Word关于第一次摆摊的英语作文600字带翻译 关于第一次摆摊的(英语作文)600字带翻译 希望已久的"跳蚤市场'活动最终来了。老师提前给我们分好了组,组里有:会计、店长、推销员、守店员、守摊员各一人,共5人,我是一个守店员。 The long-awaited flea market has finally arrived. The teacher assigned us to a group in advance. There are five members in the group: accountant, store manager, salesman, clerk and stall keeper. I am a clerk. 我预备好自己不用的台灯、书本、钢笔等,迫不及待地来到湖西公园,今日我要当一回"小小推销员'了。老师给我们支配了摊位。我们还还给店起了一个霸气的名字"野狼店',口号是:野狼、野狼,唯我独尊。怎么样,好听吧! Im ready for the lamp, book, pen and so on. I cant wait to come to Huxi park. Today Im going to be a little salesman. The teacher set up a stall for us. We also gave the shop a domineering name, wolf shop, the slogan is: Wolf, wolf, only me. How do you like it! 我们摆好了商品,坐在那里 "守株待兔', 等着客人上门,可左等右等也不见人。我想:干等着也不行,我鼓足士气叫卖两声。于是,我站在那里,大喊了一声:"走过路过千万不要错过,跳楼价啦!'功夫不负有心人,果真有一位大哥哥走了过来,笑着问:"小弟弟,你的查理九世怎么卖呀?'我兴奋地说:"只要5元钱你就能买到现在最流行的查理九世。'"廉价点,3元吧!'大哥哥用商议的口吻说。"下手真狠呀!'我小声的嘀咕着。"大哥哥,我这可是大甩卖,跳楼价呀!'"好,5元就5元,给你。'我接过了钱,心里乐滋滋的,这可是我此生第一笔收入。大哥哥前脚刚走,后脚又来了一位小姐姐,她说:"这支笔多少钱呀?'我说:"15元。'这小姐姐出手可真大方,二话不说就把我的钢笔买走了。她把钱给我了,我把笔给了她,一手交钱一手交货。"又赚到了一笔钱!'我自己在那里自言自语,哈哈,今日真是太有成就感了。 We set up the goods and sat there waiting for the guests to come, but we didnt see them either. I thought: I cant wait. I summon up my courage to shout twice. So, I stood there and shouted, dont miss it when you pass by. Its the jumping price! Kung Fu is not inferior to those who want to. As expected, a big brother came over and asked with a smile, little brother, how do you sell Charlie IX? I said excitedly, for five yuan, you can buy the most popular Charlie IX now. Cheaper, three yuan! Big brother said in a tone of consultation. Its tough to start! I whispered. Big brother, Im a big sale, jump price! OK, five yuan is five yuan. Here you are. I took the money and was happy. It was the first income in my life. The big brother just left, and then a little sister came. She said, how much is this pen? I said, 15 yuan. This little sister is very generous. She bought my pen without saying anything. She gave me the money, I gave her the pen, hand in the money and hand in the delivery. Another profit! I was there to talk to myself, ha ha, today is so fulfilling. 这时,有一位阿姨带着一个小男孩走了过来,阿姨看中了我的削笔器,问:"这个削笔器多少钱呀?'我看那阿姨穿得挺时髦,就说:"5元。'"太贵了点吧,廉价点。'"阿姨,这已经是最低价了。'"廉价点,我孩子正好缺这个,你这里有没有笔呀,我想试试有没有坏,假如坏了,我找谁退呀!'"可我这里没有笔,我保证这削笔器是好的。'"2元行不行?你看也不能试,假如是坏的,我2块钱也是白花了。'我极不情愿的蹦出一个字:"好。'阿姨美滋滋地走了。 At this time, an aunt came over with a little boy. She took a fancy to my pencil sharpener and asked, how much is this pencil sharpener? I saw that aunt dressed in fashion and said, five yuan. Its too expensive. Its cheaper. Auntie, this is the lowest price. Its cheaper. My child just needs this. Do you have a pen here? I want to see if its broken. If its broken, who can I get back? But I dont have a pen here. Im sure the pencil sharpener is good. 2 yuan, OK? You cant try. If its bad, Ill spend 2 yuan in vain. I am very reluctant to jump out of a word: good. My aunt left happily. 时间像飞箭,转瞬间,"跳蚤市场'就结束了,我们每个人都满载而归,恋恋不舍的离开了。 Time is like a flying arrow. In a blink of an eye, the flea market is over. We all return with full load and are reluctant to leave. "跳蚤市场'活动真好,不仅让我闲置不用的文具找到了新仆人,让它们重新有展现自己的机会,而且让我们也收获到了很多欢乐。 Flea market activity is very good, not only let my unused stationery find a new owner, let them have the opportunity to show themselves again, but also let us harvest a lot of happiness. 4