【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流MBA英语短语46.精品文档.MBA英语短语:【MBA加油站 】go into1.进入,从事,参加2.开始生涯;深入研究;详谈同义词:come in,enter,get in,get into,go in,move into;反义词:exit,get out,go out,leave;go into的英语解释:to come or go intobe used or required for相关短语:a near go 九死一生,侥幸逃脱a pretty go 怪事,奇怪all dressed up and nowhere to go v. 打扮整齐却无处可去all systems go 一切就绪,一应俱全,万事如意all the go 非常流行,风行一时anywhere you go 无论走到哪里,到处Are you going to go anyplace this year 你今年准备去什么地方as people go 照一般人讲,按一般人的说法at one go 一举,一下子bid sb go whistle 不顾某人的意愿,无礼地拒绝某人go into的例句:1.Sure, many people go into a field because they want to make a difference.当然了,许多人人进入一个领域是因为他们希望能产生影响。2.A stewardess came and told her to go into coach.一位空中小姐过来告诉她进入教练仓。3.We don't need to go into all that now.现在没必要一下子就扎进这些东西。4.Many of our students go into finance.我们的许多学生从事金融业。5.He hoped to earn a degree and go into social work.他想要获得一个学位,然后进入社会工作。get down1.【英】饭后离开餐桌2.使悲伤,使沮丧3.(困难地)吞下,咽下4.记录,记下,写下同义词:dismount,get off,light,unhorse;put down,set down,write down;deject,demoralise,demoralize,depress,dismay,dispirit,cast down;commence,get,begin,set about,set out,start,start out;bring down,let down,lower,take down;swallow;反义词:elate,intoxicate,lift up,pick up,uplift;end,terminate;elevate,get up,bring up,lift,raise。get down的英语解释:get off (a horse)put down in writing; of texts, musical compositions, etc.lower someone's spirits; make downheartedtake the first step or steps in carrying out an actionmove something or somebody to a lower positionlower (one's body) as by kneelingpass through the esophagus as part of eating or drinkingget down的例句:1.He asked colcord to get down.他要克尔科特下来.2.But she could hardly get down a morsel.但她简直连一口也吃不下去。3.Shall we get down to business now?我们现在就开始谈正经事好吗?4.Let's get down to work.让我们开始认真工作吧.5.And somehow I have to get down there to find them.而我就要想办法下到那里,揭开这些秘密。get off 1.离开;动身2.发出3.(使)免受处分4.(使)入睡5.停止工作6.记住;背诵7.下(车、马等)同义词:dismount,get down,light,unhorse;trip,trip out,turn on;escape,get away,get by,get out;send,send off;mail。反义词:get on,board。get off的英语解释:get off (a horse)get high, stoned, or druggedescape potentially unpleasant consequences; get away with a forbidden actionenjoy in a sexual waybe relieved of one's duties temporarilyleave a vehicle, aircraft, etc.transfersend via the postal servicecause to be acquitted; get off the hook; in a legal casedeliver verballyget off的例句:1.Did you even get off the couch?你有没有下过床?2.He'll tell you to get off.那他会让你下车的.3.Our conversation started as any other, with me asking him if we could get off the desk and chat.那次谈话的开始和以往任何一次一样,我问他能不能离开交易席位谈一下。4.Get off our goddamn saint augustine!我们该死的圣奥古斯丁,下来!5.A professional footballer was told to shave or get off the team.一名职业足球运动员被警告:要么把胡子剃了,要么离出球队。from time to time 1. 不时;偶尔;间或;有时同义词:at times,now and again,now and then,occasionally,on occasion,once in a while;from time to time的英语解释:now and then or here and therefrom time to time的例句:1.Multiple ash layers suggest that eruptions killed countless animals from time to time.一层又一层的火山灰预示着火山爆发不时带走无数动物的生命。2.We all feel tired from time to time and there are a multitude of factors that contribute to tiredness and fatigue.我们都会有时感觉累,有很多因素会导致疲倦。3.While this is hardly a desirable trait, a bit of verbosity can come in handy from time to time.尽管这不是可取的习惯,赘言还会偶尔的出现。4.That's how I feel from time to time.我有时候就觉得自己是个糟糕的家长。