Word关于植树节的英语作文范文带翻译:植树节小鸟的呼声 友爱的人类伴侣们: Dear human friends 你们好!我是小鸟。我们原来住在茂密的树林里,现在临时住在冰冷的岩洞里。今日我怀着哀思的心情,特殊利用"植树节'给你们写信,主要恳请你们多植树,不要再损害我们了! How do you do! Im a bird. We used to live in the thick woods, but now we live in the cold caves temporarily. Today, I am in a sad mood, especially using the tree planting day to write to you, mainly imploring you to plant more trees and not hurt us any more! 你们应当看到,我们经常为树木治病,为大家毁灭害虫,在大家劳动时,还为大家欢快唱歌,让大家都享受到了美妙的自然生活。可是,有些人类伴侣呢? You should see that we often cure trees, eliminate pests for everyone, and sing happily for everyone when we work, so that everyone can enjoy a good natural life. But what about some human friends? 在树林里,最常见的就是一些人总是不断地乱砍乱伐树木,无论我们怎么呼救,都不管我们的死活,把我们好不简单才搭起的窝肆意毁掉。 In the woods, the most common thing is that some people are always cutting down trees at random. No matter how we call for help, no matter how we live or die, we destroy the nest that we finally set up. 更惨的是,还有许多人来捕获我们,把我们关进像监狱一样的笼子里,让我们失去了自由。更有甚者,还杀掉我们,把我们当作什么美味食品,使我们随时都有性命之忧。 Whats worse, there are many people who have come to capture us, put us in cages like prisons, and let us lose our freedom. Whats more, they will kill us and treat us as delicious food, so that we will have life worries at any time. 你们可知道,我们现在只有四处逃蔽,过着流浪孤独的生活,每天都要受到饥饿、寒冷、死亡的威逼。友爱的人类伴侣,假如你们遇到这样的遭受,你们会怎么想呢?我们是你们的伴侣,对待伴侣怎么这么不讲情义呢?况且,你们不是都想生活在美妙的生态环境中吗?今日是"植树节',你们在植树时可知道,没有了我们,害虫就会大量繁殖,树木就会渐渐枯死,人类就要面临很多的灾难,那后果简直是不堪设想的,你们认真想一想吧。 As you know, we have to run around and live a lonely life. We are threatened by hunger, cold and death every day. Dear human friends, what would you think if you met such an encounter? We are your friends. How can we treat our friends with so little affection? Besides, dont you all want to live in a beautiful ecological environment? Today is tree planting day. You can know when you plant trees that without us, pests will breed in large quantities, trees will die gradually, and human beings will face many disasters. The consequences are simply unimaginable. Think about it carefully. 人类伴侣们,为了让大家都能拥有一个美妙的家园地球,为了让你们能过上美妙的生活,请爱惜我们,多植树,还我们一个舒适而暖和的家吧。 Human friends, in order to let everyone have a good home - the earth, in order to let you have a good life, please love us, plant more trees, return us a comfortable and warm home. 现在我虽然住在这个可怜的地方,但我信任,我们是肯定会回到原来所住的地方的,人类伴侣,你们说呢? Now, although I live in this poor place, I believe that we will definitely return to where we used to live, human friends. What do you say? 此致 This brings 祝你们生活得更美妙! Wish you a better life! 你们的伴侣:小鸟 Your friend: birds 3