Word关于假如我有一台时光机英语作文800字 在中华民族历史长河里,世事难料,假如时间可以倒流,假如历史可以改写;假如我有神通广阔的本事,假如我有一台时空机,我想穿越到明朝,救救神机妙算的传奇人物-刘伯温。 In the long history of the Chinese nation, the world is hard to predict. If time can be reversed, if history can be rewritten; if I have the ability of great powers, if I have a time and space machine, I want to go through the Ming Dynasty to save Liu Bowen, the legendary figure of divine resourcefulness. 时间到了公元1375年2月,此时刘伯温抱病觐见皇帝朱元璋,朱元璋见其忠心耿耿,一起赤脚打天下,就派御医给他看病,开些药熬好,送给刘伯温喝下。我戴着测毒手环隐身来到刘伯温舍下,手环亮起了红灯并发出微弱的"嘀嘀'声,我越靠近他,手环红灯闪得越快,声音越洪亮。原来朱元璋生性多疑假借看病之名实则想除之而后快,给刘伯温赐了慢性毒药,刘伯温掐指一算自己在劫难逃,但皇命好意难违不能不从,他正迟疑踱步站在窗前,我趁机将他的毒药换成草药汤。突然,他转身闭上眼睛把药一饮而尽,踉踉跄跄走到床边预备躺下等待死刑。我像超人似的现身在刘伯温面前,他好像被惊吓到了,我抓紧解释道:"刘基先生别可怕,我来自现代,我是来救您的,送来的那碗药有毒,您喝下去的是草药汤,不会有事的,这颗逃祸救命丸,现在吃下可以除去身上的病痛,还有两颗,一颗在你回老家三个月后装暴病临死前吃,让皇帝确信你真死了,有人会亲自上报朝廷,三天后你可以复活,还有一颗当你觉得体力不支时服下,能让你再活600年。'刘伯温感谢地说:"感谢神人的救命之恩,鄙人感谢不尽。'还没说完我被迫隐身了,留下一句话:"以您的神机妙算本事就归隐山林里,替百姓排忧解难吧。'此时我回到了现代。 In February 1375 A.D., Liu Bowen presented himself to the Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. Seeing his loyalty, Zhu Yuanzhang sent the imperial doctor to treat him, prescribed some medicine and gave it to Liu Bowen. Wearing a poison detection bracelet, I came to Liu Bowens house. The red light of the bracelet was on and a faint tick sound was emitted. The closer I got to him, the faster the red light flashed and the louder the sound. It turned out that Zhu Yuanzhang was suspicious by nature, but he wanted to get rid of it in the name of seeing a doctor. He gave Liu Bowen a chronic poison. Liu Bowen pinched his finger and figured that he was doomed, but the emperors good intentions could not be ignored. He was hesitating to pace in front of the window. I took the opportunity to change his poison into herbal soup. Suddenly, he turned around, closed his eyes, drank the medicine, and staggered to the bedside, ready to lie down and wait for death. I appeared in front of Liu Bowen like a superman. He seemed to be frightened. I quickly explained: Mr. Liu Ji, dont be afraid. I come from modern times. I came to save you. The bowl of medicine you sent is poisonous. You drink herbal soup. It will be OK. This pill can remove the pain of your body by taking it now. There are two, one after you go back to your hometown three months later Eat it before you die, so that the emperor can be sure that you are dead. Someone will report it to the imperial court in person. You can be resurrected in three days. If you take one when you feel weak, you can live another 600 years. Liu Bowen said gratefully, thank God for saving his life. I am very grateful. Before I finished speaking, I was forced to hide, leaving a sentence: with your magical and ingenious skills, I will go back to the mountains and forests to help the people solve their problems. Now Im back to modern times. 我突然想起妈妈说过:"民间相传刘伯温并没有死,皇帝赐给他的棺材比一般人长一个人头,念在功劳不行没的份上以砍头罪保他全尸。在他的家乡-青田(现温州文成县),只要勤劳、和善、正直、受人敬重的人遇到困难或有生命危急,就会得到一个白眉白胡子老人的神助;还有人常常观察一个闲适得意的束发老人在江边垂钓。'莫非就是我那时救了他,真的活到600年后? I suddenly remembered my mothers saying: according to folk tradition, Liu Bowen was not dead. The coffin given by the emperor was longer than that of ordinary people. He wanted to save his whole body by beheading him in the share of meritorious service. In his hometown Qingtian (now Wencheng County, Wenzhou), as long as the hardworking, kind, upright and respected people encounter difficulties or are in danger of life, they will get the divine help of an old man with white eyebrows and white beards; some people often see a leisurely old man with bushy hair fishing by the river Did I save him at that time and really live to 600 years later? 时间机不存在,穿越时空也不存在,我盼望刘伯温没死,生活中有更多救人于危难之间的神人"刘伯温',让这个多灾多难的世界布满暖和和阳光。 Time machine does not exist, nor does it exist through time and space. I hope Liu Bowen is not dead. There are more gods in life who can save people from danger, so that this disaster prone world is full of warmth and sunshine. 4