【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流湖南省低碳经济发展的战略选择.精品文档.湖南省低碳经济发展的战略选择 湖南省低碳经济发展的战略选择(9600字) 摘 要:发展低碳经济已成为各国的共识,是世界经济发展的新潮流。湖南作为一个重工业发展迅速的省份,发展低碳经济有自身的制约因素,也具备一定的潜在优势。在这样的情况下,湖南要很好的发展低碳经济就必须走调整产业 .<p>湖南省低碳经济发展的战略选择(9600字)<br />摘 要:发展低碳经济已成为各国的共识,是世界经济发展的新潮流。湖南作为一个重工业发展迅速的省份,发展低碳经济有自身的制约因素,也具备一定的潜在优势。在这样的情况下,湖南要很好的发展低碳经济就必须走调整产业结构、优化能源结构、加强技术创新和培养环保意识的路子,积极调整,顺利转变。这既符合湖南经济发展的内在要求,又能有效地激活和提升湖南的竞争力,是湖南实现科学跨越和可持续发展的必然选择。<br />关键词:湖南;低碳经济;发展;战略选择<br /><br />The Strategic Choice to Low-carbon economy Development of Hunan Province Student:HUANG He<br />Abstract:Developing low-carbon economy has become a consensus among all countries and a new trend of the world in economic development. As a province whose heavy industry has been developed rapidly, Hunan has its own constraints in developing low-carbon economy, but at the same time, it has some potential advantages. Under such circumstances, in order to develop low-carbon economy Smoothly in Hunan province, it is necessary to readjust industrial structure, optimize energy structure, enhance technological innovation and foster environmental awareness, which is not only consistent with the inherent requirements of Hunan economic development history but also can effectively activate and enhance the competitiveness of Hunan province, So it is the inevitable choice for Hunan to achieve scientific leaping and sustainable development. <br />Key words:Hunan; Low-carbon economy; Development Strategic; Choice<br /><P></P><p>我国外贸物流的现状分析与对策研究(字)<br />摘 要:改革开放以来,我国的外贸物流发展迅速,然而由于现代物流在我国起步较晚,所以在发展过程中存在许多问题:基础设施落后;管理体制不完善;相关物流法律制度落后;物流企业经营管理方式落后等等。本文立足于前人对国际物流研究分析的基础上,结合现有资料和近年来的经济实况,从实际情况出发,详细的分析其问题,加入新鲜血液与观念,对今后我国外贸物流的发展提出几点建议。<br />关键词:外贸物流;我国外贸物流发展;口岸物流<br /><br />China's foreign trade logistics present situation analysis and countermeasures<br />Abstract: Since the reform and opening up, China trade logistics development is rapid, however, because modern logistics started late in our country, so in the development process in many of the problems: poor infrastructure; Incomplete management system; Logistics legal system behind; Logistics enterprise management method backward, etc. Based on the predecessors to international logistics research on the basis of analysis, combine existing material and in recent years, the economic live from actual conditions, detailed analysis of its problems, add the fresh blood and the concept of our country in the future, the development of foreign trade logistics Suggestions. <p class='Jrb475'></p> <br />Key words: International Trade; China's logistics development; Port Logistics<br /><P></P><p>论我国融资租赁税收规范的建立与协调(字)<br />摘 要:融资租赁目前在全球发展迅猛,已成为了融资服务和流通领域里的重要行业。 随着我国经济突飞猛进的发展,我国的融资租赁市场也是日益繁荣。但基于我国在此业务上开展的较晚,因此我国的融资租赁在税收方面仍然存在着许多问题,需要完善与协调。本文以我国现有的融资租赁税收规范为依据,深入分析当前我国融资租赁税收规范存在的不足,进而提出协调我国融资租赁税收规范的具体方案,以期完善我国融资租赁税收规范。