Word关于三八妇女节对妈妈感谢的话英语作文500字带翻译 妈妈,感谢您对我的关怀,照看。明天就是三八妇女节了。首先,我要先在这里祝你节日欢乐。妈妈,有一些话,我不能亲口对你说,只能与你以书信的方式告知你。 Mom, thank you for your concern and care. Tomorrow is womens day. First of all, I want to wish you a happy holiday here. Mom, there are some words, I cant say to you personally, can only tell you in letters. 你虽然是一位平凡而不能再平凡的母亲,但在我的心中,你是最美最和善的人。你对女儿的爱心和爱惜,我会永久记在心里,当作一笔财宝来记它。您为我做过的事,像地上的沙砾,数也数不清。 Although you are an ordinary and can not be ordinary mother, but in my heart, you are the most beautiful and kind person. Your love and love for my daughter, I will always remember it as a wealth. What you have done for me, like the gravel on the ground, is countless. 我常常唱起这一首歌"感恩的心,感谢有你,伴我一生,让我有士气做我'来感谢您。说实话,我经常沉醉在这首歌里,久久回味着,你给我带来的暖和p呵护p滋润。 I often sing this song thank you, my life, let me have the courage to be me. Thank you. To be honest, I often immersed in this song, after a long time, you bring me the warm p-care P moistened. 我感谢您在我跌倒的时候,伸出双手来,扶我一把;我感谢您在我难过时,给我送上一些劝慰我的话;我感谢您在我成果不抱负时,给我送来鼓舞。 I thank you for holding out your hands and helping me when I fall. I thank you for giving me some words of comfort when I am sad; I thank you for giving me encouragement when my achievement is not ideal. 我始终有一双隐形的翅膀,是由你的爱化成的。那次考试,我失利了。我一个人低着头在没人的街道上悄悄地走着。那一刻我有一股莫名的冲动,悲切到想把手中的卷纸捏碎,想到您在家还等着我的消息。我硬着头皮踢着小石块不争气地走向家我打开门,照旧是那个不温不火的语气"回来了'。我沉重地恩了一声。我说不出也不忍心说。没告知妈妈,妈妈说,怎么脸色这么不好,休息吧。 I have always had a pair of invisible wings, which is transformed by your love. I lost the exam. I walked silently in the deserted street with my head down alone. At that moment, I had a strange impulse, sad to want to crush the paper in my hand, thought you were still waiting for my news at home. I was kicking the little stone hard and heading home without fighting I opened the door, still the warm tone back. I gave a heavy grace. I cant say it or I cant bear to say it. Did not tell mother, mother said, how the face is so bad, rest. 妈妈的这句话,听了,我的心特别难过。想哭的感觉。 My mother said this, listen, my heart is very sad. The feeling of crying. 妈妈,感谢有你,观察墙上的几张奖状,我心里知道,这都是你的功劳,晚上,我每天写作业写到深晚,都是你陪着我一起读书。要不是你,我也不会有这样的成果。 Mom, thank you for seeing several medals on the wall. I know in my heart that this is your credit. At night, I write homework every day and write deep and late. You are with me to read. I would not have had that achievement without you. 妈妈,感谢有你。 Thank you, mom. 3