Word再见2022你好2022英语作文范文 时间如流水,布满美妙回忆,像打翻了酸甜苦辣咸五味瓶的2022年,就这样悄然离去了。而迎接我们的,是美妙的2022。你好,2022! Time is like running water, full of good memories, like the year 2022, which overturned the sweet, sour, bitter and salty gourmet bottles, and then quietly left. And welcome us, is the beautiful 2022. Hello, 2022! 2022年,我阅读了很多书籍,莎士比亚说过:"书是全世界的养分品。'我贪欲地汲取着书中的养分。在书的海洋里,我熟悉了忠耿正直的关羽,强壮鲁莽的张飞以及胸怀大志的刘备。我还和卖火柴的小女孩、孙悟空等人进行了心灵上的沟通。 In 2022, I read a lot of books, Shakespeare said: books are the nutrition of the world. I greedily absorbed the nutrition of the book. In the sea of books, I met Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhang Fei and Liu Bei. I also had spiritual communication with the little match girl and monkey king. 我还收集了很多名人名言, 对这些经典名言有了自己的理解,"横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛。'鲁迅的话让我明白了他时刻为人民服务,一心为民。陆游的 "位卑未敢忘忧国',让我想到虽然地位卑微,但也要时刻想着国家!天下兴亡匹夫有责 I also collected a lot of famous sayings, and had my own understanding of these classic sayings, treat a thousand mens fingers with cold eyes, and bow down to be willing to be an ox Lu Xuns words let me understand that he is always serving the people, wholeheartedly for the people. Lu Yous humble position does not dare to forget to worry about the country, which reminds me that although the status is humble, we should always think about the country! Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world 2022年,我的"伴侣圈'又扩大了,有乐于助人的同学们,还有教学仔细负责的老师们,同学是和我一起玩乐一起学习的伙伴,老师是引领我在学问海洋游览的和善天使。 In 2022, my circle of friends has expanded again. There are helpful students and teachers who are responsible for teaching. Students are my partners to play with and learn together, and teachers are good angels who lead me to travel in the ocean of knowledge. 2022年,我也有着太多的圆满,我懊悔当时只想着玩乐,没有把大把的时间放在学习上,也懊悔自己的无知,不知道谦让,让弟弟一次次难受。接下来的2022年,我要引以为戒哦! In 2022, I also have too many regrets. I regret that I only wanted to have fun and didnt spend a lot of time on study. I also regret my ignorance and humility, which made my brother sad again and again. In the next 2022, I will take a warning! 2022年,一切都是新的,我会是什么样呢?我的字体会不会写得更好了呢?我的成果会不会更上一层楼呢?我对学习会不会更加痴迷呢?对于刚刚开头的2022,我布满了无限的畅想。 In 2022, everything is new. What will I look like? Will my font be better? Will my grades go up to a higher level? Will I be more obsessed with my study? For the beginning of 2022, I am full of endless imagination. 辞旧迎新,一年结束,又一个崭新的开头,那么,再见,2022;你好,2022! Farewell to the old and welcome the new, the end of the year, and a new start, so goodbye, 2022; Hello, 2022! 3