英国珀金斯柴油发电机组维修保养英国珀金斯柴油发电机组常见故障处理方法柴油机启动故障柴油机转动但不能着机或柴油机启动着机20秒后停止1、 检查燃料油位。2、 检查燃料控制磁吸(FCS)接线及在FCS上的电压。3、 检查在交流发电机一侧的保险丝F1 F2 F34、 检查燃料管道及过滤器是否堵塞。5、 如果在排气系统有白烟,说明燃油已进入发动机,但柴油机不着车,需进一步查阅6、 如外界环境温度低,如有热启动,请用上7、 检查从印刷电路板或控制器到燃料控制磁吸的电压输出,如无电压出现,换印刷电路板或控制器。柴油机因高温停机HIGI TEMPFAULT LAMP故障(高水温故障)1、 检查柴油机是否过载。2、 检查散热器有无堵塞。3、 检查风扇皮带松紧。4、 检查外界温度是否合乎发电机组设计范围。5、 柴油机冷却后,检查冷却水位,切勿在未冷却的柴油机加入大量冻水,这样会对柴油机造成严重破坏。6、 一旦故障排除,把控制旋钮旋到“O”位或把控制开关旋到stop使故障报警复位。7、 在不加载的情况下开机10分钟,断路器开关切断负载。因低油压停车LOW OILPRESSURE 故障1、 检查机油油位。2、 参阅柴油机使用手册。3、 用测试仪表检查油压开关,如有问题,更换。4、 一旦故障排除,把钥匙启动开关旋到“O”位或把控制开关旋到stop使故障报警复位。因超速导致柴油机停车OVER SPEED故障(超速故障)注意:在紧急停机前按钮按下后,OVER SPEED(超速)指示灯会亮,虽然实际并无超速发生。紧急停止和任何遥控器的STOP按键均应在故障可消除前复位1、 检查调速器调整杆有无移动,如有,校正2、 如果装有电子调速器,检查连杆活动无阻,如有必要调整之。3、 更换印刷电路板。4、 一旦排除故障,把控制开关旋到STOP使故障复位。润滑油温度过高而停机HIGH LUBEOIL TEMP故障(高机油温故障)1、 在散热器冷却后,检查冷却液水位。2、 检查机油油位。3、 检查有无按正确的保养步骤进行保养4、 一旦排除故障,把控制开关旋到STOP使故障复位。冷却液水位低而发动机停车LOWCOOLANTLEVEL故障(低冷却水位故障)1、 让柴油机冷却。2、 检查冷却液水位,如果需要注入冷气混合液,切勿在未冷却的柴油机加入大量冻水,这样对柴油机构成严重破坏。3、 检查散热器,柴油机及管子有无泄漏,需要时修理。4、 一旦故障排除,把控制开关旋到“STOP”使故障复位。发动机因燃料油位低而停机LOW FUELLEVEL(低燃油液位故障)1、 检查日用油箱的燃料位,如需要请加油。2、 检查输油系统,一旦故障排除,把控制开关旋到STOP使故障报警复位。速度不够而停车UNDERSPEED(欠速故障)1、 检查柴油机是否过载。2、 检查燃料供应是否充足。3、 检查调速器调速杆有无移位,如有,调好。4、 如果电子调速器有连杆,检查是否活动无阻,如有需要调整之。5、 将控制开关旋至STOP清楚故障及再次启动机组。6、 检查控制屏仪表看交流发电机是否再正确电压运转。7、 再柴油机运行使调准柴油机的速度。电压过高而停机OVERVOLTAGE(过电压故障)1、 将加在交流发电机上的负载断开,将出口断路器分闸,把控制开关旋到STOP清楚故障及再次启动机组。2、 检查控制屏电压显示上如电压正常,检查负载确保是非电容性的。3、 如果电压仍高,并不能调低到正常值用电压调整器来调整。再查阅交流发电机使用手册电压过低而停机UNDERVOLTAGE(低电压故障)1、 将加在交流发电机上的负载断开,将出口断路器分闸,把控制开关旋到STOP清楚故障及再次启动机组。2、 检查控制屏电压显示,如电压正常检查负载情况(确保不会超负载)3、 如蓄电池电压低,并不能调高到正常值。用电压调整电位器来调整,然后用仪表检查交流电机终端输出,如电压正常则检查控制线。4、 检查自动稳压器。发动机因接地故障EARTHFAULT(接地保护故障)1、 检查所有电缆电线看看有无接地不良或接地短路。2、 检查交流发电机线圈,参阅交流发电机使用手册。3、 当故障排除后,把控制开关旋到STOP清楚故障。发动机因接地漏电故障而停电EARTHLEAKAGE(接地漏电故障)1、 检查外界电缆和电线。2、 再故障未排除之前切勿再启动。3、 当故障被排除后,把控制开关旋到STOP清楚故障。蓄电池电压低警报LOWBATTERYVOLTAGE低蓄电池电压警报1、 检查蓄电池电压12V蓄电池至少有12V,24V蓄电池至少有24V。2、 如发电机组静止时蓄电池电压低则将蓄电池拆离并用另外一个充电机充电或运行柴油机充电。3、 如蓄电池电压低,但发电机组再运转,则说明柴油机驱动充电机不充电,停机检查风扇皮带。4、 如风扇皮带不松,则检查柴油机驱动充电机。5、 如蓄电池不能充电,则需更换蓄电池。不再自动模式的报警NOT IN AUTO不再自动模式报警1、 检查控制模式是否在“自动”位置。2、 检查紧急停机按钮是否已松开复位。3、 检查断路开关是否已接通。4、 一旦报警原因查明,按下LAMP TEST钮熄灭故障灯。接近柴油机高温报警APPR OACHINGHIGHENGINGTEMP(接近高水温报警)1、 检查柴油机是否超载。2、 检查散热器及通风系统有无堵塞。3、 检查周围环境温度是否处于发电机组合适的工作设计温度范围内。4、 如果上面都无问题,减载并立即停机,检查风扇皮带松紧。5、 查阅柴油机使用手册。6、 当原因查明后,按LAMP TEST钮熄灭故障灯接近油压低报警APPR OACHINGLOW OIL PRESSURE(接近低油压报警)1、 尽快停机,检查机油量。2、 参阅柴油机使用手册。3、 当原因查明后,故障排除按LAMP TEST钮熄灭报警灯。蓄电池充电器充电失败BATTERY CHARGERFAILURE(蓄电池充电失败报警)1、 检查机组充电器是否已启动和有无输出。2、 按照蓄电池电压低检查方法进行。燃油油位低报警LOW FUELLEVEL(低燃油液位警报)1、 检查日用油箱的燃油量,有需要时添加燃油。发电机组运转时无电压产生交流电压表上无电压显示1、 检查电压表选择开关是否打在OFF位。2、 检查保险丝F1 F2和F3,通常装在交流发电机终端盒。3、 用另外的电压表来测量交流发电机的终端电压,如正常则检查发电机的控制线的接线。检查电压表,如有需要更换一个。4、 检查AVR稳压板和旋转二极管,参阅交流发电机使用手册。5、 检查柴油机运转是否正常。发电机组不向负载供电发电机组在运转但负载上无供电1、 检查空气开关是否在合闸位置(手柄向上)。2、 检查发电机组是否产生交流电压,如无,按上表故障检查。发电机组不能手动停机在关机后发电机仍再运转1、 检查匙开关和控制开关的位置是否合适。