Word关于校园的冬天英语作文600字 冬天像个魔术师,带来了美妙的事物。凛冽的寒风咆哮着,雪花纷纷扬扬地落下来,外面就像冰天雪地的童话世界一样。 Winter, like a magician, brings good things. The cold wind whistling, snowflakes fluttering down, outside like a fairy tale world of ice and snow. 我连忙跑了出去,观察有的雪花落在梅花上,可能雪花喜爱梅花那股淡淡的暗香;有的雪花落在黑乎乎的房顶上,可能是喜爱那明媚的阳光;还有的雪花落在我的衣服上,可能是喜爱那五彩缤纷的"世界'吧!雪花就在落下的那一刻,都变成了一颗颗小露珠,漂亮极了! I ran out in a hurry and saw some snowflakes falling on the plum blossom. Maybe the snowflakes like the faint fragrance of the plum blossom; some snowflakes fall on the black roof, maybe they like the bright sunshine; some snowflakes fall on my clothes, maybe they like the colorful world! Snowflakes in the moment of falling, have become a small dew, very beautiful! 校内里,每一个角落都传来了银铃般的笑声。原来,小伙伴们在操场上堆起了雪人,不一会儿便堆起一个好大好大的雪人,可是没有手呀?一个机智的小男孩儿捡起来一块小木条,这下终于解了难,他们又围着雪人儿跳起舞来。另一些同学在打雪仗,空中的雪飞来飞去,形成一道道白色飘带。小伙伴们又蹦又跳,嘴里面的呼气,一遇到寒冷似乎冒着烟似的。 In the campus, every corner has come the silver bell like laughter. It turned out that the little friends piled up a snowman on the playground, and soon they piled up a big snowman, but no hands? A clever little boy picked up a small piece of wood, which finally solved the problem, and they danced around the snowman. Other students in a snowball fight, the snow flying in the air, forming a white ribbon. The little friends hopped and jumped, and the breath in their mouths seemed to smoke when they met the cold. 再看看校内里两旁高大的树木都披上了银色的新装,像是把守着校内的警卫;校内里的教学楼也披上了朴实的新衣,像是一个巨大的学问海洋;那宽敞的足球场也洁白一片,不知谁在上面留下了一串串脚印,像是通向学问的殿堂。 Take a look at the tall trees on both sides of the campus are covered with silver new clothes, like guarding the campus guard; the teaching buildings in the campus are also put on simple new clothes, like a huge ocean of knowledge; the spacious football field is also snow-white, I do not know who left a string of footprints on it, like the palace of knowledge. 原来一到了这寒冷的季节,一切都变了样,天空是灰色的,似乎刮了大风后呈现混沌的样子,而且窗外飘舞着雪花,像是千百只蝴蝶似的扑向玻璃,在玻璃上淘气地撞了一下,又飞向一旁。 It turns out that in this cold season, everything has changed. The sky is gray, and it seems that after a strong wind, there are snowflakes flying outside the window, which are like hundreds of butterflies rushing towards the glass, bumping into the glass mischievously, and then flying to one side. 我看着漫天飘舞的雪花,眼前出现出奇妙的景象。在雪水的滋润下,沉睡了一冬的小草长出来了,绿油油的小草像眼前的白雪一样,遍地都是,花朵也绽放了笑脸,像是在跟我们打招呼呢!教室里传来了朗朗的读书声,那是成长的号角!操场上的呐喊声,那是青春的底色! I looked at the snowflakes flying all over the sky, and a wonderful scene appeared in front of me. Under the moistening of snow water, the grass that has been sleeping for a whole winter has grown up. The green grass is like the snow in front of us, everywhere, and the flowers are also blooming. It seems that they are greeting us! In the classroom came the sound of reading, which is the clarion call of growth! The shouting on the playground, it is the background color of youth! 3