Word关于武汉加油中国加油的英语作文800字带翻译 关于武汉加油中国加油的(英语作文)800字带翻译 近日,一场突如其来的新型冠状病毒席卷武汉,这种被称为"武汉肺炎'的怪病快速向全国各地快速散播,我的家乡温州也成了疫情的重灾区。武汉肺炎引起了国务院乃至世界卫生组织的高度重视。现在,每天的疫情状况牵动着每一位中国人民的心。 Recently, a novel coronavirus suddenly swept through Wuhan. This strange disease called Wuhan pneumonia quickly spread to all parts of the country. My hometown Wenzhou has also become the most serious epidemic area. Wuhan pneumonia has attracted great attention from the State Council and even the World Health Organization. Now, every days epidemic situation affects the hearts of every Chinese people. 疫情无情人有情。危机当前,从各个城市汇合而来的专家、医生、护士们,他们主动请缨,纷纷写下请战书,按下手印,含泪与家人道别,背负使命前往武汉。病房里,医护人员们不分白昼,穿着密不透风的防护服,冒着被感染的风险,细心照看着每一位肺炎病患者。工作桌上的一份份中餐已经冷了,但是还没被动过,由于医护人员们一方面是太忙了,一方面由于防护服数量实在有限,他们不舍得脱下呀。而当他们摘掉口罩和护目镜,脱掉防护服的那一刻,我们会发觉一张张疲乏不堪的脸上满是深陷的压痕,发红发紫,密不透风的防护服里面内衫已经湿透。 There is no love or affection. In the current crisis, experts, doctors and nurses from various cities volunteered to write down their letters of invitation, press their fingerprints, say goodbye to their families with tears, and go to Wuhan with a mission. In the ward, doctors and nurses take care of every patient with pneumonia carefully, regardless of the day, wearing airtight protective clothing and risking infection. A Chinese meal on the work table has been cold, but it has not been passive, because on the one hand, the medical staff are too busy, on the other hand, because the number of protective clothing is limited, they are reluctant to take off. And when they take off their masks and goggles, and take off their protective clothing, we will find that a tired face is full of deep indentation, red and purple, airtight protective clothing inside the shirt has been soaked. 疫情中,还有两位我们不得不提年岁已高的院士。其中一位是已经84岁,众所周知的钟南山院士。他曾参加过2022年非典疫情抗击,现如今他又加入到了武汉肺炎这场抗击战中。网上那张他在高铁上工作间歇闭眼休息的照片感动了很多人,年岁高却仍拖着疲乏的身躯奋战在自己的岗位上,令人鄙视!还有一位是73岁的李兰娟院士,她也是位传染病学家,与钟南山院士相同的是她也曾对抗击"非典'做出过贡献。这次武汉肺炎疫情发生后,她夜以继日地带领团队研制新型冠状病毒疫苗。 In the epidemic, there are two academicians we have to mention. One of them is academician Zhong Nanshan, who is 84 years old. He participated in the fight against SARS in 2022, and now he has joined in the fight against pneumonia in Wuhan. The photo on the Internet that he worked on the high-speed railway and closed his eyes for rest touched countless people, but he still dragged his tired body to fight on his post, which is admirable! Another is Academician Li Lanjuan, 73, who is also an infectious disease scientist. Like academician Zhong Nanshan, she has also made contributions to the fight against SARS. After the novel coronavirus vaccine was launched in Wuhan, she worked round the clock to develop the new coronavirus vaccine. 夜色渐暗,夜幕刚刚降落,温州城区的大街小巷几乎空荡无人,路上只有零零星星来往的车辆,原本繁华的商贸街全部的商铺都店门紧闭。 The night is getting dark, and the night has just come. The streets and lanes in Wenzhou City are almost empty. There are only scattered vehicles on the road. All the shops in the originally prosperous business street are closed. 武汉肺炎的突发,使得2022年的这个新年大家过的与众不同,少了喧闹喧哗,少了聚餐宴会,少了走亲访友。为了削减传染,大家都自觉大门不出,隔离在家。 The sudden outbreak of pneumonia in Wuhan has made the new years day in 2022 unique, with less noise, less dinner parties and less visits to relatives and friends. In order to reduce the infection, we are all aware of the door, isolated at home. 病毒被隔离,爱和温情还在传递。信任有那么多专家那么多医护人员还有悄悄无闻奋战在一线英雄们的努力与汗水,我们终将战胜可恶的病毒。 The virus is quarantined, and love and warmth are still passing. I believe that with the efforts and sweat of so many experts, so many medical staff and unknown heroes on the front line, we will eventually defeat the hateful virus. 加油!武汉! Come on. Wuhan! 加油!我们的国! Come on. Our country! 4