2、 检查燃油控制电磁阀(FXS),如有必要更换。发电机组的组成(三个部分:A、引擎B、发电机C、控制装置)A、发动机引擎包括3.1524、1000、2000、3000、4000等系列,其中1000、2000系列部分或全部将升级为电喷机组,威尔信的目标是将所有机组都升级为电喷机组以符合欧洲二号排放标准。B、发电机法国利莱森玛生产,标准转速为1500r/min,二极、三线四相制,中性线直接接地,AVR(电压稳压器)控制电压。C、控制装置主要作用是对发动机及发电机进行全部控制,例如:水温、油压、电压等三、发动机(引擎)下面主要讲解:(1)基本工作原理(2)排气系统(3)燃油系统(4)冷却系统(5)启动系统(6)润滑系统(1) 基本工作原理A、吸气冲程:将空气及燃油吸入汽缸中,并使之充分混合B、压缩冲程:将燃油混合气进行压缩,一般压缩为16左右C、做功冲程:将混合气体压缩到一定比例,温度升高到400以上,混合气体自行燃烧(爆炸过程)D、排气冲程:将燃烧后的废气排出机体(排烟温度为400-500)(2)排气系统机组运行后一般为自行吸气排气。但为了提高效率及燃烧的利用率,威尔信机组基本采用涡轮增压系统,就是利用机组排放的废气,利用增压器将吸入的空气进行压缩,以提高吸气冲程中氧气的含量提高燃料利用率和增加功率。(3)燃油系统威尔信电机组,小于880KW以下的机组一般都带有可供6-8小时的燃油箱。燃油经低压油泵吸入到滤清器将燃油中的杂质及水分过滤,再经过高压油泵增压按时按量喷入汽缸中进行燃烧。A、机械调速:经过机械飞轮式相应装置调节喷油量以达到控制转速的目的B、电子调速:通过测定主轴的转速来微调转速使之始终达到1500r/min,而不论其是带载还是不带载。燃油的标号一般使用0#柴油,冬季根据机房条件不同,4以下建议用-10#柴油,原因,因为冬季柴油机不好启动。(4)冷却系统冷却系统使机体及内部保持在104以下,否则易产生抱缸等故障,影响使用寿命,柴油机在使用过程应保持在80-90之间为最佳,温度过低不易启动,并对带载能力有限制,温度过高对机体有损伤。为达到上述目的,冷却系统分为大循环和小循环。机组启动初期,大循环关闭,小循环启动,目的是机体能够迅速升温。当温度达到一定高度时,关闭小循环开启大循环使机体温度降低,当热平衡达到一定程度后,保持此平衡,使机组处于最佳温度。而控制此平衡的为调节阀(节流阀),此为自动调节,不需人为控制。当机组发生高水温报警时,可以检查冷却液水平,是否超载及节流阀是否损坏。一般温度下,60节流阀开始打开,95完全打开。(5)润滑系统润滑系统的目的:给所有运动幅之间减小摩擦系统,包括齿轮间、缸套与汽缸之间,窝轮增压器转轴-曲柄轴承等等。一般工作原理:经过油泵将润滑油加压到一定程度(应过滤清器、油冷器)一般为4-6bar,通过管道分流到不同的运动部件进行润滑,最后回到油底壳进行冷却。润滑油最佳工作温度为90-105。温度过低精度加大,将阻碍运动(冬季启动困难方面之一),温度过高精度降低,润滑效果降低,因而日常使用中应注意记录压力值,若发现油压有1 bar以下的下降,应考虑更换柴油机及滤清器。(6)启动系统发电机组的启动一般为电池带动一直流电机将发电机组的转速达到450r/min以上以启动机组。四、发电机结构类似于一般异步发电机,物理原理为导线切割磁力线产生电压及电流,它原理与电动机相反,电动机是将电能转化为机械能,而发电机是将发动机的机械能转化成电能,刚才讲了产生电压需要运动和磁场线,运动由发动机产生,而磁力线或磁场由谁产生呢?发电机转动初期,由于发电机有剩磁,产生一个很小的电流将此电流整流,利用直流电产生一个较大电流,周而复始就产生一个大的电压,而当电压达到我们所需的电压时,我们将整流电流稳定,这样我们能得到一个恒久而稳定的电压,将此电压输出即可。而此过程很快不到一秒种即可完成,而完成此功能的装置为电压稳定器,我们称AVR。发电机一般工作稳定,故障率很低。主要故障为AVR损坏,具体表现为无电压输出。五、控制系统控制系统的故障最高,应特别注意。平常应经常熟悉控制原理图。最简单的控制系统是控制发电机水温、机油压力和发电机电压。当水温过高、机油压力过低及发电机无电压输出时,控制系统将发出:高水温报警、低油压报警及启动失败报警,并立即停车。现阶段随着控制技术的不断发展,发电机组的技术水平主要表现在控制系统上,而最终的发展方向是无人值守,并可以在世界各地通过网络监控发电机组的运行状况,现阶段基本达到这一水平。威尔信的控制装置,基本上是采用美国的技术,因为美国公司是威尔信的大老板并且美国在控制方面领导世界潮流。具体的个部分功能将根据实物具体讲解。六、自启动功能自启动功能的工作原理是通过一装置检测市电的状况,如发现下列情况无市电,市电电压高低超出规定范围,或市电缺相等故障,此装置将向发电机组发出启动信号。当这一装置检测市电正常时,将取消启动信号使发电机组停止运转。这一装置为自动转换柜(ATS)。其中十个电位器可调节,电压及多种转换时间延时。包括:市电及油机电的范围调整、市电检测时间、转换过程时间、油机延时启动时间、市电再转换时间及油机冷却时间。这些电位器出厂时已调好,客户不能自行调整。七、发电机组使用注意事项:A、开机前的工作:a 检查电池电压及容量b 检查机油油位,可通过油尺检查油的多少及柴油多少及机油质量。若少可添加、若质量较差应考虑更换。c检查柴油油位,若不多,应考虑加满d检查冷却液的水位e检查各管道有无泄露,若有应及时拧紧f检查各接线及保险是否良好B、启动后应注意:a检查油压情况并记录油压b检查电压输出是否正常c检查各电流是否超载d检查水温的上升是否均匀e注意发电机组有无异常声音f观察排烟情况,当刚启动机组时或冬季气温较低时,烟浓度较大,这是正常现象;随着油机温度的升高,浓度会越来越小直至正常。C、关机时应注意:a停机时是否平稳,可能有一振动,也属正常。原因是某一部件产生共振。八、日常保养日常保养机组外整洁,清除灰尘利于机组降温;使用质量较好的柴油;按要求更换冷却液及机油。冷却液:第一次使用时,第一年需更换冷却液;以后每两年更换一次。机油及三滤的更换:第一次使用50小时更换一次。以后每使用200-300小时或一年更换一次。若长时间放置或不使用,使用前也应更换一次三滤。平常应每月开机两次,保持15分钟或者20分钟,目的是润滑机组,另外可及时发现问题及时解决,试机应作好记录以备查。电池一般使用时间为3-5年,注意观察电池液面,少时可添加补充液或蒸馏水。使用半年后,打开发电机上盖,用吸尘器清洗灰尘,注意不要碰到任何部件。当自动转换柜有故障时,可手动启动机组,并用手柄转动空气开关,用手动方式转换油机电及市电的转换。并检查保险有损坏的吗?若没有应电话通知我们。