2014 2014 英语二轮复习英语二轮复习 阅读填空与简答阅读填空与简答长郡中学长郡中学 陈春华陈春华2014年年3月月27日于长沙市雅礼中学日于长沙市雅礼中学Know yourself, know your enemy, and you will win every war. 孙孙 子子Do you know? 考试内容:考试内容: 考试目标:考试目标:1. 语言知识语言知识2. 语境信息语境信息1.语言知识运用语言知识运用2. 语言理解语言理解3. 语言表达语言表达一、专题探究背景:一、专题探究背景:二、近二、近四四年阅读填空、阅读简答年阅读填空、阅读简答考核目标情况对比分析及其对教考核目标情况对比分析及其对教学的启示学的启示三、指导考生备考阅读填空和简三、指导考生备考阅读填空和简答题必须解决几个问题答题必须解决几个问题据此,从教师的层面上说备考,我们自己必须要弄清楚以下几个问题:问题问题1:高考阅读填空和简答题的高考阅读填空和简答题的考试内容是什么?考试内容是什么? 问题问题2:高考阅读填空和简答题的考试目标是什么?高考阅读填空和简答题的考试目标是什么?问题问题3:阅读填空与阅读简答题型有哪些异同?阅读填空与阅读简答题型有哪些异同?一、专题探究背景:一、专题探究背景: 阅读填空阅读填空 简答题简答题问题问题3:阅读填空与阅读简答题型有哪些异同?阅读填空与阅读简答题型有哪些异同?一、专题探究背景:一、专题探究背景: 要求考生要求考生理解理解所给短文所给短文的的主旨大意主旨大意和和关键细节关键细节,把握文章的把握文章的篇章结构和篇章结构和逻辑关系逻辑关系,完成对所给,完成对所给短文短文进行进行的的转述转述或摘要或摘要。主要考查考生获取信息主要考查考生获取信息和处理信息以及用英语和处理信息以及用英语进行思维和表达的能力。进行思维和表达的能力。要求考生阅读文章要求考生阅读文章后,根据各小题的后,根据各小题的具体要求,简要回具体要求,简要回答问题。主要考查答问题。主要考查考生对所读短文的考生对所读短文的主要信息进行主要信息进行转述转述的能力的能力。语篇的结构语篇的结构文章内容的细节文章内容的细节1 近四年阅读填空近四年阅读填空对比分析对比分析: 内容、考核目标、考生水平评价内容、考核目标、考生水平评价2 分析结果对教学的启示分析结果对教学的启示 考生总体水平差、上升空间大考生总体水平差、上升空间大3 制约学生得分的诱因分析制约学生得分的诱因分析 1) 读不懂文章读不懂文章 2 ) 没有真正读懂文章没有真正读懂文章 3 ) 审题失误审题失误 4 ) 识别隐形细节能力受限识别隐形细节能力受限二、近二、近四四年阅读填空、阅读简答考试目标情况年阅读填空、阅读简答考试目标情况对比分析及其对教学的启示对比分析及其对教学的启示年份年份篇章篇章主旨题主旨题段落段落主旨题主旨题信息信息转换题转换题直接直接信息题信息题201320131 12 27 70 0201220121 11 14 44 4201120111 14 45 50 0201020101 11 15 53 32 近近四四年阅读简答考试考核目标情况年阅读简答考试考核目标情况对比分析对比分析题型题型直接直接记录记录间接间接记录记录简单简单转换转换复杂复杂转换转换概括概括表达表达2012年年短文填空2013年年14231722013年湖南省高考英语语言能力题的考试内容及分布20122013阅读填空阅读填空考核目标情况对比分析考核目标情况对比分析20122013简答题简答题考核目标情况对比分析考核目标情况对比分析题型题型直接直接记录记录间接间接记录记录简单简单转换转换复杂复杂转换转换概括概括表达表达2012年年 简答题简答题 2013年年12122分析结果对教学的分析结果对教学的启示启示:?:?3 制约学生得分的诱因分析制约学生得分的诱因分析1) 读不懂文章读不懂文章2 ) 没有真正读懂文章没有真正读懂文章3 ) 审题失误审题失误4 ) 识别隐形细节能力受限识别隐形细节能力受限信息定位偏差信息定位偏差5 )语言表达能力不强语言表达能力不强 语言知识的沉淀不够语言知识的沉淀不够:同义同义/近义词、同义、近义词、同义、 近义词块近义词块 语法知识的内化不灵语法知识的内化不灵:词类之间、句型之间、词类之间、句型之间、 从句转非从句转非谓语谓语、同义同义句式句式的的转换等转换等6) 问题与答案承接不和问题与答案承接不和不知道如何答题不知道如何答题7) 概述提炼信息的能力差概述提炼信息的能力差不知道如何提炼概述不知道如何提炼概述8) 阅读语篇中句子与句子间的逻辑关系不清阅读语篇中句子与句子间的逻辑关系不清1 1 掌握英语说明文的结掌握英语说明文的结构特征是提分的保证。构特征是提分的保证。阅读填空题提分途径阅读填空题提分途径年份年份20092010201120122013体裁体裁说明文说明文说明说明文文说明文说明文说明文说明文 说明文说明文题材题材环保时环保时尚尚学徒学徒时期时期对青少对青少年有用年有用的三类的三类网站网站河流治河流治理理网络网络公开公开课课词数词数343266282270271Reading strategy:reading expository writing(说明文)(说明文)introduction of subjectsupporting details(examples,facts)conclusiona subjectintroduction of subjectsupporting details(examples,facts)conclusiona subjectM4U1Title:Para. 1 Para. 2-5说说明明文文结结构构图图2012卷卷River ControlReasonsto supply adequate water for: daily life power navigatiionto stop rivers from flooding Para. 4-5dam constructionExplanationExample:In Europe, 19th centuryThe Tisza RiverAchievements:past 50 yers21st century800,000 dams200 meters highWarning:harmful to environmentInfluence inPara. 2-3channelizationWays2 2 概括表达并不可怕!概括表达并不可怕!阅读填空题提分途径阅读填空题提分途径1 帮助学生归纳并熟记常用的表概帮助学生归纳并熟记常用的表概括意义单词;括意义单词;2 鼓励学生根据提示的细节推断归鼓励学生根据提示的细节推断归纳和概括题的答案。纳和概括题的答案。阅读填空题提分途径阅读填空题提分途径2 鼓鼓励学励学生根生根据提据提示的示的细节细节推断推断归纳归纳和概和概括题括题的答的答案。案。 例例1 1:(:(20092009) Key: 78 Problems 78 with fashionTextile productionCotton-planting: use of pesticides79 : global warmingSynthetics-making: harmful waste80 Consuming a great deal of energyUsing harmful chemicalsProducing a lot of wasteConsumption levels & shopping habitsNew clothes: bought 81Old clothes: thrown away quicklyTitle:_71waysto _73_ adequate water for:daily life, _74_ and industrypower generationnavigation_722012to stop rivers from _75_71. River Control 72 Reasons 3 教会学生转换信息的方法教会学生转换信息的方法 实用常见的方法:实用常见的方法:短语短语-单词化(同义词、反义词)单词化(同义词、反义词)句子句子-短语化、短语化、单词转化:单词转化:单词缩略单词缩略 单词合成单词合成 词类转化词类转化所有格形式所有格形式“S”代替介词代替介词of删除多余信息等删除多余信息等 短语短语-单词化单词化运用所积累的词汇来同义或反义运用所积累的词汇来同义或反义替代相关信息替代相关信息 。