5.There are nine in all; each works a four-hour shift in the building, which is protected by a tank that shells the town from time to time.他们共有9人;每人在大楼里四小时轮班,这是个由坦克保护,时而轰炸城镇的狙击队组成。get hold of 1.一把抓住;掌握;得到2.得到,获得3.抓住,理解同义词:clutch,seize;take;contact,get through,reach。get hold of的英语解释:affectget into one's hands, take physicallybe in or establish communication withget hold of的例句:1.The only trouble was, if somebody ordered the book, bordeebook had to get hold of it hence the reason for charging the prevailing market price plus mark-up.唯一的麻烦在于,如果有人订购了这本书,bordeebook就不得不弄到这本书,这就是它定价比主流市场价格高的原因。2.Eg. make sure your friends know where to get hold of you.一定要让你朋友知道在什么地方可找到你。3.Desperation to get hold of apple computers can lead to extreme behavior.不顾一切地想要得到苹果电脑会造成一些极端的行为。4.People used to buy bootleg cds and japanese imports containing music that none of their friends could get hold of.过去人们经常购买盗版光碟和从日本进口的商品,那里面有他们的朋友所不能获得的音乐。5.Anyone who wants to understand the issues and help provide solutions should get hold of a copy and contribute to the debate.任何想要对这个问题有所了解并帮助提供解决方案的人,都应该拿到一份副本,并且参与讨论。get along1.过活2.融洽相处3.进展,有起色同义词: with,get on,get on with;come,do,fare,make out;come along,come on,get on,advance,progress,shape up。反义词:regress,retrograde,retrogress。get along的英语解释:have smooth relationsproceed or get alongdevelop in a positive wayget along的例句:1.Preet is just one of these people who has the ability to get along with anyone. "而普里特恰好便是这种人,他能够与任何人友好地相处。”2.Post-enron, wall street analysts continue to face pressures to get along with their subjects.安然丑闻之后,华尔街分析师继续面临与其研究对象相处的压力。3.Daniel: do you get along with your roommates?丹尼尔:你和室友相处得好吗?4.You get along with yours?你跟你爸处得好?5.Yet not all their citizens get along as well.但两国之间,也并非所有公民都能和睦相处。for instance 1.例如,比如同义词:e.g.,for example;for instance的英语解释:as an examplefor instance的例句:1.For instance, gps could identify empty parking spaces.例如,GPS可以发现空余的停车位。2.For instance, white heard a story from a woman in billing who was buried with paperwork.比方说,怀特就听到过这样一个故事。3.I can't imagine a sales robot, for instance.比如我就想象不出一个销售员机器人是什么样的。4.Suppose, for instance, a critical component arrived late.比如,假设一个关键组成部分未能准时出现。5.( That may translate into more special weapons, for instance.)(比如更多的特殊武器。)for sure肯定地,无疑地,确实地同义词:for certain,sure,sure as shooting,sure enough,surely,certainly。for sure的英语解释:not open to doubtdefinitely or positively (sure' is sometimes used informally for surely')for sure的例句:1.One thing is for sure: the disparate strands of wearable computing are finally starting to come together.有一点可以肯定:各式各样的可佩戴式计算机终将走向统一。2.Kobo will be launched in more than 27 countries that is for sure next year. "可以确信的是,明年,Kobo阅读器将在超过27个国家上市销售。”3.It's a materially important question, and only apple knows for sure.答案至关重要,但这一切只有苹果自己才清楚。4.No one knows for sure, of course.当然,没人知道确切答案。5."If a stock rally hits on this rumor before earnings it will be a sign for sure."“如果在财报发布前股价受这一传闻刺激出现上涨,那么将是肯定的信号。”get dressed 穿好衣服,穿衣,打扮同义词:dress;反义词:discase,disrobe,peel,strip,strip down,uncase,unclothe,undress;get dressed的英语解释:put on clothesget dressed的例句:1.Find your clothes and get dressed with your eyes closed.闭着眼睛找衣服穿衣服2.And 43% touted the benefit of not having to get dressed for class.43%的学生吹嘘好处是不必为了上课而穿适当的衣服。3.Can I get dressed?我能穿上衣服吗?4.If you want to get dressed.如果你想换衣服的话。5.Turn your backs and let the woman get dressed.转过身去让女士把衣服穿好.get by1.