Word关于小学二年级叙事英语作文带翻译:冬天 冬天真冷,我观察人们穿上了厚厚的衣服,围着长长的围巾,戴上了帽子和手套。假如衣服穿少了,就会听到跺脚声、搓手声、嘴里发出的咝咝声。 Its cold in winter. I saw people put on thick clothes, long scarves, hats and gloves. If you wear less clothes, you will hear stomping, rubbing hands, hissing in your mouth. 我厌烦冬天,由于太冷了。早晨我赖在床上不想起来,一起来就被厚厚的衣服包得鼓鼓的,像粽子一样。晚上回家的时候,我坐在摩托车后座,风吹过来都快把耳朵给冻掉了。 I hate winter because its too cold. In the morning, I dont remember staying in bed. I was wrapped up in thick clothes like zongzi. When I went home in the evening, I was sitting in the back of the motorcycle. The wind was blowing and my ears were freezing. 可我又喜爱冬天,由于冬天有时会下雪。每到腊月时,我都会问妈妈:今年会下雪吗?我期盼着下一场大雪,我可以痛快地打雪仗、堆雪人。 But I also like winter, because sometimes it snows in winter. Every December, I ask my mother: will it snow this year? Im looking forward to the next heavy snow. I can have a snowfight and make snowmen 2