Birth Of Theseus.ppt
Theseus 資工2B鄭可莉B94570119朱盈潔B94570122陳珮寧B94570125The Birth Of TheseusIn Pisa Bellerophon 要娶Aethra為妻 Bellerophon名譽掃地遺送到Caria Pittheus最有學問的人 女兒AethraPittheus感到悲哀Aethra被迫終身不嫁灌醉了Aegeus 讓Aethra與Aegeus同床共眠Themis (oracle) and Aegeus告訴Aethra如果有孩子在Troezen托養長大一塊岩石下埋他的 寶劍和絆鞋Aegeus醒來後若能取出信物帶著去Athens找父親回Athens若孩子長大了Aethra生下了 TheseusPittheus基於謹慎散佈謠言Theseus父親是PoseidonAethra告訴他的身世Theseus取出信物不聽Pittheus的警告和母親的哀求不走安全海路走陸路去Athens因崇拜表兄Heracles想建立偉績跟他競賽Guided by his mother Theseus finds the sword and the sandalsJourney to AthensPeriphetesA large man with a club made out from brass, who was killing the passers by. Journey to AthensSinisThe pine bender, a strong man who would tear the victim in two by use pine tree.Journey to AthensPhaea(Man-eating pig)The wild sow Phaea, that caused a lot of destruction in the territory .Journey to AthensSkiron A giant man, who was holding an axe, forcing the passers by to wash his feet, kick them with his feet over the cliff.Journey to AthensCerCyonforcing the travelers to wrestle with him till death. Journey to AthensProcrusteshad two beds, with a hammer beat them or chop their legsMedeas plan JasonFlew to AthensKing married MedeaGive Thesues The poisoned wineAriadneAriadneCrete國王Minos祭祀 違約子Minotaur 迷宮(maze) 雅典供7童男7童女 公主Ariadne絨線球 做夢命中註定離去插曲旗帆失約失親宙斯嘉許金牛座(Taurus) Helen妻子Hippolyte Pirithos 遠征斯巴達 月神阿特美(Artemis)的神殿 抽籤 (lot)Phaedra MinosAriadne妹 逃離兇殘父親與crete結盟聯姻育有兩子 外遇拖油瓶 (Hippolytus )被拒自縊Thanks for your attention.The End