Word关于春节英语作文1500字范文带翻译:难忘春节 今日是春节,我真兴奋呀!家家户户团聚。贴着红通通的对联,花花绿绿的年画,杀鸡鸭,杀牛羊,春节幸福美满。 Today is the Spring Festival. Im so happy! Family reunion. Following the red couplets, colorful new year pictures, killing chickens and ducks, killing cattle and sheep, happy Spring Festival. 晚上到了,家家户户过新年,欢高兴喜迎新春,满桌丰富的鸡、鱼、肉、蛋、大家吃得津津有味。 In the evening, families celebrate the new year and welcome the new year. The table is full of rich chicken, fish, meat and eggs, which everyone eats with relish. 接着我们放烟花,烟花上天了,划破夜空,五颜六色的烟花满天飘舞,漂亮极了。 Then we set off fireworks, fireworks on the sky, cut through the night sky, colorful fireworks flying all over the sky, beautiful. 春节是中国的传统节日,举国庆祝,万家团聚,共度美妙佳节。 Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China. The whole country celebrates, and thousands of families get together to enjoy a beautiful festival. 春节还没到,很多人都捺不住自己感动的心情放起炮来,那零零星星的"流星雨',真美。 Before the Spring Festival, many people cant help but feel excited and start shooting. The scattered meteor shower is really beautiful. 除夕之夜,我匆忙扒了几口饭便在家门口放起爆竹,点火,闪开,捂耳朵,只听一阵急速的嘶嘶声,接着一声嘭'的声音,烟花在夜幕中画出一道银弧后炸开了,出一束刺眼的花火,旋转,放大,变形,一棵亮丽的圣诞树奇迹般的消失了。一串烟花腾空而起,如花绽放,天空光明的犹如昼夜一般。 On the night of new years Eve, I grabbed a few mouthfuls of rice in a hurry and set off firecrackers at the door of my house. Then I flashed away and covered my ears. I heard a rapid hissing sound. Then there was a sound of bang. The fireworks drew a silver arc in the night and exploded. Then a bunch of dazzling fireworks spun, enlarged and deformed. A bright Christmas tree appeared miraculously. A string of fireworks rose in the air, like flowers blooming, and the sky was as bright as day and night. 邻里的孩子也吸引来了。他们一个个欢天喜地,举着小灯笼,像鱼儿般在人海中转来转去,吵吵闹闹。爆竹仿佛开着玩笑,趁我不留意,突然在我头上方炸响,我刚一抬头又喊又叫,好不愉快。 The children in the neighborhood are also attracted. One by one, they were jubilant, holding up small lanterns, turning around like fish in the sea of people, making a lot of noise. Firecrackers seemed to be joking. When I didnt pay attention, they suddenly exploded above my head. I just looked up and shouted and shouted. I was very happy. 天上烟花绚丽多彩,地上的孩子笑着眼开。 The fireworks in the sky are colorful, and the children on the ground smile. 2022年春节到了,大街小巷人流如潮,辛勤劳动一年的人们,纷纷走出家门,享受节日的上的颜色也比平常艳丽多了。只见彩旗飘扬,各色商家标语、条幅迎风招展。商场门口挂着一只只大红灯笼,看一眼就让人心里温和。湛蓝的天空中,一只只彩色气球在阳光的照射下明丽夺目。微风拂过,大小气球迎风起舞,又仿佛在向路人点头致意。 The Spring Festival of 2022 is coming, and the streets are full of people. People who have worked hard for a year have left their homes one after another to enjoy the colorful festival. Only the colorful flags fluttered, and the slogans and banners of various businesses waved in the wind. There is a big red lantern hanging at the gate of the shopping mall, which makes people warm at a glance. In the blue sky, a colorful balloon is shining brightly in the sunshine. The breeze blows, the big and small balloons dance in the wind, as if nodding to passers-by. 商场里欢快嬉闹的场面透过光明的玻璃门窗,射入路人的眼里,使人不由自主地随着彩色的人流,汇入其中。春节是大人的节日,更是小伴侣们的节日,儿童玩具、书籍、文具柜台更是特别喧闹,孩子们来了一拨又一拨,领走心爱的玩具,留下欢声笑语。 Through the bright glass doors and windows, the joyful and frolic scenes in the shopping mall are shot into the eyes of passers-by, making people involuntarily join in with the colorful flow of people. Spring Festival is not only a festival for adults, but also for children. Childrens toys, books and stationery counters are very busy. Children come to pick up their beloved toys and leave behind laughter. 春节的家中也不同平日,门上要贴"福'字,吃饭要放鞭炮,晚上要放焰火,还要看春节晚会。吃饭的人也比平日多了,爸爸妈妈、叔叔阿姨、爷爷奶奶都聚在一起。桌上的菜也比以前丰顺多了,鸡鸭鱼肉、山珍海味都有。吃好了饭,大家在一起谈天说地,聊谈天,喝喝茶,说说话。 