GRE核心词汇词组整理今天小编给大家带来了GRE核心词汇词组,希望可以帮助到大家, 我们一起来,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE核心词汇词组:rip out ofrip out of 从中剥离释义If you rip something out of something, you tear the first thing out of the second.例句The priest ripped the beating heart out of the sacrificial victim.GREOther theorists propose that the Moon was ripped out of the Earths rocky mantle by the Earths collision with another large celestial body after much of the Earths iron fell to its core.其他理论家指出月球是因为地球与其他星体的撞击而剥离出来的,在这之前地球的铁元素已经沉积在地核中。GRE核心词汇词组:to some degreeto some degree 一定程度上释义You use expressions such as to some degree, to a large degree, or to a certain degree in order to indicate that something is partly true, but not entirely true.例句Energized to some degree by persistently favorable coverage on Fox News (and perhaps equally energized by less sympathetic treatment in what the Tea Party heroine Sarah Palin has dubbed “the lamestream media”), Tea Party activists rapidly shook up American politics and contributed to the wave of anti-big-government sentiment that made the 2010 elections a significant Democratic defeat.GREHardy was to some degree interested in exploring his characters psychologies, though impelled less by curiosity than by sympathy.哈迪在一定程度上热衷于剖析他笔下人物的心理状态,尽管这很大程度上源自于同情而非好奇。GRE核心词汇词组:no more likely to do thanno more likely to do than . 可能性不比大释义If one thing is no more likely to do something than the other, the former has less or equally likelihood to it, compared to the latter.例句Patients with severe chest pain were no more likely to be having a heart attack than patients with lesser pain.GREOral narratives are no more likely than are written narratives to provide a disinterested commentary on events or people.口头叙事在准确反映客观事件和人物方面不比文字叙事的可能性更大。GRE核心词汇词组:liberate fromliberate from 从中解放释义To liberate someone from something means to help them escape from it or overcome it, and lead a better way of life.例句After a prolonged campaign, the city was finally liberated from the enemy.GREFriedrich Engels, however, predicted that women would be liberated from the “social, legal, and economic subordination” of the family by technological developments that made possible the recruitment of “the whole female sex into public industry.”但是Friedrich Engels却预测技术进步会将女性从家庭的“社会、法律以及经济附属地位”中解放出来,这种进步使得“全体女性进入大众工业”成为可能。GRE核心词汇词组:red herringred herring 分散注意力的东西释义If you say that something is a red herring, you mean that it is not important and it takes your attention away from the main subject or problem you are considering.例句The politicians often put out such red herrings to avoid the poverty issues.GREAs for the left-eyed and right-eyed flatfish, their difference, however striking, appears to be an evolutionary red herring.至于比目鱼究竟是朝左还是朝右,不论其区别有多么令人吃惊,似乎仅仅是进化史上无关紧要的东西。GRE核心词汇词组整理相关文章:1.四战托福心得分享GRE填空全面解析SE3大出题套路 GRE填空等价不止考同义词 ,名师全面解析SE3大出题套路,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏 GRE背单词记不住怎么办 GRE背单词记不住怎么办?请从记忆态度和方法上找原因,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一 agreatdeal和agreatmany的区别 a great deal 和 a great many的区别,你值得拥有!今天小编给大家带来了a great deal GRE词汇之常见词根词缀整合 小编给大家带来了GRE词汇之常见词根词缀,一起来学习,下面小编就和大家分享, 第 5 页 共 5 页