靠。检查起重机应该行走平稳,无特殊振动、卡涩和冲击;车轮无卡轨现象和声响;各轴承温度正常;制动器、制动带温度不应过高,一般不应超过5060;primary hook test: to lift 1.1 times of rated load (44t) and ascend and descend repeatedly, and start travel mechanism to move cart/ trolley, and test end switch and brake system, with accumulative test time no less than 10min to test the performance of all mechanism and brakes. Move load test for all mechanisms shall be done respectively at first, and then to do interlocked test to operate two mechanisms at the same time. Each direction of movement shall be done 1-2 times, and to check for no damages of all components and no loose or damages in the joints, for sound operation of motor and its control unit, and for correct and reliable action of limit switch and interlocked safety unit. To check for crane steadily travel without abnormal vibration, block and impact, for wheel no block and noise, for normal temperature of all shafts. The temperature of brakes shall not be too high, no exceeding 5060.10.有关计算 Calculation involved10.1汽机房桥式起重机试吊荷载选用钢筋,每根钢筋的规格为36×12m,每50根钢筋为一捆,在每捆钢筋之间垫50mm高的木板以用于钢丝绳拆挂空间。为了试吊时的安全,在钢筋试重物下方用运输燃机发电机的底座作为托盘,将钢筋放置于托盘上方 ,托盘与钢丝绳重约6吨。Load for trial hoisting is steel bar 36×12m, and 50 pcs for each bundle. Bundles shall be placed on the pallet for STG, and pallet with wire rope is about 6t.44吨负荷试吊时:钢筋重量为38吨,钢筋数量为:44t load: weight of steel bar to be 38t, so quantity of bars:每根钢筋的重量为weight of each bar: m=3.1416×18×18×12×7.85/1000=95.884KgQ1=38000/95.884 =396(根pcs),共7捆零46根。Total 7 bundles and 46 pcs.50吨负荷试吊时:钢筋重量为44吨,钢筋数量为:50t load: weight of bars to be 44t, so quantity of bars:Q2=44000/95.884=459(根),共9捆零9根。Total 9 bundles and 9 pcs.10.2起吊用钢丝绳的计算 lifting wire rope calculation 行车试吊过程中起吊最重的重量为:50吨,根据现场条件,选用65mm,1700MPa,长度为18m 6*37+1的钢丝绳1对。The heaviest load is 50t, according to site conditions, so 1 pair of 6*37+1 wire rope 65mm,1700Mpa and 18m long to be used. 单股钢丝绳允许最大允许起吊重量为:Single wire rope maximum allowable lifting load:G=10d210 *(65)242250kg吊装时采用“四股四”的方式,每股钢丝绳与竖直方向夹角均为30º,每股钢丝绳受力为:50t/(4×cos30º)=50t/(4×0.866)=14.434t<42.25t(单股钢丝绳允许最大允许起吊重量),因此满足起吊要求。 Lift it with a pair of steel wire rope, 30º angle of each rope to vertical direction, and each rope load to be: 50t/(4×cos30º)=50t/(4×0.866)=14.434t<42.25t (Single wire rope maximum allowable lifting load), so it meets the requirement.11 工作安全分析(JSA)