在如下情况请注意:当市电电压波动较大时,波动幅度超过50伏时,可能导致ATS认为市电不合格,频繁启动机组,此时应将机组开关处于断开位置,停电后用手动启动机组。FG Wilson diesel generator set maintenanceFG Wilson generators Common Failures and failure phenomena approachDiesel engineStart the fault diesel engine rotation but not with the machine or engine start 20 seconds after the machine to stop the bit of one, check the fuel oil.2, check the fuel control magnet (FCS) wiring and voltage in the FCS.3, check the fuse in the alternator side of the F1 F2 F34, check the fuel pipe and the filter is blocked.5, in the exhaust system of white smoke, indicating that fuel has entered the engine, but the diesel engine Not Working, need further inspection6, such as the outside ambient temperature is low, if hot start, spend7, check the voltage output from the printed circuit board or controller to the fuel control magnet, such as no voltage, for printed circuit board or controller.Diesel engineDue to high temperature shutdown HIGI the TEMPThe FAULT the LAMPFault(Failure of the high water temperature), check whether the diesel engine overload.2, check the radiator blockage.Check fan belt tension.4, check the outside temperature is in compliance with the scope of turbine design.5, engine cooling, check the cooling water level, do not add a lot of cold water in the diesel engine is not cooled, so will diesel engine can cause serious damage.6, once the troubleshooting, the control knob to the "O" or the control switch to stop the fault alarm reset.7, in the case of non-load boot 10 minutes, the circuit breaker switch off load.Due to low oil pressureParking the LOW OILPRESSURE Fault 1, check the oil level.2, refer to the diesel manual.3, using test instruments to check oil pressure switch, If you have any questions, replacement.4, once the troubleshooting, the key to start the rotary switch to the "O" or the control switch to stop the fault alarm reset.Lead to a diesel engine stop for speeding OVER SPEEDFailure (overspeed) Note: the emergency stop button is pressed,The OVER SPEED (speeding) indicator will light up, although actually there is no speeding occurred. Emergency stop and any remote STOP button should be reset to eliminate the fault beforeCheck the governor lever 1, whether the move, and if so, correction2, equipped with electronic speed governor, check the connecting rod activities unimpeded, if necessary, adjusted.3, the replacement of printed circuit boards.4, when troubleshooting, the control switch to STOP the fault reset.Lubricating oil temperature is too high and shut down the HIGH LUBEOIL the TEMPFailure (high oil temperature fault), radiator cooled, check the coolant water level.2, check the oil level.3, check for the correct maintenance procedures for maintenance4, when troubleshooting, the control switch to STOP the fault reset.Low water level in the coolant and engine shutdown LOWCOOLANTLEVEL