Word关于特殊的春节英语作文500字带翻译 传奇很久很久以前,每个腊月三十的晚上,有一种叫"年'的怪兽会从山林里跑出来抓人。人们发觉"年'最怕红色和响声,于是人们就穿红衣、挂红灯笼、放鞭炮,最终把"年'吓跑了,直到正月初一人们才会走亲访友相互拜年。这就是"春节'的由来。 Its said that once upon a time, every night on the thirtieth of the twelfth lunar month, a monster named Nian would come out of the forest to catch people. People found that Nian was most afraid of red and noise, so people wore red clothes, hung red lanterns, set off firecrackers, and finally scared Nian away. Until the first day of the first month, people would visit relatives and friends to pay New Years greetings to each other. This is the origin of Spring Festival. 春节还有一些年俗,例如:大扫除、吃灶糖、贴窗花、吃饺子等等。我对今年的春节有许多期盼 There are also some customs in the Spring Festival, such as: sweeping, eating candy, pasting window flowers, eating dumplings and so on. I have a lot of expectations for this Spring Festival 然而,今年春节也消失了"年兽'新型冠状病毒(2022-nCov)。2022年1月23日武汉封城,春节期间专家建议我们不要出门。我想去游乐园,我想去亲戚家拜年,我想去和我的小伙伴们玩,可是现在都不行能实现了,我很郁闷。不过,专家说:"假如肯定要出门,要戴好口罩,一回家就洗手;能不出门尽量就不要出门,这就是为国家做贡献了。'作为一名学校生,能为国家做贡献我觉得很光荣,所以整个春节期间我都乖乖地待在家里,根据我列的"寒假作息时间表'做作业、看书、画画、练字、看电视关注新型冠状病毒肺炎的动态、和爸爸妈妈下棋打牌等等,全家人平平安安、健健康康地在一起,我觉得也很快乐,也很幸福。 However, novel coronavirus (2022-nCov) appeared in Spring Festival this year. Wuhan was closed on January 23, 2022. During the Spring Festival, experts advised us not to go out. I want to go to the amusement park, I want to visit my relatives house for new years Eve, I want to play with my friends, but it cant be realized now, Im very depressed. However, experts said: if you must go out, wear a good mask and wash your hands as soon as you go home; if you can not go out, try not to go out, which is to contribute to the country. Novel coronavirus, as a primary school student, can be a great honor for the country to make contributions to. So I stayed at home during the whole spring festival. According to my schedule of winter vacation, I did homework, read books, draw pictures, read calligraphy, watch TV, pay attention to the dynamics of the new coronavirus pneumonia, play chess with my parents, and so on, so that the whole family is safe and healthy. I feel very happy and happy. 在这个特别的春节里,愿"战斗'在一线的医护人员身体健康,早日战胜新型冠状病毒这个"年兽';祝患者早日康复;祝福我们的祖国富强昌盛,越来越好!加油武汉!加油中国! Thriving and prosperous novel coronavirus will be the first to win the battle of the new year. Come on, Wuhan! Come on China! 3