Word关于清明节英语作文范文带翻译:扫墓 今日,下午吃过晚饭,我们坐上小汽车去我的家乡给先辈们扫墓。去的路我看到一座座高大的青山,清清的河水流淌在沅水那宽敞的河流。经过两个小时的车行,我们到了家乡。下了车,我把到来的食品给爷爷和伯伯。他们可兴奋了! After dinner this afternoon, we went to my hometown by car to visit the tombs of our ancestors. On the way to, I saw tall green mountains and clear rivers flowing in the wide river of Yuanshui. After two hours driving, we arrived at our hometown. After getting off the bus, I gave the food to Grandpa and uncle. They are so happy! 其次天,我和姐姐在爷爷和伯伯们的带领下一起坐上小船到对岸的山坡上去扫墓。我们先给太婆婆扫墓。 The next day, my sister and I, led by my grandparents and uncles, took a boat to the other side of the hillside to visit the tomb. Lets sweep the grave for grandma 一到那里我就给太婆婆的墓前献上我路上摘下的一束映山红,接着我们给太婆婆烧了许多纸钱。姐姐笑着说:给太婆婆烧这么多纸钱,太婆婆一下子变成了富翁了。接下来我们间续给很多先辈们扫墓,人多队伍显得很浩大也很喧闹。又到了一个地方,伯伯说:这里有块墓碑上刻着我们的名字呢。 As soon as I got there, I offered my grandmothers grave a bunch of YINGSHANHONG that I picked on my way. Then we burned a lot of paper money for her. Sister said with a smile: burn so much paper money for my mother-in-law, and she suddenly became a rich man. Next, we will continue to sweep the tombs of many ancestors. The large number of people seems to be very large and lively. When he arrived at another place, the uncle said, here is a tombstone with our name engraved on it. 我们来到那块墓碑前看到了陈家祖宗的名字,还有后辈们的名字都在上面,只有我和大姐姐表弟的名字没有。爸爸说:没关系,人多了没地方刻了。虽然没出名字,但我永久姓陈。我永久爱我的家乡,爱我的家人。 When we came to the tombstone, we saw the name of Chens ancestors, and the names of the younger generation were all on it. Only my elder sister and cousin didnt have the names. Dad said: it doesnt matter. There are too many people and no place to carve. Although I have no name, my family name is Chen forever. I will always love my hometown and my family. 2