Jack Welch Leading Organizational Change at GE.ppt
LOGO国际案例:杰克国际案例:杰克韦尔奇领导韦尔奇领导GE组织变革组织变革A great business -GEv A long history 历史悠久 1878年,托马斯年,托马斯爱迪生创立了爱迪生电灯公司。(爱迪生创立了爱迪生电灯公司。(127年)年) 1892年,爱迪生通用电气公司和汤姆森休斯顿电气公司合并年,爱迪生通用电气公司和汤姆森休斯顿电气公司合并 GE是道是道.琼斯工业指数琼斯工业指数1896年设立以来唯一至今仍在指数榜上的公司年设立以来唯一至今仍在指数榜上的公司v Large-scale 规模庞大 11个业务集团,客户遍及全球个业务集团,客户遍及全球100多个国家,拥有多个国家,拥有30多万员工多万员工 2004年年GE的销售收入达的销售收入达1524亿美元。亿美元。 2004年,年,GE在在 商业周刊商业周刊“全球股票市值最大全球股票市值最大1000家公司家公司”评选中评选中名列第一名列第一v Brilliant performance 辉煌业绩 财富强前十位长胜将军财富强前十位长胜将军 金融时报金融时报、 财富财富、 商务周刊商务周刊、“全球最受尊敬的公司全球最受尊敬的公司” 、“全球最受推崇的公司全球最受推崇的公司” 、“全球最有价值品牌全球最有价值品牌”评选中明列榜首评选中明列榜首v Personnel training 人才培育 CEO的摇篮,的摇篮,CEO的西点军校的西点军校 培养了培养了170多位财富多位财富500强的强的CEO Who is ? 从入主通用电气起,在短短20年间,他将一个弥漫着官僚主义气息的公司,打造成一个充满朝气,富有生机的企业巨头在他的领导下,通用电气的市值由他上任时的130亿美元上升到了4800亿美元,排名也从世界第10提升到第1。 他所推行的“6个西格玛”标准、全球化和电子商务几乎重新定义了现代企业。2001年9月退休。他被誉为“最受尊敬的CEO”,“全球第一CEO”,“美国当代最成功最伟大的企业家” 如今,通用电气旗下已有12个事业部成为其各自的市场上的领先者,有9个事业部能入选财富500强。韦尔奇带领通用电气,从一家制造业巨头转变为以服务业和电子商务为导向的企企业巨人,使百年历史的通用电气成为真正的业界领袖级企业。 v To find goodmanagers,give them enoughresources and power, so that theygointo full play. 找到优秀的管理人员,给他们足够的资源和权力,让他们去充分的发挥v Promotionand rewardyourbest employees,giving themincrediblesalaries,let themrun a businessforyou . 提拔和奖励你最优秀的员工,给他们不可思议的薪资,让他们来为你经营企业v Do not hesitate toremovefailedmanagers,they shouldbe able toplaythemthe characteristics ofcompanies . 毫不迟疑地去掉不合格的经理,他们应该去能够发挥他们特点的公司Company LogoInternational case When Jack Welch, the chairman and CEO at General Electric(GE) retired in 2001, he could look back at a very successful career. He became CEO in 1981 at the age of 45. At that time, GE had a very complex organization structure with considerable bureaucratic rules. One of his first change was to initiate a strategy formulation process with the guideline that each of the businesses should be number 1 or 2 in their respective areas. If this was not the case, managers had the options of fixing the problem, selling their particular business, or closing it. 当在当在2001年,通用电年,通用电气(气(GE)董事长兼首席执)董事长兼首席执行官杰克行官杰克韦尔奇退休后,韦尔奇退休后,他可以回顾一个非常成功他可以回顾一个非常成功的职业生涯。的职业生涯。 1981年,年,他他45岁,成为首席执行官。岁,成为首席执行官。当时,当时,GE有一个非常官僚有一个非常官僚准则的,复杂的组织结构。准则的,复杂的组织结构。 他的第一个变化之一是他的第一个变化之一是启动战略指导方针,每个启动战略指导方针,每个企业应该在各自领域内争企业应该在各自领域内争做第做第1或或2。如果情况并非。如果情况并非如此,经理们解决了这个如此,经理们解决了这个问题的选项可以是,出售问题的选项可以是,出售其特定的业务,或关闭它。其特定的业务,或关闭它。 In an effort to streamline the organization, Welch removed the sector level and eliminated thousands of salaried and hourly employee positions. Because of these drastic measures, he earned the nickname Neutron Jack. The reorganization increased the span of management (also called span of control) for many managers so that they would have 10 or even 15 subordinates. The restructuring was followed by changing the organization culture and the managerial style of GEs managers. One such program was the Work-Out. Group of managers were assembled to share their views openly in three-day sessions. At the beginning of the meetings, the superior presented 为了努力精简机构,为了努力精简机构,韦尔奇撤销了部门级和韦尔奇撤销了部门级和解雇数千名受薪和时薪解雇数千名受薪和时薪雇员职位。因为这些严雇员职位。因为这些严厉的措施,他获得了绰厉的措施,他获得了绰号号“中子杰克中子杰克”。重组。