Word关于抗击新型冠状病毒的英语作文:致敬疫情中最美的逆行者(1) 作文致敬疫情中最美的逆行者(一) 你,逆行的背影,牵动着多少颗心。伸出你那暖和的手,托起很多的生命。一纸请战书,满满的红手印,生死线上方显你的深情题记 You, retrograde back, affect how many hearts. Stretch out your warm hand and hold up countless lives. A letter of invitation, full of red fingerprints, above the line of life and death shows your deep feelings - inscription 2022年的春节,一场突如其来的疫情,像是蓄谋已久的战斗,对我们发起了猝不及防的闪电战!当大家还沉醉在迎接春节的喜悦中时,它已经开头大张声势地恐吓着每一个人!一夜之间,各大新闻媒体满屏的都是疫情进展的状况,四周的人们不断地查找着反抗疫情的各种方法。药店人满为患,口罩、酒精成了一价难求的精贵物;商场、公路人可罗雀,人人戴着大口罩,用戒备的眼神相互扫视着对方,冠状病毒给大家的生活蒙上厚厚的阴影。 In the Spring Festival of 2022, a sudden epidemic, like a long planned war, launched a Blitzkrieg against us! When you are still immersed in the joy of welcoming the Spring Festival, it has started to bluff and intimidate everyone! Overnight, all the major news media are full of the progress of the epidemic, and people around are constantly looking for the resistance to the epidemic Ways. Drugstores are full of people, masks and alcohol have become priceless things; people in shopping malls and roads can be sparrows, and everyone wears big masks, scanning each other with wary eyes. Coronavirus casts a thick shadow on everyones life. 面对严峻的疫情防控,医务人员义无反顾,挺身而出。他们成了逆向而行的孤胆英雄。在生死时速的生命通道上,毅然担起了治病救人,救死扶伤的社会重任。84岁的钟南山院士,本该退休颐养天年,享受天伦之乐的时候,却在国家最需要他的时候,人民最需要他的时候,再次"挂帅出征',抗击新型冠状病毒。看着他疲乏的身影,心中除了感动还是感动。全国各地的医护人员夜以继日,不眠不休,他们拼尽全力,与病毒较量,为生命站岗。他们逆行的背影,是庚子年最美的风景! In the face of severe epidemic prevention and control, the medical staff stood up without hesitation. They became the lone heroes of the reverse. In the life channel of life and death, he resolutely took on the social responsibility of curing the disease and saving the people. The happiness of a family union novel coronavirus, 84, is a time when he should retire to enjoy the family and enjoy the family happiness. When the country needs him most, when the people need him most, he will take the lead in fighting the new coronavirus again. Looking at his tired figure, in addition to moving or moving. All over the country, the medical staff work day and night, sleepless, they do their best to fight with the virus, stand guard for life. Their retrograde back is the most beautiful scenery of the year of gengzi! 寒风瑟瑟,路上人烟稀有,只剩下星星点点的"小黄人'"小蓝人',他们穿梭在大街小巷,留给我们的只是一个个逆风骑行的背影。他们悄悄无闻,只为给不能出门的人,送去一份暖和! The wind is chilly and the road is sparsely populated. Only a few little yellow people and little blue people are left. They shuttle through the streets and lanes, leaving us with the backs of riding against the wind. They are unknown, just for the people who can not go out, send a warm! 还有一群背影,我看不到他们真实的面目,只知道他们是新闻报道的书写者,他们是图片影像的记录者。他们为民生福祉急急奔跑,为城市建设悉心戮力,为国家进展鼓劲呐喊。重大疫情面前,总会有他们的背影,他们不是不惧危急,只为传播最真实的声音! There are also a group of back figures. I cant see their true faces, only know that they are the writers of news reports and the recorders of pictures and images. They are rushing for peoples livelihood and welfare, working hard for urban construction and national development. In front of a major epidemic, there will always be their backs. They are not afraid of danger, just to spread the most authentic voice! 还有很多背影,警察、城管、清洁工、出租车司机不同的职业,共同守护着这座城,属于我们的城!不同的身份,共同暖和着城里的人,有情有义有担当的中国人! There are many back images, police, urban management, cleaners, taxi drivers Different occupations protect the city together, belong to our city! Different identities, warm the people in the city together, Chinese people who are passionate, righteous and responsible! 4