Word关于给爸爸的一封信英语作文范文600字带翻译 关于给爸爸的一封信(英语作文)范文600字带翻译 友爱的爸爸: Dear dad 您好! Hello! 时间似箭,日月如梭,转瞬间,我从一个无知的小孩变成了成熟懂事的大孩子,您肯定付出了许多心血吧! Time flies like an arrow. In an instant, I have changed from an ignorant child to a mature and sensible one. You must have paid a lot of hard work! 春雨像星星,拂过碧绿的嫩叶,化作丝丝凉爽,滴落心间,您对我的爱就像这场春雨,有着让人察觉不到的爱意。 Spring rain is like a star, brushing the green leaves, turning into a cool, dripping heart, your love for me is like this spring rain, with an unseen love. 记得小时候。您经常牵着我的小手,带着我处处去玩。现在长大了,您不管工作多忙,都会抽时间回家,带我出去玩。 Remember when I was a kid. You often take my little hand and take me everywhere to play. Now growing up, no matter how busy you work, you will take time to go home and take me out to play. 您每月的工资较少,舍不得花,所以你是一个非常节俭的人,但又非常大方。瞧,我的房间样样齐全:您怕灯光太弱,费尽心思的给我安了一个小灯,您又怕我书没地方放,特意买了书架,怕我冬天写字手冷,买了一个发热垫,还买了一个软软的椅子。 Your monthly salary is less and you are reluctant to spend, so you are a very frugal person, but very generous. Look, my room is complete in all aspects: you are afraid that the light is too weak, you have put a small lamp for me with great efforts, and you are afraid that my book has no place to put, so you have bought a bookshelf specially, for fear that my writing hand is cold in winter, you have bought a heating pad, and you have bought a soft chair. 您总是都教我很多做人的道理。记得有一次,您带我去公园玩,带了一些零食,我把零食袋子顺手一扔,您观察了立刻把袋子捡起来,对我语重心长地说:"垃圾不能乱扔,要爱护环境,不然以后就再也看不到蓝天白云啦!'。我吐了吐舌头,把袋子扔进了垃圾桶,您会心地笑了笑。 You always teach me a lot about life. I remember once when you took me to the park to play and brought some snacks. I threw the snack bag casually. When you saw it, you immediately picked up the bag and said to me, garbage cant be thrown around. Protect the environment, or you wont see the blue sky and white clouds again!. I spit out my tongue and throw the bag into the garbage can. You smile knowingly. 还有一次,您去停车,我观察别人晾衣服的架子倒了。我过去把架子扶起来,把地上的被子捡了起来,挂在上面,拍了拍上面的灰。您观察了,对我竖起了大拇指,弟弟在一旁问:"姐姐在干嘛呀?'您笑了笑,说:"你姐姐这是做好事不留名呢!我听了,心里像吃了蜜一样,甜滋滋的。 Another time, when you go to the parking lot, I see someone elses shelves for drying clothes fall down. I used to lift the shelf, pick up the quilt on the ground, hang it on it, and pat the ash on it. You see, you give me a thumbs up, and my brother asks, what is my sister doing? You smiled and said, your sister is doing good deeds without leaving a name! I heard it, and my heart was as sweet as honey. 父爱如大海般肤浅而宽广,您就是这样,您对我的爱,我终身难忘! Fathers love is as deep and broad as the sea. Thats how you are. I will never forget your love for me! 祝您身体健康,每天快乐! Wish you good health and happy every day! 您的女儿:英语作文啦 Your daughter: English composition 3