Word关于我的小妹妹英语作文600字带翻译 一声婴啼,划破长空。我的小妹妹便出世喽! A baby cry cuts through the sky. My little sister is born! "你瞧,这娃粉嫩粉嫩的,多水灵!'奶奶抱着小妹妹,喜爱的不得了,目不转睛地端详着,仿佛注视着一幅巧夺天工、活生生水灵灵的艺术品,百看不厌。 You see, this baby is so tender, so watery! Grandma is holding her little sister in her arms. She likes it so much that she cant turn her eyes to look at it, as if she is gazing at a wonderful and vivid work of art. 她睁着大眼睛,清亮似九寨沟的水,望着多彩的世界,一切都是那么奇怪,又用她水灵灵大眼睛盯着我们,或许朦胧的明白,我们和她有不行分割的关系。 She opened her big eyes, clear as the water of Jiuzhaigou, and looked at the colorful world. Everything was so curious. She stared at us with her big eyes of water spirit. Maybe she understood vaguely that we had an inseparable relationship with her. 看着看着,我就跟她玩起了嬉戏。"布。'小妹妹攥紧拳头挥着袖子。 Watching, I played a game with her. Cloth. The little sister clenched her fist and waved her sleeve. "你看你又输了吧,你就不能变变啊。'小妹妹好像听懂了我的话。"石头剪刀布!'只见小妹妹缓缓松开手指,还晃了晃,好像在向我炫耀呢。 If you lose again, you cant change. My little sister seems to understand me. Stone scissors! I saw my little sister slowly release her fingers and shake them, as if showing off to me. 小妹妹一哭,我就默契地学习妈妈泡奶粉来!妈妈抱着小妹妹不停地摇,快了,就像刘邦登基一一老方法不管用,还是外孙提灯笼一一照旧,哭声抽着我的心。快看,小妹妹嘴巴一张一张地摆出了吃奶的姿态。妈妈拿来新尿布,不检查妹妹有没有尿湿了,又拿来玩具去逗小妹妹玩。可小妹妹还是凶恶地哭着,这下子妈妈更急了。我飞也似的拿来奶瓶,还未遇到小嘴,小妹妹头一扎,奶嘴已经吞入,咕嘟咕嘟地吮吸起来。"唉,还是这招灵。'看她那样子,我忍不住笑了起来。 When my little sister cried, I learned from my mother to make milk powder! The mother held her little sister and shook her hands constantly. Soon, it was like Liu Bangs accession to the throne. The old way didnt work. My grandson still carried the lantern one by one. The crying took my heart. Look, my little sisters mouth is in a position of sucking. Mother brought new diapers, not to check whether the sister has wet urine, and toys to play with little sister. But my little sister was still crying ferociously, which made my mother more anxious. I took the bottle as if flying, but I havent touched the nipple yet. My little sisters head was tied, and the nipple had been swallowed and sucked. Well, its the same thing. I couldnt help laughing at her. 快看,小妹妹睡觉了,她的头圆圆的,像个小皮球,头发在阳光的照射下乌黑亮泽,淡淡的眉毛下面嵌着一双圆溜溜的大眼睛,睡觉时,却眯成了一条比棉线还细的缝,甚是可爱。 Look, my little sister is sleeping. Her head is round, like a small ball of fur. Her hair is dark and bright under the sunshine. Under the light eyebrows, there are a pair of big round eyes. When she sleeps, she narrows into a seam thinner than cotton thread, which is very lovely. 摇篮中小妹妹有节奏地摇摆,很快进入了梦之乡。 The little sister in the cradle swings rhythmically, and soon enters the land of dreams. 这就是我的妹妹,让我有些高兴,有些愁。 This is my sister, let me some joy, some sorrow. 3