Word2022关于新型冠状病毒肺炎高考英语作文带翻译:因病毒而不一样的春节 这个鼠年春节和往年一样温馨,却和往年又那么不一样。 This rat Spring Festival is as warm as before, but its so different. 去年春节的此时,或许我正跟着家人,快乐的挤在南宋御街的人群中,吃着糖葫芦,跟妹妹为了糖人你争我抢。人群中,来自天南海北的游客都一脸的喜气洋洋。 At this time of the Spring Festival last year, maybe I was following my family, happily huddled in the crowd of Yujie in the Southern Song Dynasty, eating sugar gourd, and competing with my sister for sugar man. In the crowd, the tourists from all over the world are beaming with joy. 去年春节的此时,或许我正在龙游老家,爷爷奶奶在院子里忙活着,奶奶手中的粽子叶上下翻飞,几下就被叠得像条'绿色的乌篷小船',糯米、酱肉、芋头条依次被夹进这条'绿色的乌篷小船'中,然后再用一条红色的棉线,一圈圈绕上去,牢固的扎起来。我们小孩子成群结队的在巷子里跑来跑去,把不知是谁家的鸡赶来赶去,玩的不亦乐乎。 At this time of the Spring Festival last year, maybe I was in my hometown of Longyou. My grandparents were busy living in the yard. The zongzi leaves in my grandmas hands were flying up and down. A few times, they were folded like a green awning boat. Glutinous rice, soy sauce meat and taro chips were successively clipped into this green awning boat, and then a red cotton thread was used to wrap them up in a circle and tie them up firmly. Our children are running around the alley in groups, driving the chickens who dont know who they are. They are very 然而今年跟往年不一样。在新型冠状病毒疫情影响下,不能走街串巷,不能走亲访友,国家号召我们不出门,不访友,大街小巷乃至整个城市都少了些烟火气息,小区里悄悄的,只偶有几只候鸟飞来飞去。农村里许多村道被封了,村民也响应号召,待在的家里。我们的寒假假期也因此延长了很多天,为了不延误我们中学校生的学习进程,教育系统、我们学校以及各类培训班开启了线上授课。而我们自己能做的就是熬炼身体、坚持打卡,提高免疫力,妈妈说这也是在为社会做贡献。 This year, however, is not the same as before. Under the novel coronavirus high streets and back lanes, we can not go to the streets and streets, we can not visit relatives and friends. The state calls on us not to go out, not to visit friends, and the streets and alleys and even the whole city are short of fireworks. Many village roads in the countryside have been sealed, and villagers respond to the call and stay at home. Our winter vacation has also been extended for many days. In order not to delay the learning process of our primary and secondary school students, the education system, our school and various training courses have started online teaching. What we can do is to exercise ourselves, to stick to the clock in and to improve our immunity, which my mother said is also contributing to the society. 春节期间,武汉封城,全国人民都团结起来了。疫情爆发地武汉几天内建起了火神山、雷神山医院,不愧被世界他国称为基建狂魔。全国各地医护人员在立下请战书后,多批次"不计酬劳,无论生死'地驰援武汉,全世界的中国友人不断向中国捐助抗灾物资,国内大企业知名人士纷纷倾囊捐助。全国人民都那么努力,我也应捐出自己的一份力!于是,我便在妈妈的指导下,在淘宝上的"武汉加油'捐出了我的压岁钱,尽一名中同学应尽的义务。 During the Spring Festival, the city of Wuhan was closed, and the people of the whole country united. Within a few days, the hospitals of huoshenshan and leishenshan were built in Wuhan, where the epidemic broke out, which is worthy of being called the construction maniac by other countries in the world. After the letter of invitation was made by medical staff from all over the country, many batches of regardless of pay, regardless of life and death rushed to Wuhan. Chinese friends from all over the world continued to donate disaster relief materials to China, and celebrities from large domestic enterprises poured in donations. People all over the country work so hard, and I should give my share! So, under the guidance of my mother, I donated my new years money on Taobaos go to Wuhan to fulfill the obligations of a middle school student. 是什么缘由导致这么严峻的疫情,我看到新闻里说新型的冠状病毒来源于野生动物,肯定是由于我们人类对大自然的恣意掠夺、过度索取,而大自然再一次的警告了我们人类。我真想大声的呼吁,不要再破坏自然环境,不要再猎食野生动物,不要再过度开发自然资源我们真的急迫需要思索如何跟大自然和平相处。 What is the cause of such a serious epidemic? I see in the news that the new coronavirus comes from wild animals. It must be because of our wanton plunder and excessive demand for nature, and nature once again warns us. I really want to make a loud appeal to stop damaging the natural environment, hunting wild animals and over exploiting natural resources We really need to think about how to live in peace with nature. 由于新型冠状病毒,这个春节变得不一样,变得非常长。愿春天早日到来,风波过去,一切安好! Because the novel coronavirus has become different from this Spring Festival, and has become a foreign minister. May spring come as soon as possible, and all is well! 4