通过2.设法;继续存在3.过得;尚可4.过得;尚可同义词:contend,cope,deal,grapple,make do,make out,manage;escape,get away,get off,get out。get by的英语解释:come to terms or deal successfully withescape potentially unpleasant consequences; get away with a forbidden actionpass or move in front ofget by的例句:1.I get by. And the rest?我还过得去其他人呢?2.But for all its faults the book is still interesting and enjoyable if one can get by those faults and look at the positives.但是不管怎样出错,如果一个人能通过那些错误并且看值得肯定的地方,这书仍然很有趣而令人高兴。3."It is being able to know a little bit more than clients so you can at least get by," he admits.他承认:“现在可以做到比客户懂得多点了,这样你起码能够对付过去。”4.Mary can get by with her old overcoat this winter.今年冬天玛丽可以靠她那件大衣勉强应付过去。5.The copenhagen underground has dispensed with drivers and ticket-sellers. Shops get by on automated checkouts.在哥本哈根,地铁里没有司机和售票员;商店全靠自动结帐台经营。get along with1.进展2.与和睦相处同义词:get along,get on,get on with;get along with的英语解释:have smooth relationsget along with的例句:1.Do you get along with your parents now?那你现在和父母相处得怎么样呢?2.You should try to get along with them.你应该试着和她们好好相处。3.His ability to get along with older mentors has been vital.布兰南和年长导师融洽相处的能力起了至关重要的作用。4.Daniel: do you get along with your roommates?丹尼尔:你和室友相处得好吗?5.On the positive side, creative people are generally open to new experiences, but how easy are they to get along with?从积极方面讲,创造型人才一般易于接受新的体验,但是他们是否易于相处呢?get into1.进入2.陷入3.养成同义词:get in;tangle with;come in,enter,get in,go in,go into,move into;don,assume,put on,wear。反义词:exit,get out,go out,leave。get into的英语解释:familiarize oneself thoroughly withsecure a place in a college, university, etc.get involved in or withto come or go intoput clothing on one's bodyget into的例句:1.Fortune: how did you first get into dance?财富:你最初是怎么进入舞蹈这一行的?2.Of course, it's no small hurdle to get into either harvard or stanford.进入哈佛或斯坦福当然要面临着不小的障碍。3.Janet yellen will get into a shouting match珍妮特?耶伦将陷入唇枪舌剑的大论战4.Who will I call if I get into trouble?一旦陷入麻烦,我可以向谁寻求帮助?5.Q: how did you get into photography?问:你当初是怎么进摄影这行的?for example 例如;譬如同义词:e.g.,for instance;for example的英语解释:as an examplefor example的例句:1.For example: what business are we in?例如:我们从事的业务是什么?2.For example, what are "green jobs," anyway?举例来说,什么是“绿色工作”?3.For example, how could an organization and its leaders 比如说,组织机构及其领导者怎样才能4.For example, this year we did something different.比方说,我们今年采取了一些与众不同的方式。5.For example, they did not provide sufficient overtime pay for holidays.例如,没有按要求支付节假日加班工资。get around 规避说服争取花时间和精力去做传播随意走走旅行同义词:get out,break;get about;swing;go around,bypass,short-circuit。get around的英语解释:be released or become known; of newsmove around; move from place to placebe a social swinger; socialize a lotavoid something unpleasant or laboriousget around的例句:1.Barter deals will get around restrictions on iran's central bank.易货贸易也可绕过对伊朗中央银行的限制。2.The american insurance industry has tried to get around this problem by offering variable annuities, which they like to call a "living benefit".美国保险行业试图通过提供各种各样的年金来绕过这一问题,他们把这些年金称作“生活保障金”。3.Some multinationals are, however, finding different and creative ways to get around the problem.不过,一些跨国企业找到了其他有创意的方法来绕开这个问题。4.Some foreigners are not really manufacturing but rather assembling imported parts to get around indian customs duties.有些外企实际并不是进行生产制造,而是通过组装进口的零部件来逃避印度的关税。5.Other students are finding ways to get around the federal requirements.其他学生在试图找寻其他的方法避开联邦的要求。