2022精选中英文辞职报告4篇中英文辞职报告 篇1尊敬的林总:五年后的今天,我终于将离开这里,摆脱困境,寻找自己新的方向和目标了。个中缘由,不得不向大家交待,以正视听。 five years ago, i joined *. today, i have to escape from here to find a new start. some truth you have to know before my leaving.不得不承认,*公司曾经是个在环境上令人感觉愉快,协调和没有任何地域,种族和性别歧视的公司;曾经是个在工作上令人积极向上,自觉自愿付出只为达成目标的公司;在管理上令人感觉人性,科学有效的公司;在同事关系上融洽友爱,互帮互助的公司。所有这一切相信也是所有在这里工作了五年以上的员工的共同感受吧?孰料曾几何时,风云突变;黑云压城,草木变色;奸佞当道,梁断瓦落。所有的优良传统和美好愿望在我身上不复重现。相信大家也会知道,没有万不得已的原因,我为何要离开?没有发生种种不幸的事端,我为何要离开呢?看了下文的罗列,我相信很少有人会不赞同我的决定了:1) 作为新生儿的母亲,我无法进行正常的休假申请以应对各种突发状况诸如小孩生病等。因为主管规定,必须于一周前提前申报休假,不允许有突发事情的发生。 as a mother of new-born baby, i cannot apply for annual leave to face up any sudden incidents, because my supervisor rules every leave must be applied one week before leaving. no excuse for emergency incidents.2) 在哺乳期内,我无法享受公司对于哺乳期员工的提前下班的待遇,被主管要求加班,但不允许在oa上事先提交加班申请。因而,我不能获得应得的加班费。 during the breastfeeding period, i cannot get the early leave treatment as other female staff in breastfeeding period. on contrast, i had to work overtime. more the worse, i cannot get my ot salary as my supervisor doesnt allow me to apply for ot on oa.3) 为了评价我工作是否及时,是否匹配公司核心价值的依据,我被主管强迫针对每一个工作动作进行精确到秒的计算,直接主管要求我自己掐秒表进行相关计算。在已经进入21世纪的现在,我难道连解放前的包身工还不如吗? in order to evaluate if the efficiency of my work accords with the core value of the company, i was forced to use stopwatch to calculate my every action. i feel myself a slave in the 21st century.4) 我的直接主管声称,她所定义的工作不做完,不能进行正常的午餐休息。 my supervisor rules i cannot go for lunch if i dont complete the work she dispatched.5) 在*公司的五年我一如既往的工作。可是最近半年之中,我瞬间变得一无是处,饱受谩骂和无端的指责。直接主管多次当众对我进行辱骂,问我“是不是外地人?听不懂人话?”之类的粗鄙之言。事后她又拒不道歉,还百般狡辩,不承认半年多来对我的辱骂。 in the past five years, i tried my best to do my job. no cap, no complaints. suddenly, i become nothing and a bad employee when she joined *. she insulted and blamed me many times in public, such as “are you not shanghainese? dont you understand human language?” when i apply for resign and ask her to apology, she even didnt committee what she said and what she did.6) 如果所有上述这一切同时发生在你身上,并且陪伴着你渡过大半年以后,你是否会不得不离开? if all above things happened to you in the last six months, will you choose to leave as i?时至今日,我想起*先生在新员工培训时所作“四个满意”的理论,不胜唏嘘! i still remember the “four satisfactions” of mr. * when i attended new staff orientation. what a pity!衷心祝愿各位留下的同仁,朋友一切都好,不要让发生在我身上的种种再现! i sincerely wish whom still works here everything is ok. no above bad things happen to you!subject: clarification for *s farewell letter 对*告别信的澄清 you may receive a farewell letter from * and has doubt if the company treats her like that. here we would like to introduce some background and clarify as below. 您可能收到了来自*的告别信,并疑惑公司是否如她所言那样对待她。在这里我想简述一下相关背景并做澄清。辞职申请人:XX年3月4日中英文辞职报告 篇2背景:Harrod 当过十八个月的.推销员。他虽然很喜欢同各地销售商打交道,单却不愿经常出差。