Word关于春雨的英语作文350字带翻译 沙沙沙下起了春雨,这春雨让我想起了大诗人杜甫的诗句,"好雨知季节,当春乃发生,随风潜入夜,润物细无声。' Sand, sand It began to rain in spring, which reminds me of the poem of Du Fu, the great poet, good rain knows the season, when spring is happening, the wind sneaks into the night, moistening things silently. 春雨姑娘就像一位厉害的魔术师,那细雨就是她的魔法棒,她拿起魔法棒,这一指,那一点,就把小草变青了,把树叶变绿了,把花儿变得多姿多彩,五颜六色。百花被春雨滋润以后,都八仙过海,各显神通,纷纷开放。就连从南方刚飞回来的燕子也加入了这场盛会,在花丛间飞来飞去。桃花舍命地张开她红红的脸,海棠花露出了粉嫩的容颜,我们的牡丹也不甘示弱,在春雨的滋润下,娇艳地盛开着。"唯有牡丹真国色,花开季节动京城',真不愧是百花之王啊。 Spring rain girl is like a powerful magician, that drizzle is her magic wand, she picked up the magic wand, this finger, that point, the grass turned green, the leaves turned green, the flowers become colorful, colorful. After the flowers are moistened by the spring rain, all the eight immortals cross the sea, showing their magic power and opening up one after another. Even the swallows who just came back from the South joined in the event and flew around among the flowers. Peach blossom desperately opens her red face, Begonia flowers show a delicate face, our peony is not willing to show weakness, in the spring rain, in full bloom. Only the peony is the real national color, and it moves the capital when the flowers are blooming. its really worthy of being the king of flowers. 原本坚硬的大地沐浴着春雨,变得松软了;雨点落在小河里,滴滴答答,滴滴答答,就像春雨姑娘表演魔术时候的伴奏;小蝌蚪在池塘里游来游去,就像是春雨姑娘魔术棒上的音符。 Originally, the hard earth was bathed in the spring rain and became soft; the rain fell on the river, tick by tick, just like the accompaniment of spring rain girl performing magic; the tadpole swam around the pond, just like the notes on the magic stick of spring rain girl. 沙沙沙,沙沙沙,沙沙沙,这场春雨始终不停地下着 Sand, sand, sand, this spring rain has been underground 2