Word关于谷雨英语作文800字带翻译 谷雨有"雨生百谷'之意,在每年的4月20日或21日,是春季的最终一个节气,随着气温上升,"鸣鸠拂其羽,布谷鸟鸣叫',鸟儿们的行动非常活跃,谷雨是这些大自然的精灵唱歌的季节。 Gu Yu means the rain makes a hundred valleys. On April 20 or 21 of each year, it is the last solar term in spring. With the temperature rising, singing doves to brush their feathers, cuckoo birds to sing. The birds are very active in their actions. Gu Yu is the time for these natural spirits to sing. 我先来说说谷雨季节纷纷迁徙而来的白鹭。在宁波高校的水杉林子里,数以百计的白鹭在这里栖息,它们像连接水陆的天使,在甬江畔勾画出一幅幅漂亮的画卷。郭沫若先生曾经写过:"白鹭是一首精致的诗,一首韵在骨子里的散文诗'。白鹭文质彬彬、风度翩翩,像优雅的绅士,它们身体修长、身姿美丽,雪白的羽毛纤尘不染,它们的长喙尖尖的,脖颈仰得高高的,腿脚瘦长却有力,它们的动作从容不迫,不紧不慢,它们站在那里,周边的吵闹熙攘都像散开去了一样,有一种空旷宁静的气质。白鹭有许多美的姿势,有的悄悄地站在树顶上,有的悠闲地在林子里漫步,有的快速穿梭着飞过枝丫暮春漂亮的景致由于有了它们一下变得生动起来。我最喜爱去夕阳西下的甬边看白鹭,薄薄的余晖洒在江面上,也落在白鹭雪白优雅的身姿上,它的两个宽大的翅膀缓慢地鼓动飞行,两脚向后伸直,两只眼睛警觉地盯着江面,看到有鱼虾出没,它们便会一个俯冲下来啄食,起飞降落、拂过江面一气呵成。 Let me first talk about the egrets that migrate in succession in the rainy season. In the Metasequoia forest of Ningbo University, hundreds of egrets inhabit here. Like angels connecting water and land, they draw a beautiful picture on the Bank of Yongjiang river. Guo Moruo once wrote: Egret is a delicate poem, a prose poem rhymed in the bone. Egrets are gentle and elegant, like elegant gentlemen. They are slender, graceful, white and spotless. They have long beaks, sharp beaks, high necks, long legs and strong feet. Their movements are unhurried and unhurried. Standing there, the surrounding noise and bustle are like dispersing, with a kind of open and quiet temperament. Egrets have many beautiful postures, some are standing quietly on the top of trees, some are walking leisurely in the woods, some are flying through the branches quickly The beautiful scenery in late spring becomes vivid with them. I like to watch egrets at the sunset yongbian. The thin afterglow falls on the river, and also on the white and elegant posture of egrets. Its two broad wings flutter and fly slowly, its feet straighten back, and its two eyes stare at the river vigilantly. When there are fish and shrimps, they will dive down and peck, take off and land, and skim the river in one go. 谷雨说鸟,确定少不得布谷鸟,它的学名为大杜鹃。古人有诗云:"布谷啼播春暮日,栽插种管事诸多',"布谷声中雨满犁,催耕不独野人知',催耕的布谷鸟"KUK-KU'叫的时候,正是南方水稻田平整灌水播种插秧的季节,这清亮的声音一次次响起,重重叠叠撞进正在劳作的百姓耳朵里,和播种的盼望一起落在起苗的稻田里,可不就是"布谷-布谷'的意思。布谷鸟个头不大,飞行急速,喜隐没,所以我们经常"只闻其声不见其形'。我在科普书的图片里看到,布谷鸟其实是一种特殊朴实的鸟,它身上的颜色不是灰色就是褐色,再就有一些白色的斑点,与优雅的白鹭完全不同款。布谷鸟还有好玩的巢寄生行为,自己不做窝,不孵卵,把产的蛋放在画眉、苇茑的巢窝里,让这些鸟替自己细心孵化,正没想到"鸠占鹊巢'的懒虫竟然是勤奋催耕的布谷鸟。 Gu Yu said that birds must be cuckoos, whose scientific name is Rhododendron. There is a poem in ancient times: cuckoo sows in spring and dusk, planting seeds and managing many things, cuckoo is full of rain in the sound of cuckoo, which is not only known by the wild people, kuk-ku is called, which is the time for southern rice fields to be leveled, watered, seeded and transplanted. This clear voice rings again and again, overlapping and bumping into the ears of working people, falling