Word关于除夕的英语作文范文带翻译400字 "嗖,嗖,嗖',伴随着一声声悦耳的响声,那美丽的烟花托着一条漂亮的长尾巴,在天空中划下一道道拱们之后,"闪亮登场'了。五彩缤纷的烟花在天空中争奇斗艳。天空立刻成了大花园,烟花的光线把天空染成了五彩的颜色。鞭炮也不甘示弱,"啪,啪,啪'的响声在天空中回荡。 Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, accompanied by a clear and crisp sound, the beautiful fireworks holding a beautiful long tail, in the sky after the arches, the shining debut. Colorful fireworks compete in the sky. The sky suddenly became a big garden, the light of fireworks dyed the sky into colorful colors. Firecrackers are unwilling to show weakness, and the sound of crack, crack, crack echoes in the sky. 你知道为什么会这么喧闹吗?,原来今日是大年三十,也就是"春节',春节是我们中国人最重要的节日,一到春节,家家户户都贴春联,换新装。我也有一套美丽的新衣服。据说,这是为新的一年祈福,祝新的一年里一帆风顺呢! Do you know why its so busy? It turns out that today is the 30th day of the New Year, the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is the most important festival for our Chinese people. Every family sticks couplets and changes their clothes on the Spring Festival. I also have a beautiful new suit. It is said that this is a blessing for the new year, wishing the new year a smooth sailing! 此时的我也正靠在窗户旁观赏夜景,只听妈妈喊:"开饭了!',我走过去伸头一看,"哇!,好丰富啊!',桌子上摆放着鸡、鸭、鱼、肉,满满的一桌子,香气扑鼻。我们一家人坐下品尝着这丰富的美味佳肴,听着春节联欢晚会里奇妙的歌声,看着好玩的小品,全家人谈笑风生。 At the same time, I was leaning against the window to enjoy the night view. I only heard my mother shout, The meal is ready! I went over and stretched out my head and said, Wow! Its so rich! There are chickens, ducks, fish and meat on the table. Its full of aroma. Our family sat down and tasted the rich delicacies, listened to the wonderful songs in the Spring Festival Gala, looked at the interesting sketches, and the whole family talked and laughed. 不知不觉中,"当,当,当'的凌晨钟声敲响了,这代表一年的结束,又代表新的一年的开头。我们在这一刻欢呼雀跃,迎接那新的一年。 Unconsciously, the dang, dang, dang bell sounded in the morning, which represents the end of the year and the beginning of the new year. At this moment, we cheer and welcome the new year. 2