重组增加了许多经理的管理增加了许多经理的管理跨度(也称为控制跨跨度(也称为控制跨度),使他们将有度),使他们将有10个个或是或是15下属。下属。 重组之后,接着是改重组之后,接着是改变组织文化和变组织文化和GE的管理的管理者的管理风格。这个活者的管理风格。这个活动方法称为动方法称为“Work-out” (群策群力)。集(群策群力)。集团的管理人员们要在为团的管理人员们要在为期三天的会议上公开分期三天的会议上公开分享他们的意见。在会议享他们的意见。在会议开始时,上级领导提出开始时,上级领导提出 the challenges for his or her organizational unit. Then the superior had to leave, requesting the groups to find solutions to the problem. Facilitators helped these discussions. On the last day, the superior was presented with problem solutions. He or she then had three choices: to accept the proposal, not to accept it, or to collect more information. This process put great pressure on the superior to make decision . Another program to improve effectiveness and efficiency was Best Practices. The aim was to learn from other companies how they obtained customer satisfaction, how they related to their supplies and in what ways they developed new products. This helped the GE people to focus on the processes in their operations that would improve the company performance.各个组织单位经理的挑战。各个组织单位经理的挑战。然后,上级领导们要离开会然后,上级领导们要离开会议,并要求各组找到解决问议,并要求各组找到解决问题的方法。调解人协调这些题的方法。调解人协调这些讨论。在最后一天,上级领讨论。在最后一天,上级领导提出解决问题的方法。然导提出解决问题的方法。然后,各个经理有三个选择:后,各个经理有三个选择:接受建议,不接受或是收集接受建议,不接受或是收集更多信息。这一过程给予了更多信息。这一过程给予了上级领导巨大的压力做决定。上级领导巨大的压力做决定。 另一个项目是以提高效另一个项目是以提高效益和效率的的最佳管理法。益和效率的的最佳管理法。目的是学习其他公司他们如目的是学习其他公司他们如何获得客户的满意,他们如何获得客户的满意,他们如何销售他们的产品以及以什何销售他们的产品以及以什么方式发明新产品。这有助么方式发明新产品。这有助于于GE的员工集中于业务流的员工集中于业务流程,提高公司业绩程,提高公司业绩。 Jack Welch was personally involved in developing managers at GEs training center in Crotonville. Leaders, Welch suggested, are not only those who achieve result but also those who share the values of the company .Managers who shared the company values but did not achieve results got another opportunity to improve performance, while managers who achieved results but did not share the values received coaching aimed at changing their value orientation. There was little hope for managers who did not achieve results nor shared the companys values. 杰克杰克韦尔奇亲自参韦尔奇亲自参与了发展中国家在与了发展中国家在GE的的克劳顿村培训中心经理。克劳顿村培训中心经理。领导者,韦尔奇建议,领导者,韦尔奇建议,这不仅是经理们在实现这不仅是经理们在实现了目标,同样也是在分了目标,同样也是在分享公司的价值观。那些享公司的价值观。那些只分享公司的价值观,只分享公司的价值观,但没有取得成果的经理但没有取得成果的经理人,则获得了另一个提人,则获得了另一个提高业绩的机会。而那些高业绩的机会。而那些实现目标却没有分享公实现目标却没有分享公司价值观的经理们获得司价值观的经理们获得了改变他们价值取向这了改变他们价值取向这个训练目标。那些既没个训练目标。那些既没有实现目标又没有分享有实现目标又没有分享公司价值观的经理们来公司价值观的经理们来说是没有希望的。说是没有希望的。 The stretch initiative at GE emphasized“dream targets” with little consideration of how to achieve them. This approach is similar to the setting of creative objectives used in some management-by-objectives programs by other companies. These dream targets did not replace the traditional objective-setting approach but supplemented it. To improve quality, the Six Sigma approach, which was used by Motorola, was introduced at GE. The Six Sigma program suggests a quality level of not more than 3.4 defects for a million operations. Managers were required to participate in the program, and their bonuses were related to the achievement of the quality level. 在在GE拉伸倡议中强调拉伸倡议中强调“梦想目标梦想目标”很少考虑如很少考虑如何去实现他们的梦想目标。何去实现他们的梦想目标。这个方法近似于一些公司这个方法近似于一些公司设置创意目标的目标管理设置创意目标的目标管理方案。