together with the hope of sowing In the rice field of Miao, it doesnt mean Bugu - Bugu. Cuckoo is not big, flying fast, and likes to disappear, so we often only hear its voice but not its shape. I see in the pictures in the popular science book that cuckoo is actually a kind of very simple bird. Its body color is either gray or brown, and then there are some white spots. It is totally different from the elegant egret. Cuckoos also have interesting nest parasitism. They dont make their own nests or incubate their eggs. They put their eggs in the nests of thrushes and reeds and let them hatch carefully for themselves. I didnt expect that the Slacker of magpies nest is a cuckoo that is diligent in farming. "雨频霜断气清和,柳绿茶香燕弄梭',没错,我想跟大家连续说的下一种鸟,是这个季节名副其实的"劳动模范'小燕子。许多人描写过小燕子的俏皮可爱,譬如郑振铎先生,他曾写到:"一身乌黑光亮的羽毛,一对俊美轻快的翅膀,加上剪刀似的尾巴,凑成了活泼机智的小燕子'。小燕子就像暮春季节的音符逗点,杨柳、电线杆、檐头、廊前,它小小的身体一停驻,就留下一串音符。小燕子或许是大家最喜爱的鸟了,不仅由于它们是益鸟,还由于它们跟人类最亲近。它们的家就按在我们的家门口,它们一点都不怕生。我住在老家的时候,梁上的燕子窝里孵化过三只小燕子,我经常仰着脑袋去看它们。杏黄的小嘴巴张得大大的,嗷嗷待哺,燕爸燕妈经常衔着虫子回来,三个小脑袋争先恐后地争抢,等大一点了,它们就会探出脑袋来,我跟它们说话,它们叽叽喳喳地叫,似乎在说:"喂我、喂我,让我快快长大'。农家把燕子看作"吉利鸟',也许是它们衔泥筑巢、生蛋孵卵、养儿育女的劳碌情景,透着一股子生气勃勃的劲头,看着它们,自己的精气神也就提上来了。 The rain is frequent, the frost is dry, the breath is clear, the willow green tea is fragrant, the swallow makes the shuttle. Thats right. The next bird I want to talk about is the real model worker swallow in this season. Many people have described the cute little swallow, such as Mr. Zheng Zhenduo, who once wrote, a pair of beautiful and light wings, a pair of black and bright feathers, and a pair of scissors like tail make up a lively and smart little swallow. Swallows are like notes in late spring. Willows, electric poles, cornices and porches leave a string of notes as soon as their little body stops. Swallows may be our favorite birds, not only because they are beneficial birds, but also because they are closest to human beings. Their home is at our door, they are not afraid of living at all. When I lived in my hometown, there were three little swallows hatched in the birds nest on the beam. I often looked up at them. Apricot yellow mouth is wide open, hungry for feeding. Yanpa and Yanma often come back with insects in their mouths. Three little heads are scrambling for food. When they are bigger, they will protrude their heads. I talk to them. They chirp, as if to say, feed me, feed me, let me grow up quickly. The farmer regards swallows as auspicious birds. Its probably their busy situation of building nests with mud, laying eggs and raising children. They are full of vigor and vitality. Looking at them, their spirit is also raised. 每天早上从鸟儿动听悦耳的鸣叫声中醒来,是一件特殊幸福的事情。选择谷雨这个候鸟归来的季节说一说鸟,盼望更多的人可以爱鸟、护鸟,你情愿和我一起吗? Its a very happy thing to wake up every morning from the sweet song of birds. Choose Gu Yu, the season when migratory birds return, to talk about birds. I hope more people can love and protect birds. Would you like to join me? 6