Word关于植树节的英语作文范文带翻译:森林里的植树节 明天是一年一度的植树节,森林村村长说明天下9点让小动物们一人拿一棵小树苗、一个桶和一把铁锹,到森林中的一片旷地上去。小动物们都非常兴奋,由于明天可以大干一场。 Tomorrow is once a year. The village head of Forest Village tells us that 9 animals will be allowed to take a small tree seedling, a bucket and a shovel to the animal in the forest. The little animals are very excited because they can do a big job tomorrow. 其次天到了,小动物们都拿着工具来到了森林中的那片旷地。小老鼠由于个头小,一次只能拿一棵树苗,要再回去拿还需要时间,它这会儿正发愁呢。 The next day, the animals came to the open field in the forest with tools. Because of its small size, the little mouse can only take one sapling at a time. It will take time to go back to get it. It is worried now. 这时,热心肠的大象走了过来,对小老鼠说:"小老鼠,别发愁了,我已经让小猴子、小兔子和小麻雀去帮你取去了。'正说着小猴子、小兔子、小麻雀拿着工具来了,小老鼠看了非常兴奋,说:"感谢大家关心我!'大家异口同声地说:"不用谢,我们都是好伴侣嘛!这是应当的。'突然,小猴子大叫一声:"我的妈呀,还有10分钟就9点了!我们快走!'说着,大家刚要跑,就被大象拉住了,大象说:"大家都到我背上来。'大象个头大,所以走路也快,不到5分钟就到了。大家从大象背上下来,对大象说"感谢你。'"不用谢。'大象说。 At this time, the warm-hearted elephant came over and said to the little mouse, little mouse, dont worry. I have asked the little monkey, the little rabbit and the little sparrow to take it for you. Just then little monkey, little rabbit and little sparrow came with their tools. Little mouse was very happy and said, thank you for helping me! Everyone said in unison: no thanks, we are all good friends! It should be. All of a sudden, the little monkey shouted, my mother, its 9 oclock in 10 minutes! Lets go! Say, everybody just want to run, be pulled by elephant, elephant says: everybody comes to my back up. The elephant is big, so it can walk fast, and it will arrive in less than 5 minutes. Everyone came down from the elephants back and said, thank you. No thanks. The elephant said. 9点到了,小动物森林村村长在旷地边上对着话筒大喊:"小动物们,现在开头植树。'话音刚落,小动物们就开头植树了。大象把树苗不当心弄断了,小老鼠对大象说:"咱们俩合种一棵吧。'大象说:"好啊,好啊!'小猴子负责把坑挖好,小老鼠把树苗插在土里,小兔子和小麻雀负责把土填平,大象负责浇水。就这样,一棵小树苗诞生了。后来,那片旷地里只有一棵树长得最高,最壮,这棵树就是它们5个团结合作的成果,也是它们之间友情的象征。 At 9 oclock, the village head of little animal forest shouted to the microphone at the edge of the open field: little animals, start planting trees now. As soon as the voice fell, the animals began to plant trees. The elephant accidentally broke the sapling. The little mouse said to the elephant, lets grow a tree together. The elephant said, OK, OK! The little monkey is responsible for digging the pit, the little mouse is responsible for planting the seedlings in the soil, the little rabbit and the little sparrow are responsible for filling the soil, and the elephant is responsible for watering. In this way, a small sapling was born. Later, only one tree in the open field grew the tallest and strongest. This tree is the fruit of their five unity and cooperation, and also a symbol of their friendship. 看来,还是团结力气大,我们做事只要团结全都,就能取得成果 It seems that there is still a lot of unity. As long as we work together, we can achieve results 3