1. We are not in favor of smoking in public places. Were _ smoking in public. against2. It is time to put an end to racial discrimination. It is time to _ racial discrimination.end3. At no time should we make fun of others. _ should we laugh at others.Never句子句子-短语化短语化1. The girl who had been caught stealing was set free at last. The girl _ was set free at last.caught stealing2. While he was reading the book, he heard a loud noise. _, he heard a loud noise.Reading the bookWord-transformation单词转化单词转化!Shortening单词缩略单词缩略! Blending单词合成单词合成!Conversion词类转化词类转化单词缩略单词缩略1. the Peoples Republic ofChina2. British BroadcastingCorporation3. International Olympics Committee4. the United States of AmericaBBCPRCIOCUSAPractice 单词合成单词合成1. high technology 2. motor hotel3. sky laboratory4. medical aid5. medical carehigh-techmotelskylabmedicaid医疗救助医疗救助 medicare医疗保险医疗保险 词类转化词类转化词类转换:词类转换:动词动词-名词名词名词名词-动词或形容词动词或形容词名词或形容词名词或形容词-为动词为动词形容词形容词-副词副词1. Is it possible for the police to find the missing boy?Is there any _ that the police will find the missing boy?possibility词类转化词类转化2. As far as I can remember, my friends and I didnt find out we were depressed until we were in high school.We never experienced _when we were in childhood.depressionD 用名词所有格形式用名词所有格形式“S”代替介词代替介词of1 the old-growing of the baby boomers“ Baby boomers old growing2 the power of government the governments power3 a friend of her mother her mothers friendE 删除次要信息,删除次要信息, 提炼句子的主体内容。提炼句子的主体内容。Theme Host families are improving the accommodation quality77. _1)Language study78. _2)Cultural communication79. _ Knowing the local way of life, people and culture78题的信息句题的信息句“Staying alongside host families enables students to get enough practice for the short time of their studying so that their language acquisition is likely to become faster,”Possibly becoming faster Communicating with hosts Living in host families also has the advantage for students of being able to spend a lot of time communicating with their host parents阅读简答题提分途径阅读简答题提分途径除了上面提到的方法,教师在除了上面提到的方法,教师在指导学生备考简答题是还应注指导学生备考简答题是还应注意:意:1 精准定位与原文中匹配的答案信息精准定位与原文中匹配的答案信息1)原词定位。)原词定位。2)近义词定位。)近义词定位。显性显性语境语境隐形语境隐形语境就近年来的真题来看,90%的题目考试的内容是显性语境。201281. Why did the author apply everywhere that summer?(No more than 12 words) 81. He wanted to save up money and buy his own car.题干关键词题干关键词apply everywhere信息源定位在文章第二信息源定位在文章第二段第三行段第三行“I wanted to save up money and buy my own car, so I applied everywhere I could that summer. ”。 I realized right away that working at the restaurant was not going to be a picnic. The manager expected a clean environment and particularly, fast service with a friendly smile._82. What did the manager particularly expect the workers to do?(No more than 14 words) (2 marks) 由关键词定位由关键词定位The manager expected a clean environment and particularly, fast service with a friendly smile.I realized right away that working at the restaurant was not going to be a picnic. The manager expected a clean environment and particularly, fast service with a friendly smile.82. What did the manager particularly expect the workers to do?(No more than 14 words) (2 marks)The manager particularly expect the workers to offer fast service with a friendly smile.1 精准定位与原文中匹配的答案信息精准定位与原文中匹配的答案信息1)原词定位。)原词定位。2)近义词定位。)近义词定位。显性显性语境语境隐形语境隐形语境就近年来的真题来看,90%的题目考试的内容是显性语境。2答案解析时,通过答案解析时,通过PPT使思维的过使思维的过程变得直观,让学生明白答案的来程变得直观,让学生明白答案的来龙去脉。以龙去脉。