<br />关键词:融资租赁;税收制度;协调<br /><br />Establishment &Coordination of Financial Leasing Tax System in China<br />Abstract: Financial leasing is developing so fast in the world.It has became the most important part in every business.Nowadays,with the development of Chinese economy,the fiancial leasing of China expressed new situation.But as we are behind other developed countries,there are a lot of problems in the fiancial leasing of China.We need to complete and coordinate them.Treating financial leasing tax system environment and policy as basis,analyze limilations in the fiancial leasing of China.And reach detail conclusions to compelet the fiancial leasing tax system of China. <font color='#9a9a9a'></font> <br />Key words: Financial leasing;Tax system;Coordination<br /><br />目录<br />摘要1<br />关键词1<br />一、绪论1<br />(一)研究目的和研究意义2 <span class='Jqx155'></span> <br /> 1研究意义2<br /> 2研究目的2<br />(二)国内外研究动态2<br /> 1国外研究现状2 <br /> 1规定统一的印花税税收规范12<br /> 2制定明确、系统的融资租赁业税收优惠的规范12 <br /> (四)其他税收规范的协调12 <br /> 1加强租赁会计准则和税收规范的协调12<br /> 2加强监管审批制度和税收规范的协调12<br />五、结束语13<br />参考文献13<br />致谢14 <span class='Jqx155'></span> </p><P></P><p>管船过失免责自其产生依赖就备受人们的争议。“管船过失免责”的沿革,是由各个历史时期的经济水平和航海贸易状况所决定的,它集中放映了承运人对其所承运的货物所应当承担的责任的归责原则或基础。各国、各利益集团对是否应该取消管船过失免责的意见并不统一。本文就是通过收集国内外对于管船过失免责是否废除的争议并分析这些争议的声音的背景与理由,最后运用学习的专业知识站在支持废除管产过失免责的立场,对我国如何处理好废除管船过失免责这一问题提出一些建议。<br />定义:<br />管船过失免责是指国际海上运输货物的承运人对于船长、船员、引航员或者承运人的其他受雇人员,因管理船舶的过失所造成的货物的灭失或者损坏,不负赔偿责任。管理船舶过失是指船长、船员等在维持船舶性能和有效状态上的过失。20世纪30年代生效的并被广为接受的海牙规则在第4条第2款中规定:“船长、船员、引航员或承运人的受雇人在驾驶船舶或管理船舶中的行为、疏忽或不履行职责所造成的货物灭失或损坏,免除承运人的赔偿责任。”这就是一直以来备受争议的“管船过失免责”条款。时至今日,管船过失免责始终都是承运人可供援用的最重要的免责条款之一。<br />免责的产生背景: <p class='Bgs434'></p> <br />管船过失免责的由来与兴衰19世纪的英国普通法规定,从事提单运输的承运人必须首先尽到使船舶绝对适航、不进行不合理绕航、尽责速遣三方面义务,之后即可对因天灾、公敌行为等造成的货损享有免责权。同时,英国法律在契约自由的旗帜下,允许自由约定合同条款而不论法律有无相反的强制性规定。因绝对适航之不现实性,承运人往往在提单中加入免除该义务的条款,从而规避了法律的义务性规定。伴随航运实践而至的是,提单中类似的免责条款与日俱增,货方利益毫无保障,海运业发展面临一个何去何从的十字路口。<br /><br />字 <span class='Bgs434'></span> </p><P></P><p>我国信托业的发展现状及问题分析(8500字)<br />摘 要:信托业发源于英国,由于其特殊的制度功能,迅速被其他国家引进并得到发展壮大,成为金融资本市场不可或缺的部分,目前发展得比较好且富有制度特色的主要有美国、英国和日本。中国的信托业则是20世纪20年代伴随西方政治、经济势力的入侵而兴起的,由于历史原因及现有条件限制,致使我国信托业存在许多的问题,这些问题的存在也成为了我国信托业发展的隐患;文章通过对我国信托业的发展现状概述了我国信托业的发展问题,并根据实际情况对我国信托业的发展问题进行分析,提出相应的对策。<br />关键词:信托业、信托监管、市场准入制度<br /><br />The Development of the Trust Industry in China and Problem Analysis <br />Abstract:Fiducial originated in Britain, due to its special system function, quickly and get by other countries introduce development, become an integral part of the financial capital market, is now developing better and rich system characteristic mainly has the United States, Britain and Japan1. China's business is the 1920s accompanied by western political, economic forces invaded arisen, owing to historical reasons and existing conditions, in China there are many industries that the problems that exist in the development of industries also become the hidden trouble; Based on the current situation of the development of the trust industry