Word关于我的小乌龟英语作文300字 我有一个可爱的动物伴侣,知道它是谁吗?它就是小乌龟懒懒。 I have a lovely animal friend. Do you know who it is? Its - the little turtle is lazy. 它的身材娇小,脸上带有两道像印第安人一样的小红条,小爪子虽然不大点儿,但顽强有力,短短的小尾巴摇来摇去。它的壳由墨绿色渐变到浅绿色,一块块纹路清楚,一片壳上有一圈圈的花纹。它最喜爱吃鱼食和肉,每次都津津有味地抿抿嘴。 It is small in stature, with two red stripes like Indian on its face. Although the small claws are small, they are strong and powerful, and the short tail is swaying back and forth. Its shell from dark green to light green, a piece of clear lines, a shell has a circle of patterns. He likes to eat fish and meat, and sips his mouth with relish every time. 有一天,我给懒懒来了个恶作剧,趁它睡觉的时候把它翻了过来。过了一会儿,好戏上演了。懒懒睡醒了,可当它发觉自已在"倒立'时,责备地"看'了我一眼,然后,用脑袋支撑身体,小爪子和小脚不停地在空中蹬啊蹬,接着用劲儿一翻,来了个"鲤鱼打挺儿',稳稳当当地趴在了地上。然后,得意洋洋地看着哭笑不得的我,似乎在说:"嘻嘻,仆人,你太小看我啦!' One day, I gave laziness a prank and turned it over while he was sleeping. After a while, the good play was on. Lazy to wake up, but when it found itself in the handstand, blame the ground look at me, and then, with the head to support the body, small claws and small feet kept kicking in the air, and then hard to roll, came to a carp to straighten, steadily lying on the ground. Then, complacent looking at me, as if to say: hee hee, master, you look down on me too much! 我可真是喜爱懒懒呀! I really like to be lazy! 2