failure(Low cooling water level failure), the diesel engine cooling.2, check the coolant water level, if you need to inject air-conditioned mixture, Do not add a lot of cold water in the non-cooled diesel engine, this diesel engine constituting a grave breach.3, check the radiator, diesel engine and pipe leaks, repair as needed.4, once the troubleshooting, the control switch to "STOP" to the fault reset.Shut down the engine due to low fuel oil bit the LOW the FUELLEVEL (low fuel level fault), check the daily fuel tank, fuel-bit, such as the need to refuel.2, check the oil system, once the troubleshooting, the control switch to STOP failure alarm reset.Fast enough to stop the UNDER-SPEED,(Less speed fault), check the diesel engine is overloaded.2 to check the adequacy of fuel supply.Check the governor speed control lever 3, whether the shift, if a good tune.4, if the electronic governor linkage to check whether activities unimpeded, if necessary, adjusted.5, the control switch to the STOP clear the fault and re-start the unit.6, check the control panel meter to see whether the alternator and then the correct voltage operation.7, then the diesel engine to run so that the alignment of the diesel engine speed.Voltage is too high and stop OVER-VOLTAGE(Over-voltage fault) will increase the load on the alternator disconnected, the export breaker, control switch to the STOP clear failure and re-start the unit.2, check the control panel voltage such as voltage is normal, check the load to ensure that non-capacitive.If the voltage is still high, and can not be reduced to the normal voltage regulator to adjust. Then check the alternator manual "Low voltage shutdown UNDER-VOLTAGELow voltage failure, the alternator load disconnect, will Export breaker, control switch to STOP clear failure and re-start the unit.2, check the control panel voltage display, such as the voltage of the load of the normal inspection (to ensure that no overload)3, such as the battery voltage is low, and can not be raised to normal. Voltage adjustment potentiometer to adjust, and then use the instrument to check the AC motor terminal output, such as the voltage is normal, check the Line of Control.4 Check the automatic regulator.Engine due to ground fault EARTHFAULT1, check all cables and wires to see whether the ground is bad or is shorted to ground (ground fault protection fault).2, check the alternator coils, refer to the "alternator manual.When troubleshooting, the control switch to STOP a clear failure.Engine failure due to ground leakage power outage EARTHLEAKAGE(Earth leakage fault), check the external cables and wires.Do not re-start before 2, then the fault does not exclude.3, when the fault is removed, the control switch to STOP a clear failure.Battery voltage low alarm LOWBATTERYVOLTAGELow battery voltage alarm, check