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【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流王建保-贺兰山腹地的西夏窑址考察与初步研究摘要1.精品文档.贺兰山腹地的西夏窑址考察与初步研究王建保(中国防卫科技学院,北京,101601. 中国)摘要2009年夏秋之际,笔者数次深入贺兰山腹地对缸沿子、贵房子等窑址进行考察,初步判断其为西夏时期的遗存。1缸沿子窑址,位于贺兰山插旗口头道沟缸沿子台地周围的坡地上,距插旗口约12公里。台地似人为构筑,南北约60米,东西约80米,西北角可见露头煤层,东南坡地可见露头粘土层。台地四处散落瓷片和窑具,堆积较丰富。窑址中心区约10000平方米,主要有瓷器和窑具等。瓷器有白釉、双色釉和黑釉等,白釉可分精细、一般两类,黑釉可分一般和粗质两类。细白釉以碗类为主(图1),可见盆类口沿及瓷瓦类器物标本,胎釉洁白细腻,兼具景德镇青白釉和德化白釉的特点。胎体精薄,微显生烧,碗类口沿处仅0.3左右。玻璃釉质光亮,开片,积釉处略泛青绿色。两层碗壁粘连厚约4,可见透光(图1)。小件碗类器物,极为精致,有的内底饰线划菊瓣纹。可见白釉与黑釉器物叠烧标本。窑具主要有桶状、碗状、支顶匣钵,支垫具及垫饼等。窑炉均为馒头窑,其中Y1-4有残破,Y5-8窑炉均为残存遗迹,规格大小不尽一致。经王世栋先生调查,此窑炉系20世纪50年代“大炼钢铁”时为烧制耐火砖在原窑址上所建。2贵房子窑址位于贺兰口主沟北马莲沟东南一侧,距缸沿子窑址直线距离约3.5公里。窑址可见两座窑炉及散落的瓷器碎片、窑具等,堆积较丰富。此处白釉器物标本、窑具及其烧造工艺与缸沿子窑址非常接近,如无标注则很难分辨。窑炉均为马蹄窑(图2),窑壁用较为规则的片石拌泥垒砌而成,内壁一层厚约0.5-1厘米的泥壁,可见窑汗。3在“皇城台子”尚有疑似窑址一处。4牛达生、许成先生认为缸沿子窑址“似为贺兰山皇城内日用器皿的供应基地”。笔者将窑址标本与西夏王陵出土的器物做直观比对(图3),大部分标本近同,但未见出土胎釉洁白细腻的小件器物。缸沿子、贵房子两处窑址的标本与灵武窑的标本迥然不同。所以,笔者认同牛达生、许成先生的结论。通过对缸沿子、贵房子两处西夏瓷窑遗址的考察与初步研究,发现这两处烧造的细白釉瓷器质量上乘,不输于当时中原地区的产品,实属罕见。经过比对研究,这两处窑址应该是直接受西夏宫廷或官府管理的官营作坊。图1 缸沿子窑址细白釉瓷器标本Fig.1 Fine white porcelains of Gangyanzi kiln site图2 贵房子窑址窑炉Fig.2 Guifangzi kiln site图3 缸沿子窑址标本与西夏王陵出土器物比对Fig.3 porcelain samples from Gangyanzi Kiln and Imperial Mausoleum of Xixia Investigation and preliminary studies on Kiln of Xixia at the hinterland of Helan MountainsWang Jianbao (China Institute of Defense Science and Technology, Beijing, China, 101601)AbstractIn the summer and fall of 2009, the author went deep into the hinterland of Helan Mountains and investigated the Gangyanzhi and Guifangzi Kiln sites,which were preliminarily judged to be relic of Xixia period.Gangyanzi Kiln site is situated on the slope around the mesa of Gangyanzi, ToudaoValley, Chaqikou, Helan Mountains, and about 12 km away from Chaqikou. The mesa which is 60 meters from north to south and 80 meters from west to east looks like artificially produced. Thin coal seam can be seen at the northwest corner and clay layer can be seen at the southeast corner. Plenty of porcelain sherds and kiln implements were found everywhere on the mesa. The area of the center of the kiln site is around 10,000 m2. Ceramic samples are in the category of white porcelain, black porcelain and double glaze porcelain, etc. White porcelains are divided into fine and common types and black porcelains are in the types of common and rough ones. The fine white porcelain are mainly bowls (Figure 1) and small amount of mouth rims of basin or tile samples, the white and smooth glazes of which are possessing the characters of both bluish white porcelain of Jingdezheng and white procelain of Dehua. The bodies are very thin and slightly underfiring. The edge of bowl is only about 0.3 mm .The glass glaze with small crackles are bright and the accumulated position of the glaze are in the shade of blue-green. The depth of the linkage between both sides of the bowl is around 4 mm in which light could be transmitted (Figure 1). The small pieces of bowls are extremely exquisite among which carving chrysanthemum decoration could be seen at the inner bottom of the bowl. Samples of white porcelain and black porcelain heap fired could also been seen. Kiln implements are mainly in the form of barrel or bowl shaped saggar, nails and spurs.All furnaces are dome kilns. Y1-4 are decay and Y5-8 are remained relic. And their specifications are inconsistent. After investigated by Mr. Wang Shidong these kilns were constructed on the original kiln sites for refractory brick firing in 1950s.Guifangzi Kiln site is located on the southeast side of north Maliangou of Helankou main valley, 3.5 km from Gangyanzi Kiln site. There are two kilns with plenty of scattered sherds and kiln implements. Here white glaze specimens, kiln implement, and burning technology are similar with Gangyanzi Kiln site. Both furnaces are horse-shoe kilns (Figure 2). Kiln wall was made of relatively regular flags with mud and the inside was covered with one layer of mud with thickness of 0.5 to 1 centimeter. Kiln sweat can be seen.It seems that there is also one kiln site at Huangchengtaizi.Mr Niu Dasheng and Mr. Xu Dacheng thought that Gangyanzi Kiln site seemed to be a houseware supply base for Helan Mountain Imperial City. Most of the specimens of the kiln site are similar with objects excavated from Mausoleum of Xixia dynasty (Figure 3). And the specimens of Gangyanzi and Guifangzi are very different from these of Lingwu Kiln. So the author agrees with the conclusion of Mr. Niu and Xu.Through the investigation and preliminary studies of kiln sites of Xixia at Gangyanzi and Guifangzi, it is found that the fine white porcelains of these two sites have high quality and are as good as the product of central plains region of the time. This is scarcely known before. After comparison research, these two kilns should be the government-operated workshops managed by Xixia Court or government.