Word六一节活动_关于六一节的英语作文带翻译 今年的"六一'儿童节,学校打算让各个班举办商品市场。之前,家委会特地选购了一批价廉物美,适销对路的商品供我们贩卖。"六一'一大早,还没等我们把各个摊位布置好,外面的顾客已经一拥而入了。开市大吉,看来今日生意不错。 This years 61 childrens day, the school decided to let each class hold a commodity market. Before that, the family Committee specially purchased a batch of cheap, good quality and marketable goods for us to sell. In the early morning of 61, before we had arranged the stalls, customers from outside had already swarmed in. It looks like business is good today. 众多商品中,最好卖的要属"匕首笔'了。只见它金黄的刀柄,银光闪闪的刀锋,让人爱不释手。一个胖胖的小男孩领先冲到摊位前,二话不说抓起一大把就去结账。一数,整整十把。这时,"匕首笔'已所剩无几,其他顾客见势不妙,立即抢购,瞬间全部卖完。其它商品,如酒瓶挂件,埃菲尔铁塔挂件,蜘蛛超人等相继被顾客"秒杀'。 Among many commodities, the best one to sell is dagger pen. I cant help but see its golden hilt and silver glittering blade. A chubby little boy rushed to the stall first, grabbed a handful without saying anything and went to check out. One count, ten. At this time, the dagger pen has been left. Other customers are in a bad situation. They rush to buy it immediately and sell it all in an instant. Other commodities, such as wine bottle, Eiffel Tower and spider Superman, have been killed by customers. 不到二非常钟,许多摊位的货已卖光。剩下的摊位货物也不多了。这时,我们开头放大招了。 In less than 20 minutes, many stalls have sold out. There is not much left in the stalls. At this time, we began to enlarge the move. 第一招,主动叫卖。我们主动来到教室外面,拉顾客进来购物。这招果真奏效,又卖了不少商品。其中一个顾客被我们拉进市场,一口气将剩下的全部萝卜笔买断。莫非,他要去做"二道贩子'? The first way is to take the initiative to sell. We took the initiative to come outside the classroom and pull customers in for shopping. It worked and sold a lot of goods. One of the customers was pulled into the market by us and bought all the remaining turnip pens at one go. Is he going to be a second dealer? 其次招,购物满十元送"高级'塑料袋一个。许多顾客正愁东西不好拿,这下想方设法凑足十元,好给怀中的那一大堆货物找一个宿处。 The second way is to give one advanced plastic bag when the price reaches 10 yuan. A lot of customers are worried about the difficulty of taking things. Now they are trying to make up for ten yuan to find a place for a lot of goods in their arms. 第三招,死缠烂打。只要是老师来到我们班,我们立即上前兜售,不花点钱休想离开。有一位老师非常给力,把剩下的香皂全部买下。 The third way is to keep fighting. As long as the teacher comes to our class, we will sell it immediately. We cant leave without spending money. A teacher was very awesome to buy all the rest of the soap. 不到一个小时,全部商品全部售罄。一盘点,除去进货成本,我们班净赚了三百多元。我们打算把利润全部捐献给贫困地区的盼望学校。 In less than an hour, all the goods were sold out. One inventory, excluding the purchase cost, our class made a net profit of more than 300 yuan. We decided to donate all our profits to hope primary school in poor areas. 3