the battery voltage is 12V battery at least 12V, 24V battery at least 24V.2, such as generator sets at rest the battery voltage is low then battery detachment and a charging machine charge or run the diesel engine charging.3, such as the battery voltage is low, the generator set to operate, then the diesel engine driven charger is not charging, stop to check the fan belt.4, such as the fan belt is not loose, check the diesel engine driven charger.5, such as battery charging, you need to replace the battery.No longer the automatic mode the alarm NOT IN AUTONo longer the automatic mode alarm, check the control mode is "Auto" position.2, check the emergency stop button to release the reset.3 Check the circuit breaker is switched on., Once identified by the cause of the alarm, press the LAMP the TESTButton turns off the fault lights.Close to the diesel engine temperature alarm APPR the OA-CHINGHIGHENGINGTEMP(Close to the high water temperature alarm), check the diesel engine is overloaded.2, check the radiator and ventilation systems, with or without congestion.3, check the ambient temperature is in the generator set appropriate work within the design temperature range.4, if the above are no problem, load shedding and immediately shut down, check the fan belt tension.5, access to the diesel manual.6, when the reasons identified, the fault light extinguished by the LAMP the TEST buttonClose to the low oil pressure alarm APPR OA-CHINGLOW OIL PRESSURE(Close to the low oil pressure alarm) 1, as soon as possible to stop, check the amount of oil.2, refer to the diesel manual.3, when the reason identified, troubleshooting LAMP the TEST button turns off the warning lights.Battery charger failure BATTERY CHARGERFAILURE The (battery charger failure alarm), check the unit charger has started and whether the output.2, in accordance with the method of low battery voltage check.Fuel oil level low alarm the LOW FUELLEVEL (low fuel level alarm), check the daily amount of fuel tank, there is a need to add fuel.Operation of the generator set when no voltage is generated on the AC voltmeterNo voltage, check the voltmeter selector switch whether to play in the OFF position.2, Check the fuse F1 F2 and F3, are usually mounted on the alternator terminal box.3, another voltmeter to measure the terminal voltage of the alternator, and if normal, check the wiring of the generator control line. Check the voltmeter, if needs to be replaced.4, check the AVR voltage regulator board and rotating diodes, refer to the "alternator manual.5, check the diesel engine is functioning properly.Generator sets power to the load generating units in operationLoad on the power supply, check the air switch is in the closing position (handle up).2, to check whether the generator set to produce AC voltage, such as failure to check the above t