Word假如我是一株小草800字英语作文带翻译 我是一株小草,一株生长在平原上的草。这是一个草的群体,我是这个群体中的一员。 I am a grass, a grass growing on the plain. This is a grass group. I am a member of this group. 当我还是一颗草种的时候,春天到了。春风习惯地吹着,把我吹到了这片平原上。一场绵绵春雨滋润了这块干燥的土地。我在地上贪欲地闻着泥土的芳香,感受着清爽的空气,我有一种说不出来的舒适与满意。于是我萌生了第一个信念我要活下去,要扎根、发芽。慢慢地,通过我的努力,我最终从中探出头来,奇怪地望着这个奇异的世界,我发觉我的身边也有和我一样的伴侣。远处,蓝天上一朵朵白云像一只只棉花糖,看上去非常松软。我又低下头看看自己的身子,发觉自己又长高了不少。日子是那样安静,闲适,无忧无虑。 When I was a grass seed, spring came. The spring wind is blowing habitually, blowing me to this plain. A continuous spring rain moistens the dry land. I was greedily smelling the fragrance of the earth and feeling the fresh air. I had a kind of unspeakable comfort and comfort. So I had my first belief - I want to live, to take root, to sprout. Gradually, through my efforts, I finally came out of it and looked at the wonderful world curiously. I found that I had the same friends with me. In the distance, white clouds in the blue sky are like marshmallows. They look very soft. I looked down at my body and found that I had grown a lot. The days are peaceful, leisurely and carefree. "咚,咚,咚!'一声声巨响打破了往日的安静,我睁大双眼恐惊地望着眼前的庞然大物。它毫不留情地践踏在同伴们的身上,然后又俯下身肆虐地把我的伴侣卷入口中。我不禁可怕极了,本能地朝妈妈靠了靠。"孩子,别怕!这种动物叫牛。它特地吃我们,但我们不会死,由于它们吞噬不了我们的根,更重要的是,我们具有坚韧的生命力。'听了妈妈的话,我不再可怕了,心情放松了很多,当庞然大物走向我时,我抓紧闭上了眼睛,等到庞然大物走开时,我发觉身体矮了一大截,但我并不难过,由于我觉得生命的价值就在于奉献。 Dong, Dong, Dong! A loud noise broke the past calm, I opened my eyes and looked at the huge things in front of me in fear. It trampled relentlessly on its companions and then bent down to wreak havoc on my friends. I couldnt help being scared, instinctively leaning against my mother. Dont be afraid, son! This animal is called cattle. It specially eats us, but we will not die, because they cant swallow our roots, and more importantly, we have tenacious vitality. After listening to my mothers words, I was no longer afraid and relaxed a lot. When the behemoth came to me, I closed my eyes quickly. When the behemoth walked away, I found that my body was a large part shorter, but I was not sad, because I felt that the value of life was dedication. 果真不出所料,过了几天,我又长高了很多,身材变得均匀,也从原来的嫩绿变成了墨绿。我已经成为了一株真正的草。 As expected, after a few days, I grew a lot higher, my body became symmetrical, and I changed from the original green to dark green. I have become a real grass. 天气越来越酷热了。白天,我顶着火辣辣的,夜晚,很多老人来这片草地乘凉,孩子们躺在我们怀里数天上的星星,捉蚱蜢。很多萤火虫似一盏盏小灯笼在我身边飞来飞去,好不喧闹。我也慢慢习惯了老人们的絮絮谈心和孩子们的嬉笑打闹。有了他们的陪伴,我觉得生活很充实,也很欢乐。我知道,我没有树木那样青翠挺立,高耸云霄;也没有花儿那样五彩缤纷,香味扑鼻。我只是一株小草,平凡得不能再平凡的小草,但我有着比它们坚韧的生命力,我是那样朴实无华,悄悄无闻。 Its getting hotter and hotter. During the day, I was fighting against the heat. At night, many old people came to this grassland to enjoy the cool. The children lay in our arms to count the stars in the sky and catch grasshoppers. Many fireflies fly around me like little lanterns. Its very lively. Im also getting used to the old peoples chatting and the childrens playing. With their company, I feel that life is full and happy. I know that I am not as green and tall as trees, nor as colorful and fragrant as flowers. I am just a grass, ordinary can no longer ordinary grass, but I have more tenacious vitality than them, I am so simple, unknown. 天气慢慢转凉了,枫叶红透,黄叶落尽,菊花在秋风中怒放,碧空如洗,蝉在秋风中唱起最终的飘落。我也变得日渐憔悴起来。但我却无怨无悔,由于我作出了应有的贡献,我把我的一切都献给了大地,完成了一株草的使命。 The weather gradually turned cool, the maple leaves were red, the yellow leaves were gone, the chrysanthemums were in full bloom in the autumn wind, and the cicadas sang the last flutter in the autumn wind. I also become increasingly haggard. But I have no regrets, because I have made due contributions, I have given everything to the earth, completed the mission of a grass. 白驹过隙,往事如烟。一场鹅毛大雪掩盖了整个平原,整个大地变成了白茫茫一片。我蜷缩在厚实的雪地里,孕育着新的生命,满怀新的盼望,由于冬天来了,春天还会远吗? The past is like smoke. A snow covered the whole plain, and the whole land turned white. I crouch in the thick snow, pregnant with new life, full of new hope, because winter is coming, will spring be far behind? 4