Spring Festival is also different at home on weekdays. The word Fu should be pasted on the door, firecrackers should be set off for dinner, fireworks should be set off in the evening, and the Spring Festival party should be watched. There are more people to eat than usual. Parents, uncles and aunts, grandparents all get together. The dishes on the table are more plump than before, including chicken, duck, fish and delicacies. After dinner, we talked, talked, drank tea and talked. 春节到,春节到,欢天喜地冲天笑。 Spring Festival to, Spring Festival to, laugh happily. 李明龙叫上同学张晓凤去门口放鞭炮。 Li Minglong called his classmate Zhang Xiaofeng to set off firecrackers at the door. 李明龙刚想点燃鞭炮,张晓凤吓得捂上耳朵,李明龙心想:张晓凤真是胆小鬼!一边说自己还静静地笑呢! Li Minglong just wanted to light firecrackers. Zhang Xiaofeng was scared to cover his ears. Li Minglong thought to himself, Zhang Xiaofeng is a coward! While saying that I still quietly smile! 还没放完,妈妈就回来了。她把一个盒子给正在挂灯笼的爸爸,说:"累死我了,我在大街上没见有卖的,超市里也没有,只好到东营买了一盒子,哎哟!快给我捶一下背。' Before it was finished, mom came back. She gave a box to her father, who was hanging a lantern, and said, Im so tired. I didnt see anything on the street or in the supermarket. So I had to go to Dongying and buy a box. Ouch! Give me a thump on the back. 李明龙听了,旋风似地把盒子抢来打开,一看,是鞭炮,拿一盒擦鞭就放起来。张晓凤拔腿就跑。 After hearing this, Li Minglong snatched the box open like a whirlwind. At first sight, it was firecrackers. He took a box of whips and set it up. Zhang Xiaofeng starts running. 李明龙望着她的身影,笑得前仰后合。 Li Minglong looks at her figure and smiles back and forth. 春节都过去半个月了,可是我还是无法遗忘! Half a month has passed since the Spring Festival, but I still cant forget! 我和爸爸、妈妈、舅舅、舅妈、爷爷、奶奶一起在家里包了好吃的饺子,然后大家聚在一起吃了一顿丰富的年夜饭!我还给他们磕头拜年,获得了很多的压岁钱,我兴奋极了!我穿上了妈妈给我买的新衣服,和妈妈一起高兴奋兴地贴春联。晚上,我看了联欢晚会,有唱歌的、有跳舞的、还有变魔术的,看得我目瞪口呆,真精彩呵! I made delicious dumplings at home with my father, mother, uncle, aunt, Grandpa and grandma, and then we had a big dinner together! I kowtow to them and get a lot of new years money. Im very happy! I put on the new clothes my mother bought for me, and happily pasted Spring Festival couplets with my mother. In the evening, I watched the party. There were singers, dancers and magicians. I was stunned by it. It was so wonderful! 不知不觉,就到了下楼放炮的时间了。我买了许多的炮,有冲天炮,有彩珠筒,还有震天雷,各种各样,五颜六色。我放了这个,又放那个,忙得不亦乐呼,只听见整个小区里震耳欲聋,几乎每家每户都在放炮! Unconsciously, its time to go downstairs and shoot. I bought a lot of guns, including the sky cannon, the colorful pearl tube, and the thunderbolt, all kinds of colors. I put this one and that one, too busy to be happy. I only heard that the whole community was deafening. Almost every family was shooting! 大年初一早上,我们一家出去玩。只见街上处处都挂着红灯笼和彩旗,真是张灯结彩,喧闹非凡!每一个路过的人脸上都喜气洋洋! On the morning of the first day of the new year, our family went out to play. I saw red lanterns and colored flags hanging everywhere in the street. Its really colorful and bustling! Every passing face is jubilant! 商场里面更是人山人海,走都走不动,尤其是卖糖果的地方,让我看得眼花缭乱,口水都要流出来了! There are many people in the shopping mall. I cant walk, especially the place where candy is sold. Im dazzled and saliva will flow out! 这个春节真欢乐呀! How happy the Spring Festival is! 一年三百六十五天,今日,是最终一天,也就是春节,人人都沉醉在欢快声中,家家户户贴对联,放鞭炮来庆祝这一天。 Its 365 days a year. Today, its the last day, that is, the Spring Festival. Everyone is immersed in the sound of joy. Every family sticks couplets and sets off firecrackers to celebrate this day. 今日,就是大年三十,家家户户庆团聚,我的爸爸妈妈从遥远的南京日夜兼程乘上飞奔的火车,风尘朴朴,赶到家里,还有大姨夫、小姨夫都来到家里,全家人合家欢快。丰富的晚餐,有团聚八宝饭,有爸爸做的盐水鸭,还有外婆做的红烧鱼,还有我在小记者活动中学会的高兴圆, Today, on the eve of the lunar new year, every family is celebrating their reunion. My father and mother are flying on the train from far away Nanjing day and night. The wind and dust are simple and simple. They arrive at home. There are great uncles and little uncles at home. The whole family is happy. Its a big dinner, including the eight treasures of reunion rice, salted duck made by my father, braised fish made by my grandmother, and the joy I learned in my little reporter activity, 8