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Word关于植树节的英语作文范文带翻译:记植树节 今日是植树节,为了响应xxx的号招,打造五个重庆中的森林重庆,我们学校组织了声势浩大的植树活动,下午3点多钟,我们在老师的带领下,排着整齐的队伍,在父母的伴随下,乘坐大巴车,来到了人和进行植树活动。 Today is the tree planting day. In response to XXXs call to build five of Chongqings forest Chongqing, our school organized a massive tree planting activity. At more than 3:00 p.m., under the guidance of our teachers, we lined up in a neat line, accompanied by our parents, took a bus, came to people and carried out tree planting 下了大巴车,我们来到了植树的地方,张老师要求我们排好队,一个一个的领植树牌,四个人一个方块,等了好久才叫到我的名字,我和另外三个小伙伴来到了一块方块前,我们一人站一个角,我已经等不及开工啦!我拿起锄头仔细的挖了起来,挖了很久,突然发觉挖不动了,我停下来认真看了看,原来是一块大石头拦住了我的去路,我努力的想要把那块大石头挖出来,可是我花了九牛二虎之力还是没有把它挖出来,我只好向妈妈求救了,妈妈费劲的把那块大石头搬了出来,现在我又可以连续挖了,好不简单我最终把一个大大的树坑挖好了,我把一棵健壮的树苗移进了树坑,又挥锹填了几锹土。用脚踩了踩松软的泥土,我又用水桶把它浇了一些水,然后挂上我自己的号牌,一棵小树终于栽好了。我好兴奋啊!还和自己亲自栽种的小树合影呢! After getting off the bus, we came to the place where the trees were planted. Mr. Zhang asked us to form a good line, one by one to take the tree planting card, four people and one box. It took a long time to call my name. I came to a box with three other little friends. We stood in a corner one by one. I cant wait to start! I picked up the hoe and dug it up. After a long time, I suddenly found that it couldnt be dug. I stopped and looked at it carefully. It turned out that a big stone blocked my way. I tried my best to dig it out, but I spent nine cows and two tigers to dig it out. I had to ask my mother for help. My mother struggled to move the big stone out, Now I can continue to dig again. Finally, I dug a big tree pit. I moved a strong sapling into the pit and filled several spades with soil. Stepping on the soft soil with my feet, I poured some water into the bucket, then hung my own number plate, and finally a small tree was planted. Im so happy! Also with their own hand planted trees it! 后来,我想时间还早呢?于是又在这棵大树的四周栽了几棵小树,我把这棵大树比方成张老师,四周的小树比方成我们班上的小伴侣,我们在张老师的培育下渐渐的长大,种一棵小树,绿一方净土,愿小树和我们一起健康欢乐的成长。 Later, I think its still early? So I planted a few small trees around the big tree. I compared the big tree to Miss Zhang, and the small trees around to the children in our class. We grew up slowly under the cultivation of Miss Zhang. We planted a small tree, a pure green land. We hope that the small tree can grow up healthily and happily with us. 3