这些梦想目标并没方案。这些梦想目标并没有取代传统目标设定的方有取代传统目标设定的方法,而是对它的补充。法,而是对它的补充。 为了提高质量,为了提高质量,GE引引进了摩托罗拉公司发明的进了摩托罗拉公司发明的六个西格玛原理,六个西六个西格玛原理,六个西格玛原理提出质量水平在格玛原理提出质量水平在一百万的实验中不能多于一百万的实验中不能多于3.4次。管理者被要求参次。管理者被要求参加该计划,并且他们的奖加该计划,并且他们的奖金和质量水平挂钩。金和质量水平挂钩。 With the strong conviction of relating performance to rewards, an appraisal system was also introduced that ranked employees in five categories ranging from the top 10 percent to the bottom 10 percent. The top 25 percent received stock options as their reward. While some managers were in favor of the organizational transformation because they felt greater freedom and were rewarded for good performance and value sharing, others saw flaws in the system. 由于对业绩与奖金挂由于对业绩与奖金挂钩的强烈深信,一项评钩的强烈深信,一项评估系统被引进:把员工估系统被引进:把员工分为五个类别,分别从分为五个类别,分别从最高的最高的10%到最低的到最低的10%。最高的。最高的25%将将获得股票权作为回报。获得股票权作为回报。 而一些管理者们支而一些管理者们支持组织变革是因为他们持组织变革是因为他们感受到更大的自由和奖感受到更大的自由和奖励,是价值共享,其他励,是价值共享,其他人看到的制度缺陷。人看到的制度缺陷。 Company Logo1、Do you think it is ethical to engage in restructuring and delayering that result in massive reductions of positions ?2、How would you feel if you were the boss in the Work-Out session being asked to leave the meeting while your subordinates discuss problems and suggest solutions to which you have to say “yes”, “no”, or “require further study” ?Answer Answer In term of the company, restructuring and delayering, this can improve efficiency and save expenses. But it is not good for the employees, they lose their jobs. This process put great pressure on the superior to make decision3、why would other companies agree to their best practice being studied?4、what do you think of evaluating the performance of managers not only on the achievement of results but also on the degree to which they share the organizational values?5、how would you feel about setting unrealistic (stretch) objectives? Answer Answer Answer They can learn more efficient management methods from each other. And achieve a win-win situation. I think that a successful manager, not only have the ability of management, but also should have the correct enterprise values. As the saying goes, have both ability and morality integrity .I think that a unrealistic objective is good for improving employees ability and quality. When we want to achieve the impossible goal, we will be try to make more efforts, show remarkable ability, even if no success. 7. Overall ,how would you evaluate GEs approach to organizational change? What are the advantages and possible problems? 6、should managers be ranked within their organizational unit ?What would you suggest if one such unit is far superior to another unit with most of its managers being generally good managers and yet you still have to identify the bottom 10 percent?Answer Answer I think it is efficient and creative management idea. Advocate the management without borders, allowing full participation; it is benefit for formatting a free and equal corporate culture Due to massive reductions of positions it may destroy the stability of employees.I think it is necessary to differentiate good from bad managers. Only keep out of the