Word2022关于元旦的英语作文800字:元旦的雪 下雪了。 Its snowing. 在那年元旦,我还在家乡的小城里苦读高三。由于离家较远,元旦的假期时间又短,我只好独自蜷缩在宿舍的一隅。 On that new years day, I was still studying hard in my hometown. I had to curl up in a corner of my dormitory alone because I was far away from home and had a short holiday on New Years day. 空旷的宿舍,是那样的安静。透过冷冰冰的窗子,凝视着窗外满世界飘舞的雪花,心中涌动着无限的酸楚和惆怅。 The empty dormitory is so peaceful. Through the cold window, staring out the window at the worlds flying snowflakes, the heart surging with infinite sadness and melancholy. 慢慢的,夜色已经覆盖了整个城市,雪花也狂舞的更加厉害了,顷刻间雪白的精灵已染白了大地。遥望着家的方向,想到此刻或许我友爱的爸妈肯定在饭桌前思念他们心爱的儿子吧。 Gradually, the night has covered the whole city, and the snowflakes are more fierce. In an instant, the white spirit has dyed the earth white. Looking at the direction of home, I thought that maybe my dear parents must miss their beloved son at the dinner table. 我的元旦怎么过呢?这时我想到上周的测试,我获得了满分的好成果。对!何不接借此犒劳一下自己呀。 How about my new years day? At this time, I thought of the test last week, and I got a full mark. Yes! Why dont you treat yourself with this. 节日的校内,是那样的冷清,即使间或的三两成群,留给我的也是一张张生疏的面孔。雪花还在舍命的飘舞,北风似刀子一样凛冽着。当经过老师的家属楼时,听着温馨的欢乐声,我的心不禁更加失落。但一想到那满分的成果,我的心又开头了顽强,不禁又加紧了脚步。 Festival campus, is so cold, even if occasionally in groups of three or two, left me with a strange face. Snow is still desperately flying, the north wind is as sharp as a knife. When passing by the teachers family building, listening to the warm laughter, my heart can not help but be more lost. But at the thought of the full score, my heart began to be strong again, and I couldnt help stepping up again. 我走进了一家烩面馆,刚已进门就问到了迷人的面香,看到了老板娘在热忱的招呼着每一个客人。店里的人不是许多,但老板娘那热忱的笑容,迷人的面香,使人感到一种宾至如归的感觉。 I walked into a stewed noodle restaurant, and just after I entered the door, I asked about the attractive fragrance of noodles, and saw the owners wife warmly greeting every guest. There are not many people in the shop, but the owners warm smile and attractive face make people feel at home. "孩子,你想吃些什么?'老板娘迎过来亲切的问道。 What would you like to eat, son? the landlady asked warmly. "一大碗烩面吧。'看着肩上的雪花,想到凛冽的北风,我就这样的应道。 A bowl of stewed noodles. Looking at the snowflakes on my shoulders, I thought of the cold north wind, and I answered. 人不是太多,我便随便的找了一张靠窗的座位坐下。这时我才发觉,着个小店,造型别致,温馨而又高雅。望着窗外凌乱的雪花,我总会想起那些四处奔波的人们,他们为了生活,为了美妙的明天,为了-想起我的父辈们,他们班白的头发,日渐年轻的面容,总会让我伤心;想起我的七月,我的心里就是就有一种深深的痛,那种始终绵延在我的骨子里面。只要一想到我的成果,那好像才能安慰一下我的失落。想到这我又拿出了那份试卷- There were not too many people, so I casually found a seat by the window. At this time, I found that with a small shop, the shape is unique, warm and elegant. Looking at the messy snowflakes outside the window, I always think of those people who are running around, for life, for a better tomorrow, for - - think of my parents, their white hair, aging face, always make me heartache; think of my July, my heart is a deep pain, which has been stretching in my bones. As long as I think of my achievements, it seems to be able to comfort my loss. Thinking of this, I took out that paper again- "孩子,你的饭一做好了,'老板娘的一句话,打断了我的思绪,我抓紧放下了试卷,接过了那碗热气腾腾的面。 My child, as soon as your meal is ready, said the owners mother, interrupting my thoughts, I quickly put down the test paper and took over the bowl of steaming noodles. "孩子,还在学习呀!节日放假了也不回家,真用功呀!'老板娘一旁的唠叨着,临走也不忘在我的试卷上瞅了一眼。 My child, Im still learning! I dont go home after the holiday. Im really diligent! the owners mother nagged and glanced at my test paper before I left. 外面天气的寒冷,几个月的空腹拼搏。看到一碗芳香可口的面,就象一只饥饿的小羊见到一片绿油油的麦苗一样,三下五除二的工夫,吃了个精光。 Its cold outside, fighting on an empty stomach for months. To see a bowl of delicious noodles is like a hungry lamb to see a green wheat seedling. It takes three times, five times and two times to eat it up. 着样的工夫,连我自己也感到惊异。也就是在老板娘一转身的工夫,我又叫住了她。付帐。 Even I was surprised at the time. That is to say, when the boss turned around, I stopped her again. Pay the bill. 我顺手就在自己的外套里掏钱,糟了,遗忘带钱了。我不有的一阵慌张,上下摸索个不停,脸也涨的通红。 I picked up the money in my coat. I forgot to bring the money. I do not have a burst of panic, fumble up and down ceaselessly, the face also rises red. 或许老板娘看出了我的窘迫,就走上前亲切的问到:"孩子,你怎么了?是不是遗忘带钱了?' Perhaps the landlady saw my embarrassment and went forward and asked kindly, whats the matter with you, son? Did you forget to bring the money? 我红着脸不住的说"是,是,是-' I blushed and said, yes, yes, yes - 老板娘认真的看了我一眼,又扫了一下我的试卷,接着用手示意我做下,然后说"孩子,你坐下,咱们做个交易,好不好?' The landlady looked at me carefully, scanned my test paper again, then motioned me to do it with her hand, and said, son, sit down, lets make a deal, shall we? "交易?'我不解的问到。 Deal? I asked, puzzled. 是的,孩子,你不要可怕,我的意思是用你的试卷作为交换条件,把你的试卷给我,当作今日的饭钱,可以吗?我用你的试卷作为楷模,来教育我的儿子,要让他也向你学习。' Yes, child, dont be afraid. I mean, in exchange for your test paper, give me your test paper as the money for todays meal. Can I use your test paper as a model to educate my son so that he can learn from you? 听到这,我的心头一热,说不清是在感动,还是愧疚。 Hearing this, my heart was hot. I couldnt tell if I was moved or guilty. 后来,每到了一年一度的元旦,我总会想起那年元旦,那个雪夜发生的故事- Later, every year on New Years day, I always remember the story of that years new years day, that snow night- 6