Word关于五一劳动节英语作文300字 今日是五一劳动节,我和爸爸、妈妈一起去探望外公、外婆。 Today is may day. My father and mother went to see my grandparents. 一路上,爸爸开车,妈妈给我讲故事、猜谜语,有时又和妈妈一起看看车外漂亮的风景,心情特殊舒服。一刺眼就到了外婆家,观察外婆在家门口笑盈盈地迎接我们,外公正在家门前的菜园里劳碌着。我大声叫着:"外公!今日是五一劳动节,我给您评个劳模吧!'外公听了乐呵呵! Along the way, my father drove, and my mother told me stories and riddles. Sometimes I saw the beautiful scenery outside the car with my mother. I was very happy. In the twinkling of an eye, I arrived at my grandmothers house and saw my grandmother greeting us with a smile. My grandfather was busy in the garden in front of my house. I called out, grandfather! Today is may day. Let me give you a model worker My grandfather was very happy! 外公退休后还是很勤劳,菜园里种着各种各样的蔬菜。蔬菜饿了外公就给它们施肥,渴了就给他们浇水,长虫了就给它们捉虫,它们长得非常可爱。外公家一年四季都有吃不完的新奇可口的蔬菜,都是绿色食。 My grandfather is still very hard-working after his retirement. There are all kinds of vegetables in the garden. When the vegetables are hungry, my grandfather will fertilize them, when they are thirsty, they will be watered, and if the insects grow, they will catch them. They are very lovely. My grandfathers house has endless fresh and delicious vegetables all year round, all of which are green food. 吃中饭的时候,我们兴奋地和外公一起唱起了劳动最光荣。我也要向外公学习,从小做个爱劳动的好孩子。 When we had lunch, we happily sang the most glorious work with my grandfather. I also want to learn from my grandfather and be a good child who loves labor. 2