Word关于我和书的故事英语作文300字 在我小的时候,每天晚上妈妈都会给我讲童话故事,在梦里,我常常梦见白雪公主和可爱的小红帽。 When I was young, my mother would tell me fairy tales every night. In my dream, I often dreamed of snow white and lovely little red riding hood. 我爱书,我爱书里面跌宕起伏的故事情节,爱书里面栩栩如生的人物。我在书里学到许多东西,书带给我无比的欢乐感受。无论什么书,我都爱都,爱读它流畅的话语,爱读它悲喜爱笑的思想情怀。应当说,每一本出自不同作家的书,都有他独特的风格,或肤浅、或哀痛、或欢愉。无论什么样的好书,都能给你带来美妙的心灵感受。如同夏季的一杯冰水,汗流浃背之后便是无比的凉爽。 I love books, I love the ups and downs of the story, love the vivid characters in the book. I learned a lot in the book, the book brings me incomparable happy feeling. No matter what book, I love all, love to read its fluent words, love to read it sad, like laughing thoughts and feelings. It should be said that every book written by different writers has its own unique style, either deep, sad or happy. No matter what kind of good books, can bring you a good spiritual feeling. Like a cup of ice water in summer, it is incomparably cool after sweating. 妈妈常常带我去图书馆看书,每次我如饥似渴,拿起一本好书就看。不知不觉的一下午就过去了。书是人类进步的阶梯,它给了我学问和才智,是我成长过程中不行缺少的伙伴,是我前进中的之路明灯。 My mother often takes me to the library to read books. Every time I am thirsty, I pick up a good book to read. The afternoon passed before I knew it. Book is the ladder of human progress, it gives me knowledge and wisdom, is my indispensable partner in the process of growth, is the road light in my progress. 2