English Grammar 语法的三个语法的三个 层面:形式、意义、用法层面:形式、意义、用法v形式:形式:某个语法结构怎样构成的。某个语法结构怎样构成的。 如:现在完成进行时的结构形式是have been doing。这是使用语法规则的起点,即首先要做到能够准确地构造某个语法结构,这是语言结构的准确性问题,v意义:某个语法结构所表达的意义。v如:现在完成进行时可以表示“一个活动从过去一直延续到现在说话时刻”。v对于一个句子,它的含义不仅仅是来自于句中所使用的词汇的含义,而是还有来自于特定语法结构所含有的语法意义。用法:关于何时或为什么使用某一语法结构的问 题。 这与在实际交流中的语境有关系, 即什么样的语境中。采用何种语法结构来表达特定的意义才合适。v语法形式、意义、用法三者之间的关系:v英语学习者要能够准确地、有意义地、恰当地运用英语语言结构。v做到这一点,才能真正灵活使用语法规则,并进而在思维高度上来使用英语。vIve been coming to Beijing for fourteen years.v翻译一:我来北京有十四年了。v翻译二:在过去这十四年中,我常常来北京。v翻译二正确。Have been doing 在英文中表示的是一个重复的动作。具体来说,用短暂动词的完成进行时来表示到目前为止的一段时间内重复发生的动作。v因此,知道语法结构的正确构造形式只是第一步,还要清楚其表达的语法意义。但知其二并不能保证能够正确使用,还要知道其用法。其用法与语言环境密切相关。v句子与语境v在真实的语言交际过程中,任何一个句子都不能孤立存在,都有一个赖以生存的环境,甚至有时候,语境决定了一个句子真正要表达的意思。v比如下面这个电影对白发生在一位父亲与自己女儿的男朋友之间。vFather: do you drink?vYoung man: No, thanks. Im cool.vFather : I am asking if you drink. Do you think Id offer alcohol to teenage drivers taking my daughter out?v这位父亲问他女儿的男朋友(其正准备开车带她女儿出门)Do you drink? 他真正的意思是问这个年轻男子是否有饮酒的习惯, 即在询问情况, 而不是问他现在想不想喝酒, 即不是在提议。英语语法的特点v一、汉语中有很多无主语句子或省略主语的句子。 在用英语表达时,需补出主语(祈使句的情形除外)。v暑假过得很开心。vThe summer vacation is happy. vWe hade a good time in the summer vacation.v天气糟透了,整天刮大风下大雨的。vThe weather is so bad. It blew hard and rained heavily all the day.v考试没过别泄气。vDont lose heart if you dont pass the exam.v二、汉语中有很多无生物名词做主语,但在英语中要改用生物即人做主语。v你的英语真棒。vYour English is excellent.vYou are excellent in English.v史密斯先生双目失明。vMr. Smiths eyes are blind.vMr. Smith is blind in both eyes.v三、汉语中的一些句子以生物即人作主语,但受表语形容词的制约,在英语中不可以人为主语。v你方便的话,请在六点钟来。vPlease come at six if you are convenient.vPlease come at six if it is convenient to you.v你很难说服他不去逛街。vYou are difficult to persuade him out of going shopping.vIt is difficult for you to persuade him out of going shopping.v四、汉语中有大量的无谓语动词句子,但英语是一种以动词为中心的语言,每个句子几乎都少不了谓语动词(省略句除外)。v这本书值得一读。vThe book worth reading.vThe book is worth reading.v我父母每天都很忙。vMy parents very busy every day.vMy parents are very busy every day.v五、汉语中及物动词与不及物动词、状态动词与动作动词的差别不大,界限不明。但在英语中却有严格区别和固定的用法模式。v他与她结婚了。vHe married with her.vHe married her.v 凡是党和人民所要求的,我一定做到。vIll do what the Party and the people require me.vIll do what the Party and the people require me of.v我开始学英语到现在已有十年了。vIve begun to learn English for ten years.vIt has been ten years since I began to learn English.v这本杂志我可以借多久?vHow long can I borrow this magazine?vHow long can I keep this magazine?v父亲直到半夜才睡觉。vFather went to bed until midnight.vFather didnt go to bed until midnight.v在汉语中词形没有变化,在英语中却有丰富的词形变化。v医生建议他每天喝两杯牛奶。vThe doctor suggest that he drinks two glass of milk every day.vThe doctor suggests that he (should) drink two glasses of milk every day.v英语中名、形、副、动、数词等均有词形变化,其中以动词的形式变化最多。v西瓜切成了八等份。vThe watermelon divides into eight equal shares.vThe watermelon is divided into eight equal shares.v从这一角度看,情况似乎没那么令人失望。vLooking at in this way, the situation doesnt seem so disappointing.vLooked at in this way, the situation doesnt seem so disappointing.v如何掌握英语语法:v英语语法学得好不好,主要不是看你读了多少语法书,记了多少条语法规则,而是要看你在实践中能否正确掌握所学的语法规则能听懂,说得好,写得好,理解得好,译得准确。