for certain 1.肯定地同义词:for sure,sure,sure as shooting,sure enough,surely,certainly;for certain的英语解释:definitely or positively (sure' is sometimes used informally for surely')for certain的例句:1.For certain products or questions, you might even get answers.对于某些产品或问题,甚至有可能直接获得答复。2.One thing we know for certain: this isn't over yet.有一件事可以肯定:这事还没完。3.Yet he also recognizes the need for certain government functions.不过,他也认为确实需要保留某些政府职能。4.After that, we knew for certain there was something up.这之后,我们知道肯定是发生了什么事变了。5.But one thing I know for certain: rich countries didn't get to be rich by insisting that everything should be the same everywhere.不过,有一点我确信无疑:富国之所以成为富国,并不是通过强求各方面的所有事情都整齐划一。get ahead: get ahead (of sb)走在(某人的)前面;领先;胜过(某人)同义词:gain,gain ground,advance,make headway,pull ahead,win;expand,flourish,boom,prosper,thrive。反义词:drop off,fall back,fall behind,lose,recede;get ahead的英语解释:obtain advantages, such as points, etc.grow strongerget ahead的例句:1.Tall people really do get ahead.高的人真的容易获得成功。2.After all, the majority of the u.s. economy is service-oriented, and that means many americans who want to get ahead need to find ways to succeed in white-collar settings.毕竟,美国的大部分经济都是以服务为导向的,这意味着希望进步的美国人应该找到在白领阶层成功的途径。3.In south korea, pushy parents who want their children to get ahead in learning english send them for an operation to elongate the tongue, in the belief that it will make pronunciation easier.在韩国,一些望子成龙的父母希望孩子在英语上领先一步,便把他们带去做拉舌手术,认为这能够使得孩子在发音方面更加轻松。4.His study of 367 university students that asked what time of day they were most energetic found that those who prefer mornings were far more likely to say they look for ways to help themselves get ahead.他通过向367名大学生询问一天的哪个时候他们最有活力时发现,那些选择早晨的人更倾向于说他们会寻找各种途径来帮助自己成功。5.Add those two truths together and you see a generation working harder outside of the home but failing to get ahead like their parents expected them to.结合这两个事实,你会看见这一代人在家外面工作更辛苦,但是却不能如他们父母期待那样出人头地。gear up的意思: gear up (for/to sth), gear sb/sth up (for/to sth)(使)为.做好准备同义词:fix,prepare,ready,set,set up;gear up的英语解释:make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc相关短语:anchor gear n. 起锚设备change gear 换档,变速;改变方式gear case n. 齿轮箱gear down v.使换慢档,减速gear into v. 连接上gear level v. 使换中档gear to v. 使适合gear up gear up (for/to sth), gear sb/sth up (for/to sth) (使)为.做好准备gear wheel n. 齿轮gear with v. 适合,一致gear up的例句:1.In the meantime, marin will gear up for its biggest advertising weekend of the year: thanksgiving.与此同时,Marin正准备迎接今年最大的广告周末:感恩节。2.Before an execution, I needed some time on my own to gear up for it.在行刑前,我需要一个人待一会儿,以做好准备。3.We'd better gear up the car if we are to arrive at the airport before six.如果要在六钟以前到达机场,我们得加快车速。4.We must gear up industry to meet defense needs.我们必须促进工业生产,以适应防卫的需要。5.The campaign will soon gear up here.竞选活动即将开始。free of charge1.免费同义词:for free,gratis;free of charge的英语解释:without payment相关短语:a free fight 混战a free hand n.放手干的权利a free list 免税商品表,免费入场观众名单a free wind n.顺风an entry for free goods 免税货物报单be free from bias 没有偏见be free from prejudice 不带偏见,不偏不倚be free out on bonds 保释在外be free with v. 直爽,坦白be given free entrance into 获准自由进入free of charge的例句:1.Well, our drink including beer are free of charge.呃,包括啤酒在内的所有饮料都是免费的。2.Print subscribers are often-but not always-allowed to read articles free of charge.印刷版订户时常可以免费读文章,但并不总是如此。3.The company isn't recalling the formula, but said customers can replace