【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流常用工程英语单词集EngineeringEnglishWordsCollection隔声玻璃 sound proof glass 平板玻璃 plate glass 标准玻璃 standard glass 抛光平板玻璃 polished plate glass 中空玻璃 glazing glass,insulating glass 双层中空玻璃 double glazing glass 浮法玻璃 float glass 新釉面玻璃 neo-ceramic glass 有机玻璃 organic glass 钢化玻璃 armourplate glass 强化玻璃 strengthened glass 磨光玻璃 abrased glass,polished glass 毛玻璃 obscured glass,frosted glass 夹丝安全玻璃 wired glass 无色玻璃 white glass 半透明玻璃 translucent glass 不透明玻璃 opaque glass 漫射玻璃 diffusing glass 波形玻璃 corrugated glass 槽形玻璃 channel glass 淬火玻璃 heat treated glass 薄膜玻璃 film glass 铬绿色玻璃 chrome green glass 蓝色玻璃 blue glass 琥珀色玻璃 amber glass 荧光玻璃 fluorescent glass 釉彩玻璃 enamelled glass 中性灰色滤光玻璃 neutral-tinted glass 乳色玻璃 opalescent glass 乳白玻璃 opal glass 压花玻璃 patterned glass 酸蚀刻玻璃 acid-etched glass 大理石玻璃 marbled glass 磨砂玻璃 ground glass 雪花玻璃 alabaster glass 玻璃纤维板 glass fiber board 钢 steel 碳素钢 carbon steel 低(中,高)碳钢 low(medium,high) carbon steel 结构钢 structural steel 高强度结构钢 high-strength structural steel 普通碳素结构钢 ordinary carbon structural steel 铸钢 cast steel 耐酸钢 acid-resisting steel 型钢 shaped steel 圆钢 round steel bar 热轧圆钢 hot rolled round steel 扁钢 flat steel bar 角钢 angle steel 方钢 square steel 槽钢 channel steel 冷轧碳素钢板 cold rolled carbon steel plate 波纹钢板 corrugated steel 花纹钢板 reliefed steel plate 不锈钢管 stainless steel pipe 焊接钢管 welded steel pipe 无缝钢管 seamless steel pipe 镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe 高强度钢丝 high strength steel wire 绑扎用钢丝 binding wire 冷拔低碳钢丝cold drawn mild steel wire 钢筋 steel bar,steel reinforcement 铁 iron 铸件管 cast iron pipe 铸铁给水管 cast iron water pipe 铸铁污水管 cast iron soil pipe 铜 copper 黄铜 brass 铝 aluminium 铅 lead 锡 bin 镍 nickel 锌 zinc 螺栓 bolt 螺孔直径 diameter of bolt hole 螺孔中心线 center line of bolt hole 垫板 packing 垫片 spacer 锚固螺栓 anchor bolt 现场安装螺栓 field bolt 安全螺帽 safety nut 地脚螺栓 holding-down bolt,ground bolt 调整螺帽 adjusting nut 平头螺栓 cheese head bolt 圆头螺栓 botton head bolt 夹紧螺栓 clinch bolt 埋头螺栓 countersunk bolt 防松螺帽 self-locking nut 带销螺栓头 bolt head with feather 铆钉 rivet 螺丝 screw 垫圈 washer 平垫圈 flat washer 弹簧垫圈 spring washer 防松垫圈 lock washer 胶合板 plywood 纤维板 fiber board 聚合物 polymer 高分子化合物 high-molecular compound 树脂 resin 环氧树脂 epoxy resin 聚乙烯 polyethylene (PE) 聚氯乙烯 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 聚苯乙烯 polystyrene 聚酯树脂 polyester resin 聚丙烯 polyropylene 发泡聚氨脂 foamed polyurethane 建筑及结构设计规范 code for architectural and structural design 施工及验收规范 code for construction and acceptance 建筑抗震设计规范 building seismic design code 建筑材料标准standard for building materials 地基及基础规范 code for soil and foundation 防火规范 fire-protection code 卫生标准 sanitary standard 电气设计及装置规范 code for electrical design and installation 给排水规范 code for water supply and drainage 供暖及通风设计及装置规范 code for heating and ventilating design and installation 工艺 technology (process) 工艺流程图 process flow chart 运输流程图 transport flow chart 加工图 process technology drawing 工艺设备平面布置图 process equipment layout 装配图 assembly drawing 人流 person flow 物流 goods flow 产品大纲 product programme 生产线 production line 生产能力 production capacity 年生产量 annual yield,annual output 工作制度 work system 组织机构表 organization chart 工艺对建筑的要求 process requirements on buildings 总图 SITE PLAN 基址图 site plot 总体规划图 master plan 位置图 location map 发展规划图 development planning 长远规划图 long-term planning 总平面图及竖向布置图 site plan and vertical arrangement 土方工程图 earth-work drawing 土方累计图 mass diagram 土方累计曲线 mass curve 围墙结构构造图 structural construction chart of fence wall 道路结构构造图 structural construction