Word下雪了英语作文二年级200字带翻译 下雪了,下雪了'希望已久的雪,最终落下来了。她的到来给我们小孩子带来了欢乐。 Its snowing, its snowing. The long-awaited snow finally fell. Her arrival brought happiness to our children. 大地白茫茫的一片。爸爸妈妈带着我和弟弟一起到楼下玩雪,只见雪花纷纷扬扬地从空中飘下来。雪花落在小树上,小树似乎穿上了洁白的新衣;雪花落在屋顶上,屋顶似乎戴上了洁白的帽子;雪花落在草地上,草地似乎盖上了洁白的羊毛毯,美极了。 A vast expanse of whiteness. Mom and Dad took my brother and I downstairs to play with the snow, only to see the snowflakes fluttering down from the air. The snowflakes fall on the trees, and the trees seem to wear new white clothes; the snowflakes fall on the roofs, and the roofs seem to wear white hats; the snowflakes fall on the grass, and the grass seems to be covered with a white wool blanket, which is extremely beautiful. 孩子们都纷纷出来玩雪,有的在打雪仗,有的在堆雪人,还有的把小树上的雪摇下来。 The children all come out to play with the snow, some are having snowfights, some are making snowmen, and some are shaking the snow off the small trees. 处处都是孩子们的玩耍声和欢快声,大地沉醉在一片欢快之中。 Everywhere is the sound of childrens play and joy, the earth immersed in a joy. 2