Word关于新型冠状肺炎的高考英语作文:教师 xx,xx市第xx中学学校数学老师,市级骨干老师、市级模范班主任,201x年x月被xx省教育厅评为xx省优秀老师荣誉称号。年前,x老师领到了上级嘉奖的1000元现金,2月1日,她通过微信转账方式将这1000元捐给学校,盼望在特别时期能为抗击疫情做点贡献。 X x, XX middle school mathematics teacher, municipal backbone teacher, municipal model class teacher, was awarded the honorary title of excellent teacher of XX Province by XX Provincial Department of education in X, 201x. Ten years ago, Teacher X received 1000 yuan of cash from her superiors. On February 1, she donated the 1000 yuan to the school through wechat transfer, hoping to make some contribution to the fight against the epidemic in an extraordinary period. 这是一位老师质朴的话语,但在举国上下抗击疫情的特别时期,却彰显了一位人民老师朴实的爱国情怀和对学校培育的感恩之情。1000元捐款现已转给学校抗击疫情领导小组,根据x老师意愿将全部用于一线疫情防控工作。 This is a teachers simple words, but in the special period of fighting against the epidemic, it shows a peoples teachers simple patriotic feelings and gratitude for school cultivation. The donation of 1000 yuan has been transferred to the schools leading group to fight against the epidemic, and all of it will be used for the first-line epidemic prevention and control work according to the wishes of teacher X. xx老师是是市xx中及全市广阔老师大爱情怀的缩影。疫情当前,全市广阔老师舍小家为大家,日夜坚守在社区志愿服务岗位;电话追踪每一位同学的行程动向、身体状况;克服困难开展网络直播课程,只为不因疫情耽搁同学学习进度。全市教育系统正用自己的实际行动与祖国风雨同行,共克时艰! XX teacher is the epitome of the great love of teachers in XX middle school and the whole city. At present, most of the teachers houses in the city are for everyone and stick to volunteer service posts in the community day and night; track the travel trend and physical condition of each student by phone; overcome difficulties and carry out live online courses, just to avoid delay of students learning progress due to the epidemic. The citys education system is using its own practical action and the motherland wind and rain peer, a total of difficulties! 2