v要掌握好一个语法项目,就得靠多听、多说、多写、多读、多译。也就是做反复的、大量的、多样化的练习。v 1._in the past, at the moment it is a favorite choice for wedding gown.v A. Unpopular has as white been v B. White has been as unpopularv C. Unpopular has been as white v D. Unpopular as white has beenv 2._for a long time, the fields are all dried up.v A. There has been no rain v B. Having no rain v C. There having been no rain v D. There being no rainv 3. The millions of calculations involved, _by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.v A. had they been done v B. they had been done v C. having been done v D. they were donev 4. Televisions enable us to see things happen almost at the exact moment_.v A. which they are happening v B. they are happening v C. which they happen v D. they have happenedv 5._me most was that the young boy who had lost both arms in an accident could handle a pen with his feet.v A. That amazed v B. It amazed v C. Which amazed v D. What amazedv 6. Although she wrote a lot of short stories and poems when she was very young, _she was twenty-five.v A. her first real success did not come until v B. her real first success came until notv C. since her first real success did not come untilv D. not until her first real successv 7. You should know better than_ your little sister at home by herself.v A. to leave v B. leaving v C. to have left v D. leftv 8. As the train will not leave until one hour later, we _grab a bite at the snack bar.v A. may well v B. just as well v C. might as well v D. as wellv 9. She resorted to _ when she had no money to buy foods for her children.v A. have stolen v B. steal v C. stole v D. stealingv 10. The boy has admitted to _ the window while playing football yesterday.v A. breaking v B. having been broken v C. break v D. be breaking中式英语举隅中式英语举隅v1. 桌上放着好些东西。vThere are a lot of things lying on the table.v2. 路不远,咱们走着去吧。vIts quite near. Lets go there on foot.v3. 他老低着走路。vHe always walks with his head bent down.v4. 她想着想着笑了起来。vShe thought and thought and then burst out laughing.v5. 那条路难走着呢。vThe going is very hard on that road.v6. 他这才知道锻炼身体的好处。vOnly now does he see the good of taking exercise.v7. 把针脚缝得密一些。vMake your stitches closer together.v8. 斟酌情况作适当调整。vMake appropriate adjustments according to the circumstances.v9. 随着机械化的发展,农业生产蒸蒸日上。vWith the development of mechanization, agriculture is flourishing.v10. 忠诚于教育事业vbe devoted to the educational taskv11. 恣意践踏vWillfully trample onv12. 他在我手下工作,就得听我的。vHe has to listen to me since he is working under me.v13. 报上刊登了一则广告。vA public notice was published in the newspaper.v14. 黑夜中他迷途了。vHe lost his way in the dark night.v15. 你的理由很勉强。vThe reason you give is rather unconvincing.v16. 执着地追求艺术上的完美。vstrive perseveringly for artistic perfectionv17.他冻得直哆嗦。vHe was so cold that he kept shivering.v18. 我知道着急没用,只得冷静一点。vI knew that it was useless to worry about it, so I forced myself to keep calm.v19. 有意见只管提出来。vDont hesitate to put forward your suggestions if you have any.