in China in China is described, and the development of the trust industry of our country according to the actual situation of the development of the trust industry problems were analyzed, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures. <p class='Ele971'></p> <br /> Key words:Fiducial; Trust supervision; Market access system<br /><br />目 录<br />摘要1<br />关键词1<br />一、前言2<br />二、我国信托业的发展历程2 <p class='Ele971'></p> <br />三、我国信托业发展的现状2<br />(一)改革开放、经济发展,为信托业的发展带来新的机遇2<br />(二)资本市场的逐步完善使得信托投资运作更为安全、高效3<br />(三)“一法两办法”构造了信托制度的基本法律框架3<br />(四)竞争与合作加强,有利于提高信托机构的核心竞争力3<br />四、我国信托业面临的问题3<br />(一)理论准备先天不足3 <br />(二)制度建设后天失调4<br />(三)信托监管忙于堵漏4<br />(四)理财业务各自为政 5<br />五、推动我国信托业发展的策略5<br />(一)严格市场准入制度,培育合格市场体制5 <p class='Ele971'></p> <br />(二)抓紧制定信托法的配套法律法规,完善信托法律环境6<br />(三)建立健全金融信托风险管理体系,强化风险管理6<br />(四)成立行业协会,加强行业自律6<br />六、结束语7 <br />参考文献 8 <span class='Ele971'></span> <br />致 谢9 </p><P></P><p>摘 要<br />网络语言是伴随当代新媒体背景下发展并且丰富起来的,它从一开始出现就受到人们的广泛关注。作为对新起语言反应最快的高中生群体,使用网络语言是存在在他们周围的一个普遍的现象,他们是使用网络语言最频繁的样体之一。网络形成了他们彼此相互交流的又一空间,他们以各种各样的形式一直吸引着社会大众的目光。本文以贵阳花溪清华的高中生为例,通过问卷调查以及访谈法,对该校高中生网络语言情况进行调查。主要针对他们使用网络语言呈现出的新特点和使用网络语言的动机做出探析,对社会上众说纷纭的争端进行查察,了解在网络语言发展趋于稳定后的高中生使用网络语言的实际情况,并提出相应的思考。<br />关键词:高中生 网络语言 新特点 中学生 <br /><br />An analysis on the sociology so net language<br />-talk high school students of QingHua middle school as an example<br />Abstract<br />Net language is developing and enriched with in the carrent context of new media development, and people pay much attention to it from its birth. High school students, as the group that first reacts to the new –born language. Use net language frequently. Therefor, using net language becomes a wide-spread phenomenon among the youths. They use the net as a new space for mulud exchanging. Attracting attention of the public in various ways. By surveys and interriews, this thesis investigates the situation of using net language among high school students, taking high school students of HuaXi QingHua middle school as an example. Focusing on the new characteristics and motives of using net language, The thesis discusses the varied public opinions, and learns the real situation of using net language after its development tends to be stabilized. Based on all the studies, the thesis finally puts forward some allordingly problems to think about. <br />Keywords: High school students,Net language,New characteristics,Secondary school students<br /><br />目 录 字<br />目 录.I<br />摘 要.<br />ABSTRACT.<br />前 言.1<br />一、调查方法与被试.2<br />二、调查结果.3<br />(一)该校学生使用网络率.4<br />(二)对网络语言的认同情况.4<br />(三)网络语言传播的媒介.5<br />(四)中学生使用网络语言的新点.6<br />1. 网络语言杂糅本地言.6 <span class='Tgf446'></span> <br />2. 火星文.6<br />3. 手机短信成为新宠.7<br />三、中学生使用网络语言的动机及分析.8<br />(一)标新立异.8<br />(二)从众心理.9<br />(三)心理宣泄.9<br />(四)网络语言娱乐性.10<br />四、探索与思考.11<br />(一)当代中学生生存和思维状态的折射.11<br />(二)现行教育给中学生带去压力.12<br />(三)历史传承中的必然选择.12<br />(四)绿色网络环境仍需努力.12<br />(五)挑战传统教、授,优化教学氛围.13 <p class='Tgf446'></p> <br />(六)摈弃消极的网络语言.14<br />五、结 论.15<br />参考文献.16<br />致 谢.17<br />附录.18 <span class='Tgf446'></span> </p><P></P><p>摘 要<br />基于对国内院校工业工程专业的广泛调查,分析了有关院校工业工程实验室的建设情况,并结合工业工程实验设置的现状,通过本项目的研究,逐步建设起具有综合性、实际性以及运用性的“工业工程实验项目集成系统 ”,建立一个实验平台。