以2013年的简答题为例:年的简答题为例: 第一段最后第一段最后But off to the side, sitting on a bench was a woman doing something vastly differentgiving free advice;通;通过第二段的过第二段的A week or two later, I set up an interview with her and we discussed her project at length.和第三段开头和第三段开头Lisa Podell, 32, started the Free Advice Project this past May81. In what way was Podell different from other people in the park? 81. She was giving free advice.定位信息词“Podell、 different”1 精准定位与原文中匹配的答案信息精准定位与原文中匹配的答案信息1)原词定位。)原词定位。2)近义词定位。)近义词定位。显性显性语境语境隐形语境隐形语境 3 通过专题的形式加强对学生通过专题的形式加强对学生 跨段跨句跨段跨句 的整合信息的能力培养。的整合信息的能力培养。 2答案解析时,通过答案解析时,通过PPT使思维的过使思维的过程变得直观,让学生明白答案的来程变得直观,让学生明白答案的来龙去脉。龙去脉。From my first job at the restaurant, I learned teamwork and devotion. I also learned staying positive no matter how rough things seem to get. I will forever carry the experience that I gained at the restaurant with me as I go forward in my life._84. What did the author learn from his first job?(No more than 11 words) (3 marks)_由由 learn from 定位到定位到信息信息 I learned teamwork and devotion. I also learned staying positive no matter how rough things seem to get.84. What did the author learn from his first job?(No more than 11 words) (3 marks)_From my first job at the restaurant, I learned teamwork and devotion. I also learned staying positive no matter how rough things seem to get. I will forever carry the experience that I gained at the restaurant with me as I go forward in my life.He learned teamwork, devotion, and staying positive in rough situations思考:因词数的限定我思考:因词数的限定我们如何转换信息?们如何转换信息?主句还是从句?主句还是从句?in rough situations 20114 关注关注 what, why, how, when的提问方式,进行专门的的提问方式,进行专门的答题训练答题训练81 What reaction does Linda imagine the children will have? (2010)They will feel greatly surprised.84 What kind of people does secret Santas in the passage refer to? (2010)It refers to people who give away anonymous gifts on Christmas82 What did the author fail to do miserably a few months ago? (2011)She failed to jog to the end of the street.83 What excuses did the author keep giving herself to stop ? (2011)No one would be disappointed or even know.82 82 What What did the manager particularly expect the workers to do? did the manager particularly expect the workers to do? (20122012) The manager particularly expected them to offer The manager particularly expected them to offer fast service with a friendly smile. fast service with a friendly smile.84 84 What What did the author learn from his first job? did the author learn from his first job? (20122012) He learned teamwork, devotion and staying He learned teamwork, devotion and staying positive in rough situations. positive in rough situations.81 81 In what way In what way was was PodellPodell different from other people in the park? different from other people in the park? She was giving free advice.She was giving free advice. ( 2013 2013) 82 82 What What do people in need expect do people in need expect PodellPodell to do? to do? They expect her to listen and provide real answers.They expect her to listen and provide real answers.8383 According to According to PodellPodell, what should people do when making , what should people do when making decisions? decisions? ( 2013 2013)She would promote it to each public space with the help of She would promote it to each public space with the help of volunteers.volunteers.三、指导考生备考阅读填空和简答题三、指导考生备考阅读填空和简答题 必须解决几个问题必须解决几个问题1掌握必备的阅读词汇掌握必备的阅读词汇; 认知词汇、词块认知词汇、词块。 2 提升学生了解识别句子成分的能力提升学生了解识别句子成分的能力; 学生应该有很强的辨别句子成分能力。学生应该有很强的辨别句子成分能力。3 明辨出句子与句子和段落与段落之间的逻辑关系明辨出句子与句子和段落与段落之间的逻辑关系