bottom of the ten percent, can let the managers have a sense of crisis. Company LogoOrganizational Change FirstSecondThirdThirdFourth1、To be first or second ,or close 、sell 2、streamline the organization 精简机构精简机构 1、the Six Sigma approach 2、To improve quality 1、changing the organization culture and management style 2、“Work-Out” 群策群力群策群力3.Management without borders 管理无边界管理无边界1.Best Practices2. Crotonville. Talent selection and trainingWork-Out 群策群力群策群力 Managementwithout borders 管理无边界管理无边界Redefining Relationships between Management and Employees: the Four Key Goals of GEs Work-Out Meetings 1. Encourage employees to share their views in a collaborative culture 2. Vest greater responsibility, power, and accountability with front-line employees 3. Eliminate wasteful, irrational, and repetitive steps in the work process (which would come to light through employee feedback) 4. Dismantle the boundaries that prevent the cross-pollination of ideas and efforts. (倡导无边界)(倡导无边界)Company Logo Crotonville- People-Factory 人才工厂人才工厂both of ability and moralitya) The correct valuesb) honesty 具有正确的价值观GE Fatality Chart 模范人物优秀业绩者边缘人物低效率者100%100%50-60%无无期权期权奖励奖励A类型B类型C类型重用重用A类类培养培养B类类去除去除C类类人员人员比例比例10%80%10%GE管理基本理念管理基本理念Company LogoBest Practices-twothreeoneLearning best management thought from other companies Revocationofdepartment-level: Morefocus onmutual cooperationinvarious sectorsin the production processrather than asinglesectorperformance 消除部门级:更侧重于各个部门在生产过程中的相互协作而不是单个部门的业绩their bonuses were related to the achievement of the quality level. The Six Sigma管理是管理是“寻求同时增加顾客满意寻求同时增加顾客满意和企业经济增长的经营战略途径。和企业经济增长的经营战略途径。”是使企业是使企业获得快速增长和竞争力的经营方式。它不是单获得快速增长和竞争力的经营方式。它不是单纯的技术方法的引用,而是全新的管理模式纯的技术方法的引用,而是全新的管理模式。 Six Sigma Theory v 革新的五个主要步骤:革新的五个主要步骤:v define定义问题,定义问题,v measure测量你所处的状态,测量你所处的状态,v analyze分析问题是从什么地方开始的,分析问题是从什么地方开始的,v improve改进状况,改进状况,v control控制新的流程控制新的流程 -这就是这就是DMAIC 绿带Company Logo 黑带 黑带大师倡导者 领导6-Sigma行动的高级经理。 他们审批项目,为项目安排经费,并且排解需要解决的任何纠纷与问题。 倡导者并不需要专职负责质量计划,但是他们必须投入必要的时间和精力,确保计划成功。 培训时间:一个星期。 专职人员,负责培训黑带和绿带。 有深厚的数学方面的技能以及教学和领导方面的才华。 项目的主要推动人和领导者 这些黑带大师检查并指导黑带的工作。 培训时间:至少一个月。 全职的质量行动具体负责人员 领导项目工作小组,关注关键性生产环节,向倡导者汇报结果。 这些小组负责人的职责是参与,评估和监控6-Sigma项目。培训时间:至少一个月。全体人员中非专职的参与者。 参加了有关培训计划。 在完成了培训计划之后,这些人必须参与6-Sigma项目,并在日常工作中运用6-Sigma的方法。培训时间:一个星期。 领导6-Sigma行动的高级经理。 他们审批项目,为项目安排经费,并且排解需要解决的任何纠纷与问题。 倡导者并不需要专职负责质量计划,但是他们必须投入必要的时间和精力,确保计划成功。 培训时间:一个星期。 专职人员,负责培训黑带和绿带。 有深厚的数学方面的技能以及教学和领导方面的才华。 项目的主要推动人和领导者 这些黑带大师检查并指导黑带的工作。 培训时间:至少一个月。 全职的质量行动具体负责人员 领导项目工作小组,关注关键性生产环节,向倡导者汇报结果。 这些小组负责人的职责是参与,评估和监控6-Sigma项目。培训时间:至少一个月。全体人员中非专职的参与者。 参加了有关培训计划。 在完成了培训计划之后,这些人必须参与6-Sigma项目,并在日常工作中运用6-Sigma的方法。培训时间:一个星期。6西格玛Organizational structure GE 6-SigmaTo the company, customer and employee benefits Company增加盈利提高经营效率增强竞争地位减少浪费消除重复劳动成本提高生产率和产量减少周围时间根据客户定义的关键质量环节监控动作增加市场份额保持客户信誉Customer更高的满意度更好的产品一致性更好的满足他们的需求更高的质量水平 Employee有更多的时间从事高附加值任务提高技能和智慧更好的理解6-Sigma的概念这是事业进步和职位提高的办法提高做好工作的自豪感Company LogoJack Welch Leading GE(1981-2001)8183858789919395979881838587899193959798000100200300Market value 单位:单位: 10亿美金亿美金Net profit单位:单位: 10亿美金亿美金36090000Income单位:单位: 10亿美金亿美金818385878991939597030609098120LOGO