对各项实验进行统一的管理,进一步创新,在提高实验资源的利用率的同时,提高学生实验的积极性,开发学生的研究能力,提供学生自主学习的空间,从而大大的提高实验的效果。<br />工业工程所开实验项目信息集成,即综合实验平台建设的指导思想是:加强学生工业工程基础理论知识,基本技术手段和基本意识的培养;加强学生现代工业工程系统分析、规划、设计、优化、控制、以及评价能力的培养;突出现代工业工程中信息化和集成化的特点。正是从上述指导思想出发,工业工程实验室建设的总体要求是建设一个综合的、集成的现代工业系统模拟环境,给学生提供一个现代制造系统背景下的工业工程教学实验环境,在能进行专业实验的同时,还能让学生自主的参与设计开发实验,从实验中获取知识。<br /><br />关键词:工业工程,实验室建设,信息集成,实验平台<br /><br />ABSTRACT <p class='Edp796'></p> <br />Based on national institutions of industrial engineering extensive investigations, analysis of the institutions of industrial engineering laboratory building, combined with Chongqing University industrial engineering experiment set-up of the status quo, through the study of the item, and gradually built a comprehensive, practical As well as the use of the "Industrial Engineering Information Integration System pilot project" to establish an experimental platform. Experiment on the unified management, and further innovation in improving the utilization of resources at the same time, enhance the enthusiasm of the students experiment, students develop the research capacity, to provide students independent study of space, thus greatly improving the experimental results.<br />Industrial Engineering opened by the pilot project information integration, comprehensive experimental platform that is the guiding ideology of the building are: to strengthen the industrial engineering students in basic theoretical knowledge, the basic technology tools and basic sense of culture; enhance students of modern industrial engineering systems analysis, planning, design, optimization, Control and evaluation capacity of the culture; prominent modern industrial projects in information and integration features. It is from the above guiding ideology of the industrial engineering laboratory building is the general requirements for building a comprehensive, integrated modern industrial system simulation environment, to provide students with a modern manufacturing system against the background of the industrial engineering teaching experiment environment, to a professional Experiments at the same time, but also to enable students to participate in design and development of independent experiments, access to knowledge from the experiment. <span class='Edp796'></span> <br /><br />Key words:Industrial engineering, laboratory building, information integration, experimental platform<br /> <br />目 录 字<br />中文摘要 <br />ABSTRACT <br />1绪论 1<br /> 1.1国内工业工程的现状 1<br /> 1.2国外工业工程的现状 1<br /> 1.3实验项目信息集成研究的意义 2<br />2工业工程实验室建设的现状 3<br /> 2.1 实验室的概况 3<br /> 2.2所开实验项目 4<br /> 2.2.1生产计划与控制 4<br /> 2.2.2基础工业工程 6<br /> 2.2.3人因工程学 7<br /> 2.2.4设施规划与物流 9 <br /> 2.2.5财务与成本管理