chart of road 道路横剖面图 road profile 道路纵剖面图 cross section of road 室外管线平面图 outdoor pipeline plan 道路和堆放场构造图 construction of road and storage yard 工厂组成表 factory composition table 工厂区划图 factory blocking 地形图 topographical map 工厂区,工业区 industrial district 工业发展区industrial development area 生活区 residential area,living area 商业区 commercial area,business area 厂区面积 site area 建筑面积 floor area 建筑占地面积 built-up area 铺砌面积 paving area 使用面积 usable floor area 有效面积 effective floor space 建筑总面积 total floor area 建筑各层面积 floor space of each storey 容积率 buikding volume ratio 利用系数,利用率 utilization factor 方位,朝向 orientation 结构面积 structural area 通道面积 passage area 道路及广场面积 area of roads and plaza 建筑系数 building occupation coefficient 绿化系数 landscaping factor 建筑密度 building density 城市规划 city planning 住宅区方案 residential district planning 住宅小区 living quarters 总建筑基地面积 gross site area,gross building area 人行道 pedestrian-way 行车道 traffic lane 露天堆放场 storage yard 街道交叉处的转盘道 turnaround 停车区 parking area,parking lot 停车道 parking lane 围墙 fence wall 钢丝网围墙 wire-net fence 绿化地带 green belt 草坪 turf,lawn 花坛 flower bed 旗杆座 flag-pole stand 预留发展地 space for furture extension边线,界线 border line 建筑红线 red line,property line 安全距离 safety distance 防火间隔 fire break 纵坐标 ordinate 横坐标 abscissa 基准点 datum mark,datum point 水准基点 bench mark,leveling base 地区水准点 regional bench mark 标高 level,elevation 相对标高 relative elevation 设计标高 desighed elevation 室外地面标高 elevation of ground 室外道路标高 road level 室外散水标高 outdoor water discharge level 室内地坪标高 elevation of indoor grade 绝对标高 absolute altitude 等高线 contour line 道路纵剖面 profile of road 道路横剖面 cross section of road 道路交叉点标高 elevation of road intersection 高差 elevation difference 土方 earth work 土方工程量 volume of earthwork 土方平衡表 earthwork balance sheet 填土高度 height of filling 余土 surplus earth 缺土 earth to be borrowed 回填 backfill 洼地 depression 坡度 inclination,slope 坡道 ramp 阶梯地面 terraced ground 平整场地 site leveling 运土 transported soil 砂石移运 detritus transport 人工填土 artificial fill 台阶式挖土法 bench method 台阶式挖掘 bench excavation 平衡挖填 balance of cuts and fills 借土挖方 borrow cut 借土填方 borrow fill 超挖 overbreak 超填 overfill 挡土板 lagging 挡墙,板桩 bulkhead 原状土样 undisturbed soil sample 重塑土样 remolded sample 爆破工程 explosion work ·隔声玻璃 sound proof glass 平板玻璃 plate glass 标准玻璃 standard glass 抛光平板玻璃 polished plate glass 中空玻璃 glazing glass,insulating glass 双层中空玻璃 double glazing glass 浮法玻璃 float glass 新釉面玻璃 neo-ceramic glass 有机玻璃 organic glass 钢化玻璃 armourplate glass 强化玻璃 strengthened glass 磨光玻璃 abrased glass,polished glass 毛玻璃 obscured glass,frosted glass 夹丝安全玻璃 wired glass 无色玻璃 white glass 半透明玻璃 translucent glass 不透明玻璃 opaque glass 漫射玻璃 diffusing glass 波形玻璃 corrugated glass 槽形玻璃 channel glass 淬火玻璃 heat treated glass 薄膜玻璃 film glass 铬绿色玻璃 chrome green glass 蓝色玻璃 blue glass 琥珀色玻璃 amber glass 荧光玻璃 fluorescent glass 釉彩玻璃 enamelled glass 中性灰色滤光玻璃 neutral-tinted glass 乳色玻璃 opalescent glass 乳白玻璃 opal glass 压花玻璃 patterned glass 酸蚀刻玻璃 acid-etched glass 大理石玻璃 marbled glass 磨砂玻璃 ground glass 雪花玻璃 alabaster glass 玻璃纤维板 glass fiber board 钢 steel 碳素钢 carbon steel 低(中,高)碳钢 low(medium,high) carbon steel 结构钢 structural steel 高强度结构钢 high-strength structural steel 普通碳素结构钢 ordinary carbon structural steel 铸钢 cast steel 耐酸钢 acid-resisting steel 型钢 shaped steel 圆钢 round steel bar 热轧圆钢 hot rolled round steel 扁钢 flat steel bar 角钢 angle steel 方钢 square steel 槽钢 channel steel 冷轧碳素钢板 cold rolled carbon steel plate 波纹钢板 corrugated steel 花纹钢板 reliefed steel plate 不锈钢管 stainless steel pipe 焊接钢管 welded steel pipe 无缝钢管 seamless steel pipe 镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe 高强度钢丝 high strength steel wire 绑扎用钢丝 binding wire 冷拔低碳钢丝 cold drawn mild steel wire 钢筋 steel bar,steel reinforcement 铁 iron 铸件管 cast iron pipe 铸铁给水管 cast iron water pipe 铸铁污水管 cast iron soil pipe 铜 copper 黄铜 brass 铝 aluminium 铅 lead 锡 bin 镍 nickel 锌 zinc 螺栓 bolt 螺孔直径 diameter of bolt hole 螺孔中心线 center line of bolt hole 垫板 packing 垫片 spacer 锚固螺栓 anchor bolt 现场安装螺栓 field bolt 安全螺帽 safety nut 地脚螺栓 holding-down bolt,ground bolt 调整螺帽 adjusting nut 平头螺栓 cheese head bolt 圆头螺栓 botton head bolt 夹紧螺栓 clinch bolt 埋头螺栓 countersunk bolt 防松螺帽 self-locking nut 带销螺栓头 bolt head with feather 铆钉 rivet 螺丝 screw 垫圈 washer 平垫圈 flat washer 弹簧垫圈 spring washer 防松垫圈 lock washer 胶合板 plywood 纤维板 fiber board 聚合物 polymer 高分子化合物 high-molecular compound 树脂 resin 环氧树脂 epoxy resin 聚乙烯 polyethylene (PE) 聚氯乙烯 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 聚苯乙烯 polystyrene 聚酯树脂 polyester resin 聚丙烯 polyropylene 发泡聚氨脂 foamed polyurethane 建筑及结构设计规范 code for architectural and structural design 施工及验收规范 code for construction and acceptance 建筑抗震设计规范 building seismic design code 建筑材料标准 standard for building materials 地基及基础规范 code for soil and foundation 防火规范 fire-protection code 卫生标准 sanitary standard 电气设计及装置规范 code for electrical design and installation 给排水规范 code for water supply and drainage 供暖及通风设计及装置规范 code for heating and ventila ting design and installation 工艺 technology (process) 工艺流程图 process flow chart 运输流程图 transport flow chart 加工图 process technology drawing 工艺设备平面布置图 process equipment layout 装配图 assembly drawing 人流 person flow 物流 goods flow 产品大纲 product programme 生产线 production line 生产能力 production capacity 年生产量 annual yield,annual output 工作制度 work system 组织机构表 organization chart 工艺对建筑的要求 process requirements on buildings 总图 SITE PLAN 基址图 site plot 总体规划图 master plan 位置图 location map 发展规划图 development planning 长远规划图 long-term planning 总平面图及竖向布置图 site plan and vertical arrangement 土方工程图 earth-work drawing 土方累计图 mass diagram 土方累计曲线 mass curve 围墙结构构造图 structural construction chart of fence wall 道路结构构造图 structural construction chart of road 道路横剖面图 road profile 道路纵剖面图 cross section of road 室外管线平面图 outdoor pipeline plan 道路和堆放场构造图 construction of road and storage yard 工厂组成表 factory composition table 工厂区划图 factory blocking 地形图 topographical map 工厂区,工业区 industrial district 工业发展区 industrial development area 生活区 residential area,living area 商业区 commercial area,business area 厂区面积 site area 建筑面积 floor area 建筑占地面积 built-up area 铺砌面积 paving area 使用面积 usable floor area 有效面积 effective floor space 建筑总面积 total floor area 建筑各层面积 floor space of each storey 容积率 buikding volume ratio 利用系数,利用率 utilization factor 方位,朝向 orientation 结构面积 structural area 通道面积 passage area 道路及广场面积 area of roads and plaza 建筑系数 building occupation coefficient 绿化系数 landscaping factor 建筑密度 building density 城市规划 city planning 住宅区方案 residential district planning 住宅小区 living quarters 总建筑基地面积 gross site area,gross building area 人行道 pedestrian-way 行车道 traffic lane 露天堆放场 storage yard 街道交叉处的转盘道 turnaround 停车区 parking area,parking lot 停车道 parking lane 围墙 fence wall 钢丝网围墙 wire-net fence 绿化地带 green belt 草坪 turf,lawn 花坛 flower bed 旗杆座 flag-pole stand 预留发展地 space for furture extension 边线,界线 border line 建筑红线 red line,property line 安全距离 safety distance 防火间隔 fire break 纵坐标 ordinate 横坐标 abscissa 基准点 datum mark,datum point 水准基点 bench mark,leveling base 地区水准点 regional bench mark 标高 level,elevation 相对标高 relative elevation 设计标高 desighed elevation 室外地面标高