他把这个问题向销售经理放映过几次,可公司并没有其他适合他的职位,所以他只好辞职。Dear Benson:I am sure it will come as no surprise to you that I wish to resign my position as a sales representative , effective at your convenience ,but not later than June 12.You are fully aware of my problem, Benson. Although I like the company and the people I work with, being on the road for weeks at a time does not appeal to me. I think the situation would be entirely different if I were single or even married with no children. But with two youngsters , traveling represents a real hardship on me and especially on my wife. After each trip it gets increasingly harder for me to treat myself away from my family to go back on the road.I really have no plans at the moment. I need to take some time to think about what I want to do. I may try to get back into coaching and Im also considering buying into a local sporting goods store. Whatever I wind up doing, it will have to be something that will permit me to stay anchored in one place.Thank you for everything you have done for me. I really dont know how I could received better treatment from a company or a manager.Sincerely,HarrodP.S. In case I need a reference, may I use your name? I would very much appreciate it.亲爱的本森:我相信我辞去推销员的职位,你并不会感到奇怪。我将在你认为可行的时候辞职,但不迟于6月12日。本森,你很清楚我的问题。虽然我喜欢公司,也喜欢于同事们相处,但每次出差在外,一去就是好几个星期,确实让人厌烦。我想如果我尚为结婚或虽结婚而没有孩子的话,情况就完全不同。但现在我有两个孩子 。因此,出差对我,特别是对我的妻子而言的确是件难事。每次出差回来后,我感到要告别我得家人踏上出差的路越来越困惑。我暂时尚无面向未来的计划。我需要认真考虑一下将来到底作什么。我可能干当教练这一老行当,也可能想买进一家体育用品商店。无论我最终干什么,它必须让我在一个地方稳定地生活,而不必四处奔波。谢谢您所为我做的一切。您忠实的Harrod中英文辞职报告 篇3Dear "老板的名字"As required by my contract of employment, i hereby give you "自己看你合同" weeks' notice of my intention to leave my position as "你现在的职位" i have decided that it is time to move on and i have accepted a position elsewhere. This was not an easy decision and took a lot of consideration. However, i am confident that my new role will help me to move towards some of the goals i have for my career.please be assured that i will do all i can to assist in the smooth transfer of my responsibilities before leaving.i wish both you and "你现在的公司" every good fortune and i would like to thank you for having me as part of your team.sincerely,签名亲爱的“xx”根据我的雇佣合同,我在此给你“xx”周的通知我打算离开我的地位“你现在的职位“我决定现在是时候继续前进,我已经接受了一个位置。这不是一个容易的决定,把大量的考虑。然而,我相信,我的新角色将帮助我走向我对我的职业生涯的一些目标。请放心,我将尽我所能协助在离开之前的顺利转移我的责任。我希望你和“xx”每一个好运和我想谢谢你让我作为你的团队的一部分。真诚地,中英文辞职报告 篇4尊敬的领导:我想辞去工作的理由有三,望批准:一、工作的时间长,个人所能利用的自由时间少。计划着去做一些自己喜欢做的事情,可时间总是不够,尤其是工作紧需要加班的时候。二、对工作的兴趣浓度不高。这是我来杭州的第一份工作,很想把它做好。可是尽管我努力去做了。依然是时而热情,时而懒散。我不能保持长久的积极性。因此表现得也不好。这对公司还是个人都有不利。三、今年已经24岁了。还有许多事没有去经历。我想去经历更多的人和事。不管是好是坏,是幸福还是艰辛,我都要去尝试。向前走才不会后悔!偏安一地的心事不平静的。在这里我不仅学会了装机器的基本操作,而且还将公司朴素、严谨的作风深入脑海,感谢领导对我的关心照顾,祝公司兴旺发达!此致敬礼申请人: xxx20xx年xx月xx日第8页 共8页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页